Beware of Louisiana while traveling, especially when carring a weapon in your car.
Welcome to Shreveport: Your rights are now suspended.
Over two months ago, the National Association for Gun Rights first broke this incredible tale out of Shreveport, Louisiana.
At the time, no other gun rights organization had touched the story. But when we tracked down the victim for an interview, we couldn't believe what we heard, and we immediately sent out a nationwide alert.
The story went viral overnight.
If this tale of government abuse moves you, send it to a friend or family member to get the word out.
According to Cedric Glover, mayor of Shreveport, Louisiana, his cops "have a power that [. . .] the President of these Unites States does not have": His cops can take away your rights.
And would you like to guess which rights he has in mind?
Just ask Shreveport resident Robert Baillio, who got pulled over for having two pro-gun bumper stickers on the back of his truck -- and had his gun confiscated.
While the officer who pulled him over says Baillio failed to use his turn signal, the only questions he had for Baillio concerned guns: Whether he had a gun, where the gun was, and if he was a member of a pro-gun organization. No requests for a driver's licence, proof of insurance, or vehicle registration -- and no discussion of a turn signal.
Accordingly, Baillio told the officer the truth, which led the police officer to search his car without permission and confiscate his gun.
However, not only does Louisiana law allow resident to drive with loaded weapons in their vehicles, but Mr. Baillio possessed a concealed carry license!
What does such behavior demonstrate, other than transparent political profiling -- going so far as to use the infamous Department of Homeland Security report on "Americans of a rightwing persuasion" as a how-to guidebook, no less?
Mr. Baillio made no secret of his political affiliations: An American flag centers a wide flourish of pro-freedom stickers and decals on his back windshield.
In fact, when Baillio asked the officer if everyone he pulls over gets the same treatment, the officer said no and pointed to the back of his truck.
Baillio phoned Mayor Glover to complain about this "suspension of rights" only to find that his city's morbidly obese "commander in chief" was elated at the story: According to Glover, Baillio got "served well, protected well, and even got a consideration that maybe [he] should not have gotten."
Thankfully, Mr. Baillio recorded a good bit of that phone call. You can watch a video with the transcriptions here. I've reproduced a chunk of the call below:
Baillio: (in the context of being asked about the presence of a gun) Well, I answered that question honestly, and he disarmed me.
Glover: Which would be an appropriate and proper action, sir. The fact that you gave the correct answer -- it simply means that you did what it is you were supposed to have done, and that is to give that weapon to the police officer so he could appropriately place it in a place where it would not be a threat to you, to him, or to anyone in the general public.
[. . .]
Glover: My direction to you is that, had you chosen not to properly identify the fact that you had a weapon and directed that officer to where that weapon was located; had you been taken from the vehicle, and the officer, in the interest of his safety, chose to secure you in a safe position, and then looked, found, and determined that you did, in fact, have a weapon...then, sir, you would have faced additional, [inaudible], and more severe criminal sanctions.
Baillio: So what you're saying is: I give up all my rights to keep and bear arms if I'm stopped by the police: Is that correct?
Glover: Sir, you have no right, when you have been pulled over by a police officer for a potential criminal offense [which would be what?! - DB] to stand there with your weapon at your side in your hand [Baillio's weapon was nowhere near his side or his hand, and Glover knew that. -- DB] because of your second amendment rights, sir. That does not mean at that point your second amendment right has been taken away; it means at that particular point in time, it has been suspended.
Will Grigg from ProLibertate, an excellent freedom blog, has this to say:
According to Glover, a police officer may properly disarm any civilian at any time, and the civilian's duty is to surrender his gun -- willingly, readily, cheerfully, without cavil or question.
From Glover's perspective, it is only when firearms are in the hands of people other than the state's uniformed enforcers/oppressors that they constitute a threat, not only to the public and those in charge of exercising official violence but also to the private gun owner himself.
NAGR spoke with Mr. Baillio, and he told us that he's in the process of securing the official procedures and codes for firearm handling and private property confiscation for the Shreveport police department.
So far, the city has been half-heartedly cooperating with him.
"I felt sick," Baillio told NAGR. "My uncles didn't die for this country so I could surrender my rights like a wimp. I felt terrible. I was just thinking of all that my family has done for freedom in this nation -- including dying -- and here they are disarming me at a traffic stop."
What to do?
Read Luke's commentary here, and participate in the discussion by leaving a comment.
Send this around. This kind of behavior cannot go unchecked.
Call Mayor Glover's office to complain: (318) 673-5050.
I'll leave you with one last consideration. As a licensed firearms instructor in charge of a hundred different students every month, I'm often asked if citizens should voluntarily inform police officers of the presence of a firearm during a routine traffic stop.
While different states have different laws, my answer for Colorado citizens is an emphatic "No": Colorado law doesn't require you to volunteer that kind of information, and this case in Louisiana proves why, if at all possible, you should never invite trouble by doing so.
For Liberty,
Dudley Brown
Executive Director
P.S. NAGR maintains a gun rights blog that our members use to keep abreast of current gun rights developments.
Whether the news is coming down from Congress, the states, the ATF, Michael Bloomberg, Eric Holder, or even this particular autocratic city official, Luke will keep you ahead of the game and up to speed on the battle for your gun rights.
To visit the blog, click here or point your browser to
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
St. Charles Missouri Tea Party
Mark your calendars for st. charles tea party - "We the People" Life, Liberty, and Justice (Chesterfield, MO) -
Friday, September 25, 2009
Food doesn't come from the store
Food doesn't come from the store.
"...There is no reason to just sit down and give up during the extremes of a temporary disaster situation...."
by Cody Alderson
Wherever we live, we already have what we need to survive in that particular geographical location. Whether we live in mansions or recreational vehicles, we keep a supply of what we need to survive at the home. We also have pipes and wires coming into the home to supply a need, and pipes going out of the home to get rid of our waste. Most of us have curbside pickup of our trash. Life is good!
Surviving a couple of days snowed in is usually just a minor inconvenience, even if the power and heat are off due to problems with the supply grid. A minor inconvenience, because we have plenty of blankets, food to eat, probably some candles and a couple of flashlights, and maybe even a kerosene heater or a fireplace. That minor inconvenience may turn into a dangerous situation if we were prepared enough to survive a couple of snow days in Pennsylvania, but are actually having to survive it in Coldfoot, Alaska.
In moderate climates such as where I live in Southwestern Pennsylvania, it is easy to become negligent about the simplest preparations that have us equipped to survive an extreme of climate since we do not often experience extremes of climate. Statistics demonstrate that more people die of hypothermia in moderate climates than in climates where extremely low temperatures are expected as the normal routine of winter weather.
We don't experience arctic conditions very often where I live so routine preparations to survive those conditions aren't carried out by much of the population either. People who live in areas routinely struck by tornadoes prepare for tornadoes. We don't have very many tornadoes in Pennsylvania either so finding underground shelters dug for protection from tornadoes is unlikely. People adapt to their environments in ways that could be dangerous if the environment should suddenly change.
On any typical day here in Pennsylvania I can leave the house with no more preparation than an average winter coat (even on the coldest days), get in my vehicle, go shopping at the twenty-four hour Walmart, get gas at the always-open gas station which is also a convenience store, and stop by Wendy's for a burger at least until one in the morning. I know that Walmart is closed on Christmas Day so I'll make sure that I don't need a prescription filled on that day, or be out of tea, coffee, milk, and other sundries. But even if I am out of some medicine, I will be okay waiting until Walmart opens up again the day after Christmas so they can refill my prescriptions. That being said, I have become adapted to the current conditions of my environment without regard to the possibility of the environment suddenly becoming extreme.
Fortunately I do not put all of my faith into nature keeping my environment within limits that are acceptable to me, nor am I ignorant of the possibility of man-made severe changes to my environment occurring at any moment. Though I have given thought to the wildest possible scenarios that could be thrown at me by man or nature, I only prepare for the ones that are probable based on my current geographical location, taking into account the social and political climate along with knowledge of the weather.
It is far more prudent to have a primary, secondary, and tertiary plan in place for probable scenarios than to prepare for the wildest conjuring of a vivid imagination. A man or woman who has a million rounds of ammunition buried in secret and strategic locations would be better served to have a redundant source of heat here in Pennsylvania. Conversely, a redundant source of heat would be of no use to a man or woman living in a climate that never drops below 80 degrees Fahrenheit, but who is constantly under threat of armed attack.
I teach people to prepare for what is most likely to happen to them based on their current location and operational scenario, and to leave the End-Of-The-World preparations to those who are much more extreme than I am. After all, even having a nuclear bomb shelter won't do a fellow any good if it goes off while he is sitting on the toilet in the upstairs bathroom of his house. In other words, it is certain that even the best of us won't get out of this life alive. As it is often said, "Ya gotta go sometime," and the best we can do is to just do our personal best to survive a temporary harshness, then get on with rebuilding what may have been lost during the harshness.
There is no reason to just sit down and give up during the extremes of a temporary disaster situation. If a nuclear power plant is melting down, get away from it. If a hurricane is coming to your town, don't be there. If tornadoes like to sneak up on you, have an early warning system and get in the pre made shelter when the tornado is coming. If there is a possibility of a train derailing and spilling 50,000 gallons of acid in your neighborhood, maybe have appropriate respirators for every member of your family. Have pets that you would die to protect in the same train scenario? Install a positive pressure filtration system in a room or vehicle for them, or buy the positive pressure filtration containers which are sized for your pets.
Oh, that last one is key to all of this. It really screams of preplanning in education, materials, and installation. It's tough to fit pets with a respirator. There are some bag-like structures for individual pets. They use a battery powered blower that blows air through an appropriate filter into the bag so the pet can breathe. Usually the bags are big enough to fit over a pet crate that confines the pet. If a disaster that will affect air quality is on the list of probable disasters for a family who has pets that they are not willing to just let die, then a method to keep the pets from suffocating during evacuation should be considered a priority.
Positive pressure systems can be used in rooms and vehicles as well. The blower is big enough, and the filter has enough capacity to handle the volume of contaminated air blowing through it to keep the air pressure in the room or vehicle higher than the air pressure outside. This way treated air is always trying to get out any cracks, leaks, or crevices, which makes it so no contaminated air can creep in.
Saying that type of system is the key to all of this Bug Out stuff is not saying that it is the most needed or even needed at all. It is just pointing out that both PLANNING and PREPARATION is what makes disaster survival possible and training makes it more probable. Some things are not survivable. The human body can only endure so much trauma. Being blown to bits by a gas explosion caused by a ruptured main supply line usually comes quick, and without warning. If my body is in a hundred pieces, I'm not going to need my Bug Out Bag, but the rest of my family who may survive should have survival items ready to go for rapid evacuation.
I will need it for things like a dirty bomb going off in nearby Pittsburgh, or an accident at one of the chemical plants at each end of this valley I live in. Possibly the dam upriver may give way, or maybe one of the trains that go through town every couple of hours might one day be carrying something toxic and may spill. I watched a downdraft start to force a black swirling cloud toward the ground last summer while I was coming home from the post office during a storm. It started to rotate then lost momentum and faded away. Tornadoes aren't common here, but one that hit Kennywood Park in Pittsburgh a few years ago was a killer.
I pack bags based on possibilities. I have more than one survival bag. There is one that I take to work every day that has in it an MRE, something to raise my blood glucose level (I'm an Insulin Dependant Diabetic), a lighting tool, extra test strips, insulin, infusion set supplies (for my insulin pump) batteries, cell phone charger, first-aid supplies, a handheld radio programmed with FRS/GMRS and NOAA Weather Alert frequencies and functions. One can also usually find in that bag the current issue of Concealed Carry Magazine and a book I am reading.
At home things are different. I have in my home all that I need to survive. I have clothing, shelter, climate control, water, food, methods for making light, fire making supplies or fire replacements (electric stove, microwave), medical supplies, means of personal hygiene, a place to relieve myself of biological waste, companionship, means of defense, tools for building, repairing, and maintaining, necessary fuels, as well as an abundant supply of entertainment and educational materials. Just about everywhere I go, I have access to most of these same things. Going out just about anywhere that human beings commonly go in public, I have access to light, a place to relieve the biological waste, a water fountain, and a controlled climate.
We are programmed to have the necessary amenities for ourselves as well as provide them for our guests or customers. Conditions are variable depending on personal circumstance, but most of us in the lower forty-eight states enjoy more of a lifestyle of ease than one of having to continually be in a mode of trying to just survive. And although we Americans are resilient, we can get a little too reliant on the 'grid' that supports our daily comforts. My wife and I were present in a little sampling of chaos the day before these words were written.
The power went off in the main business district, and no transactions could be made at the stores and gas stations since everything that supported making sales easier ran on electricity. People were upset that the normal flow of daily life was interrupted. They wanted what they came to get, and they wanted it now. They were on a schedule and the interruption of the normal flow of their lives was disconcerting to say the least. As the lines got longer at the checkouts the emotions began to get a little charged. People didn't want to wait. The body language and facial expressions had me wondering how some of them would react during a real emergency.
Most peoples only source for the things that they need are the stores and the gas stations. We are slaves to our thriving economy. I work for money to buy what I need, and do not have the resources to grow or hunt for my family's own food supply here where I live. I need to buy stuff, and hopefully keep enough on hand to survive a protracted emergency. It also doesn't take a highly imaginative person to think if it got so bad that the 'getting of things' may involve some folks trying to take it from us, but for most of us experiencing a disaster situations, that will not occur. Most people try to help, but it does depend on where one lives.
The same thing happened with a temporary power outage last summer when I went into a convenience store for coffee. I had exact change for my coffee, and the clerk was still hesitant to sell it to me. She had a difficult time reverting to an earlier method of doing something because she had no frame of reference for it. The electronic cash register told her everything she needed to know about the coffee. It told her the price, the tax, and how much change to give depending on what amount of money the customer tendered.
Ah, another point made. The old-timers reading this will think how easy it is to get through things if a person would only do this or that. The problem is that the old-timers already have a point of reference of how to complete a task a different way with a different tool. Many younger folks do not have that experience. In the stores of today everything has a barcode on it that is read by an electrically powered scanner. When I was a child, there was a price sticker on everything, and some of the stores still had cash registers that worked with a hand crank instead of being plugged into an electrical outlet. Clerks could also give change without having to see what to give on a screen.
We have modernized to support the massive amount of people who need to get their needs supplied every day using less staff to do it. The scanners make it faster to get through a checkout line. Shut off the electricity, and the clerk won't even be able to tell you how much that can of soup is unless they send someone back to check the tag on the shelf. And with computer controlled inventory where every item being sold will be replaced on an automatic reordering system, the whole store would go into chaos if the staff would sell stuff while the electricity was off using paper and pencil. But that actually would only happen if the customers were carrying cash. Many of us no longer carry cash; we use debit or credit cards instead. They are worthless without electricity.
The simple act of never letting the fuel tank on one's main evacuation vehicle get below a half tank is an important step in disaster preparedness. Most disasters knock out power. Even if a person has a wad of cash in his or her pocket, and even if the clerk was willing to make a cash sale without the register working, there still won't be any gas purchased with no electricity to the gas pump. I live in an area that has a tame climate, and have been unable to make transactions for goods several times a year due to power outages.
Some folks who have a generator and kerosene heaters for emergencies won't bother to use a fuel stabilizer so they can store fuel longer, due to the inconvenience. They rely on being able to drive to an area where the grid is still functioning in order to get fuel for their backup power generator and redundant heat source. Good luck with that if you are can't leave home because of the disaster. A simple five gallon can of gas that routinely gets dumped into the gas tank of a vehicle and refilled with fresh fuel doesn't really have an extra cost to it beyond owning the container. Gas goes in the tank of the vehicle anyway, so filling the gas can, emptying it into the fuel tank of the vehicle, and refilling the can with fresh fuel on a regular basis is just a matter of time and effort to have fresh fuel on hand for a gas powered backup generator.
So what conclusions can be drawn from this segment so far?
Savvy planning and preparations rely more on the person wanting to
be prepared than money.
It's tough to revert to an old way of doing something without a point
of reference of how it used to be done.
Even though we are resilient, we rely on the grid too much.
Prepare for what is most likely to happen in your geographical
area, and leave doomsday to Hollywood and that weird guy who
lives in the woods.
Plastic money needs electricity. Cash doesn't.
Plans need at least a small element of routine work to maintain
Our home is the Ultimate Bug-Out-Bag but tough to carry on our back.
"...There is no reason to just sit down and give up during the extremes of a temporary disaster situation...."
by Cody Alderson
Wherever we live, we already have what we need to survive in that particular geographical location. Whether we live in mansions or recreational vehicles, we keep a supply of what we need to survive at the home. We also have pipes and wires coming into the home to supply a need, and pipes going out of the home to get rid of our waste. Most of us have curbside pickup of our trash. Life is good!
Surviving a couple of days snowed in is usually just a minor inconvenience, even if the power and heat are off due to problems with the supply grid. A minor inconvenience, because we have plenty of blankets, food to eat, probably some candles and a couple of flashlights, and maybe even a kerosene heater or a fireplace. That minor inconvenience may turn into a dangerous situation if we were prepared enough to survive a couple of snow days in Pennsylvania, but are actually having to survive it in Coldfoot, Alaska.
In moderate climates such as where I live in Southwestern Pennsylvania, it is easy to become negligent about the simplest preparations that have us equipped to survive an extreme of climate since we do not often experience extremes of climate. Statistics demonstrate that more people die of hypothermia in moderate climates than in climates where extremely low temperatures are expected as the normal routine of winter weather.
We don't experience arctic conditions very often where I live so routine preparations to survive those conditions aren't carried out by much of the population either. People who live in areas routinely struck by tornadoes prepare for tornadoes. We don't have very many tornadoes in Pennsylvania either so finding underground shelters dug for protection from tornadoes is unlikely. People adapt to their environments in ways that could be dangerous if the environment should suddenly change.
On any typical day here in Pennsylvania I can leave the house with no more preparation than an average winter coat (even on the coldest days), get in my vehicle, go shopping at the twenty-four hour Walmart, get gas at the always-open gas station which is also a convenience store, and stop by Wendy's for a burger at least until one in the morning. I know that Walmart is closed on Christmas Day so I'll make sure that I don't need a prescription filled on that day, or be out of tea, coffee, milk, and other sundries. But even if I am out of some medicine, I will be okay waiting until Walmart opens up again the day after Christmas so they can refill my prescriptions. That being said, I have become adapted to the current conditions of my environment without regard to the possibility of the environment suddenly becoming extreme.
Fortunately I do not put all of my faith into nature keeping my environment within limits that are acceptable to me, nor am I ignorant of the possibility of man-made severe changes to my environment occurring at any moment. Though I have given thought to the wildest possible scenarios that could be thrown at me by man or nature, I only prepare for the ones that are probable based on my current geographical location, taking into account the social and political climate along with knowledge of the weather.
It is far more prudent to have a primary, secondary, and tertiary plan in place for probable scenarios than to prepare for the wildest conjuring of a vivid imagination. A man or woman who has a million rounds of ammunition buried in secret and strategic locations would be better served to have a redundant source of heat here in Pennsylvania. Conversely, a redundant source of heat would be of no use to a man or woman living in a climate that never drops below 80 degrees Fahrenheit, but who is constantly under threat of armed attack.
I teach people to prepare for what is most likely to happen to them based on their current location and operational scenario, and to leave the End-Of-The-World preparations to those who are much more extreme than I am. After all, even having a nuclear bomb shelter won't do a fellow any good if it goes off while he is sitting on the toilet in the upstairs bathroom of his house. In other words, it is certain that even the best of us won't get out of this life alive. As it is often said, "Ya gotta go sometime," and the best we can do is to just do our personal best to survive a temporary harshness, then get on with rebuilding what may have been lost during the harshness.
There is no reason to just sit down and give up during the extremes of a temporary disaster situation. If a nuclear power plant is melting down, get away from it. If a hurricane is coming to your town, don't be there. If tornadoes like to sneak up on you, have an early warning system and get in the pre made shelter when the tornado is coming. If there is a possibility of a train derailing and spilling 50,000 gallons of acid in your neighborhood, maybe have appropriate respirators for every member of your family. Have pets that you would die to protect in the same train scenario? Install a positive pressure filtration system in a room or vehicle for them, or buy the positive pressure filtration containers which are sized for your pets.
Oh, that last one is key to all of this. It really screams of preplanning in education, materials, and installation. It's tough to fit pets with a respirator. There are some bag-like structures for individual pets. They use a battery powered blower that blows air through an appropriate filter into the bag so the pet can breathe. Usually the bags are big enough to fit over a pet crate that confines the pet. If a disaster that will affect air quality is on the list of probable disasters for a family who has pets that they are not willing to just let die, then a method to keep the pets from suffocating during evacuation should be considered a priority.
Positive pressure systems can be used in rooms and vehicles as well. The blower is big enough, and the filter has enough capacity to handle the volume of contaminated air blowing through it to keep the air pressure in the room or vehicle higher than the air pressure outside. This way treated air is always trying to get out any cracks, leaks, or crevices, which makes it so no contaminated air can creep in.
Saying that type of system is the key to all of this Bug Out stuff is not saying that it is the most needed or even needed at all. It is just pointing out that both PLANNING and PREPARATION is what makes disaster survival possible and training makes it more probable. Some things are not survivable. The human body can only endure so much trauma. Being blown to bits by a gas explosion caused by a ruptured main supply line usually comes quick, and without warning. If my body is in a hundred pieces, I'm not going to need my Bug Out Bag, but the rest of my family who may survive should have survival items ready to go for rapid evacuation.
I will need it for things like a dirty bomb going off in nearby Pittsburgh, or an accident at one of the chemical plants at each end of this valley I live in. Possibly the dam upriver may give way, or maybe one of the trains that go through town every couple of hours might one day be carrying something toxic and may spill. I watched a downdraft start to force a black swirling cloud toward the ground last summer while I was coming home from the post office during a storm. It started to rotate then lost momentum and faded away. Tornadoes aren't common here, but one that hit Kennywood Park in Pittsburgh a few years ago was a killer.
I pack bags based on possibilities. I have more than one survival bag. There is one that I take to work every day that has in it an MRE, something to raise my blood glucose level (I'm an Insulin Dependant Diabetic), a lighting tool, extra test strips, insulin, infusion set supplies (for my insulin pump) batteries, cell phone charger, first-aid supplies, a handheld radio programmed with FRS/GMRS and NOAA Weather Alert frequencies and functions. One can also usually find in that bag the current issue of Concealed Carry Magazine and a book I am reading.
At home things are different. I have in my home all that I need to survive. I have clothing, shelter, climate control, water, food, methods for making light, fire making supplies or fire replacements (electric stove, microwave), medical supplies, means of personal hygiene, a place to relieve myself of biological waste, companionship, means of defense, tools for building, repairing, and maintaining, necessary fuels, as well as an abundant supply of entertainment and educational materials. Just about everywhere I go, I have access to most of these same things. Going out just about anywhere that human beings commonly go in public, I have access to light, a place to relieve the biological waste, a water fountain, and a controlled climate.
We are programmed to have the necessary amenities for ourselves as well as provide them for our guests or customers. Conditions are variable depending on personal circumstance, but most of us in the lower forty-eight states enjoy more of a lifestyle of ease than one of having to continually be in a mode of trying to just survive. And although we Americans are resilient, we can get a little too reliant on the 'grid' that supports our daily comforts. My wife and I were present in a little sampling of chaos the day before these words were written.
The power went off in the main business district, and no transactions could be made at the stores and gas stations since everything that supported making sales easier ran on electricity. People were upset that the normal flow of daily life was interrupted. They wanted what they came to get, and they wanted it now. They were on a schedule and the interruption of the normal flow of their lives was disconcerting to say the least. As the lines got longer at the checkouts the emotions began to get a little charged. People didn't want to wait. The body language and facial expressions had me wondering how some of them would react during a real emergency.
Most peoples only source for the things that they need are the stores and the gas stations. We are slaves to our thriving economy. I work for money to buy what I need, and do not have the resources to grow or hunt for my family's own food supply here where I live. I need to buy stuff, and hopefully keep enough on hand to survive a protracted emergency. It also doesn't take a highly imaginative person to think if it got so bad that the 'getting of things' may involve some folks trying to take it from us, but for most of us experiencing a disaster situations, that will not occur. Most people try to help, but it does depend on where one lives.
The same thing happened with a temporary power outage last summer when I went into a convenience store for coffee. I had exact change for my coffee, and the clerk was still hesitant to sell it to me. She had a difficult time reverting to an earlier method of doing something because she had no frame of reference for it. The electronic cash register told her everything she needed to know about the coffee. It told her the price, the tax, and how much change to give depending on what amount of money the customer tendered.
Ah, another point made. The old-timers reading this will think how easy it is to get through things if a person would only do this or that. The problem is that the old-timers already have a point of reference of how to complete a task a different way with a different tool. Many younger folks do not have that experience. In the stores of today everything has a barcode on it that is read by an electrically powered scanner. When I was a child, there was a price sticker on everything, and some of the stores still had cash registers that worked with a hand crank instead of being plugged into an electrical outlet. Clerks could also give change without having to see what to give on a screen.
We have modernized to support the massive amount of people who need to get their needs supplied every day using less staff to do it. The scanners make it faster to get through a checkout line. Shut off the electricity, and the clerk won't even be able to tell you how much that can of soup is unless they send someone back to check the tag on the shelf. And with computer controlled inventory where every item being sold will be replaced on an automatic reordering system, the whole store would go into chaos if the staff would sell stuff while the electricity was off using paper and pencil. But that actually would only happen if the customers were carrying cash. Many of us no longer carry cash; we use debit or credit cards instead. They are worthless without electricity.
The simple act of never letting the fuel tank on one's main evacuation vehicle get below a half tank is an important step in disaster preparedness. Most disasters knock out power. Even if a person has a wad of cash in his or her pocket, and even if the clerk was willing to make a cash sale without the register working, there still won't be any gas purchased with no electricity to the gas pump. I live in an area that has a tame climate, and have been unable to make transactions for goods several times a year due to power outages.
Some folks who have a generator and kerosene heaters for emergencies won't bother to use a fuel stabilizer so they can store fuel longer, due to the inconvenience. They rely on being able to drive to an area where the grid is still functioning in order to get fuel for their backup power generator and redundant heat source. Good luck with that if you are can't leave home because of the disaster. A simple five gallon can of gas that routinely gets dumped into the gas tank of a vehicle and refilled with fresh fuel doesn't really have an extra cost to it beyond owning the container. Gas goes in the tank of the vehicle anyway, so filling the gas can, emptying it into the fuel tank of the vehicle, and refilling the can with fresh fuel on a regular basis is just a matter of time and effort to have fresh fuel on hand for a gas powered backup generator.
So what conclusions can be drawn from this segment so far?
Savvy planning and preparations rely more on the person wanting to
be prepared than money.
It's tough to revert to an old way of doing something without a point
of reference of how it used to be done.
Even though we are resilient, we rely on the grid too much.
Prepare for what is most likely to happen in your geographical
area, and leave doomsday to Hollywood and that weird guy who
lives in the woods.
Plastic money needs electricity. Cash doesn't.
Plans need at least a small element of routine work to maintain
Our home is the Ultimate Bug-Out-Bag but tough to carry on our back.
taken inside Congress
This is worth every MINUTE (Only about 3) to watch!
ND IT ONLY HAS HAD 24,048 views
It was taken inside Congress.
Mission: Get Tactical

Mission: Get TacticalIntelligence:
In the animal kingdom, creatures adapt to their environment. Permutations of organisms arise to serve distinct and specific purposes. So it is, in the firearms world as well. Differing applications call for specialized firearms. A derringer might be great for the purse, but for precision shots at great distances, we enter the realm of the sniper rifle. This term is thrown around in the media as loosely as “high powered rifle”, but it is seldom fully understood by those reporting.
The true sniper rifle is a highly tuned, accurate, long range firearm, but in and of itself, it is just a static tool, albeit a very precise one. The world of the sniper is very complicated. Fluctuating variables must be taken into account: windspeed, trajectory, elevation, bullet grain, breath control, trigger squeeze and camouflage, to name a few. In military and law enforcement circles, sniping has evolved into a very specialized science.
Why is it called “sniping” in the first place? The term refers actually to a bird, the snipe, which was exceedingly difficult to hunt, find and shoot. Only a select few hunters even bothered with it, mostly for the bragging rights of saying they got one. The first use of the word “sniper” is credited to the original colonial American snipe hunters who outfitted their muskets with a rare and new invention from the well known statesman, inventor, and constant tinkerer Benjamin Franklin, who created an early rifle scope that consisted of two convex lenses held inside a long tube of tightly wrapped and hard-shrunk pigskin. To create the first reticle, Franklin burned a crosshairs into the glass using acid. It is said that the snipe hunters with their specialized muskets were so accurate that they were sought out by the colonists specifically to shoot British officers in field during the revolutionary war.
Sniping was not a widespread concept until World War I, when the Germans deployed hunting rifles with telescopic sights against the British. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. So the British took up Aldis, Winchester and Periscopic Prism Co. sights and tasked gunsmiths to affix them to regulation SMLE Mk III rifles, which previously had no scope mounts. Toward the end of the war, both the British and the Germans were deploying their sniper rifles with stiffer, heavier barrels that increased accuracy.
Unlike range competitions, military use of a rifle dictates that the rifle must be rugged, because it will inevitably get knocked around on the battlefield. For this reason, military sniper rifles often sacrifice a little bit of accuracy for the sake of durability. For instance, typical WW II sniper rifles were nothing more than hand-picked standard issue infantry rifles which were known to shoot well, and were then outfitted with two to three power scopes and custom cheek rests. Sometimes the bolt handle would be bent downward so that it wouldn’t interfere with the scope when working the action, but that was about it. Snipers proved so useful in that war, however, that toward its end, all sides had specially trained soldiers with specially equipped rifles.
sniper rifles fall into two distinct categories: military and law enforcement. As mentioned earlier, military sniper rifles sacrifice some degree of accuracy in order to obtain very high degrees of sturdiness, reliability and repairability under the chaos that is the “fog of war”. You can have such a tricked-out, specialized and accurized rifle that Aries the Greek God of War would be proud, but if it breaks in combat, “you ain’t doin’ your platoon much good.” As an Army vet myself, I can tell you about a saying we used to have: K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid.) The less you give Murphy to work with, the less that can go wrong. In addition, the military sniper is often required to carry or drag his rifle and equipment for long distances, making weight an important variable not to be overlooked. Lastly, much like businesses, military platoons have an operating budget, which heavily influences the kind and quality of sniper rifle and scope that the platoon has to work with. The US Army has its own sniper school, and the guys generally chosen to attend it are either natural sharp shooters or old-school hunting types that for whatever reason happened to sign up for service. Often, these guys spent their youth roaming hills and wood lines on the deer stalk, or going after running rabbits and squirrels to put food on the family’s table. If they didn’t shoot, they didn’t eat. This latter ethos gave rise to the likes of legendary Vietnam sniper Carlos Hathcock.
law enforcement snipers generally train for greater accuracy than their military counterparts, but at shorter ranges. There have been instances of police snipers actually shooting the gun out of the bad guy’s hand in hostage situations, there by ending the confrontation without anyone getting hurt. Some of the earliest examples of need for police sniper rifles arose among the West German Polizei (police) after the PLO hostage tragedy at the 1972 Olympics in Munich. The H&K PSG1 is one example of the kind of rifle that was specifically designed to meet this need, as was the FN Special Police Rifle.
inherently, one of the most fundamental elements of a sniper rifle is the scope. On a sniper rifle, the scope is long, telescopic and powerful, as opposed to the scopes found on assault rifles and submachine guns. The telescopic scope allows the sniper to see further and shoot much more accurately. The scope on a sniper rifle is generally greater than four power, but can go as high as 40 power. Two power means the image is two times closer through the scope. The lens is objective, and usually 40 – 50 mm in diameter, so it can let a lot of light in and through. In addition, some sniper scopes have specialized reticles to account for bullet drop and windage. Some even have illuminated reticles. There are night vision “Starlight” scopes as well, which became prevalent in the waning days of the Vietnam war. A Starlight scope can be used in conjunction with an infrared laser sight, which cannot be seen with the naked eye.
during WW I, when the concept of sniper rifles started gaining popularity, all rifles were bolt action. Today, however, the type of action is generally determined by the sniper’s intended purpose within his military organization. Bolt actions are cheaper to build, in general more reliable, and are easier to maintain, due to less moving parts. Semi-autos offer a greater volume of fire, and are better suited to engaging multiple targets. Regular Army and law enforcement outfits usually use bolt action in their sniper rifles. Semi-autos are used almost extensively by the Special Forces and Navy Seals. Barrels of sniper rifles are considerably longer than assault rifle barrels and hunting rifle barrels. It is not uncommon for a sniper to have a 24-30 inch barrel. This it by design, so that there is more rifling available to the bullet, since twisting stabilized a bullet’s flight. This is also to increase the amount of pressure that builds within the barrel while propelling the bullet down it. Sometimes, a tactical sniper rifle will have a fluted barrel. This is where grooves are carved into the barrel lengthwise. What this does is increase surface area and aid in cooling, all while decreasing weight.
the stocks of sniper rifles are considerably more adjustable than a normal rifle, since the more the sniper can get the gun to feel like a natural extension of his own body, the better his shot will be. It is for that reason that you sometimes see adjustable cheek welds and pads on sniper rifle stocks. Some sniper rifle stocks even have adjustable lengths and butt pads. Some tactical sniper rifle stocks even have thumb-holes. Most sniper rifles are designed to be fired from the prone position, and many will have some form of bipod attached. The steadier you can make the shooting platform, the more accurate the shot. In the interest of keeping the shot steady, many sniper rifles will feature stocks that do not touch the actual barrel. This is known in tactical jargon as “floating the barrel”. The reason this is done is that even vibrations too subtle for the shooter to notice can have considerable effect on bullet placement. The less contact the stock has with the barrel, the better. Going along with the stock, some sniper rifles will have a tactical sling on them. Sure, you can carry the rifle with the sling, but more importantly the sling itself serves as a stabilization tool, where the sniper will “lock” his arm into the sling so that it aids the stability of the rifle when standing, sitting or kneeling. You’ve likely seen guys do this at the range, or maybe in the movies. Legendary sniper Carlos Hathcock was said to have been very accurate locking into the sling with his arm while sitting “Indian style” with his knees up.When it comes to cartridge loads, the military prefers rifles chambers in 7.62mm (.30 inch), such as 7.62x51mm and 7.62x54mm, which shoot in the 800 – 1,000 meter range. Toward the later 1990’s and early 2000’s, a new type of sniper rifle came into existence: the .50 BMG. Previously, this big round had only been used in the .50 caliber Browning Machine Gun (hence BMG), which was almost exclusively vehicle mounted. When this round is used in a bolt-action or semi-auto sniper rifle, depending on the barrel, range was dramatically increased to 1,500 – 2000 meters. Other long reaching rounds include the .338 Lapua Magnum and the 14.5x114mm. The extended range offered by these rounds afforded the sniper further distance from his target, and such being, less reliance on fieldcraft.
fieldcraft is the catch-all category that refers to the sniper’s ability to use cover, concealment, and camouflage to blend into his surroundings, as well as tactical movement and wilderness survival. In some cases, there could be a sniper right in front of you, and you wouldn’t even know it. That would be one example of excellent fieldcraft.
one of the fieldcraft techniques that snipers rely on heavily is camouflage. There are certain elements that must be remembered when preparing tactical camouflage: movement, outline, color and pattern. The key in slipping undetected past humans and animals is outline and movement. A throwback to our lesser evolved ancestors, the movement issue is key. Without conscious thought, just as with the lower mammals, our eyes are tuned to immediately draw our attention to movement when trying to discern our surroundings. For that reason, military snipers practice movements such as low crawling very slowly, and moving very slowly and deliberately in general, while making use of shadows and backdrops. It is also best to break up the outline of something, so that it doesn’t look like its actual shape. Maybe you’ve seen the Bronco SUV’s favored by consummate hunter and outdoorsman / rocker Ted Nugent. The reason his Broncos are striped black and white is not to look like a zebra; it is actually to break up the outline of the truck and help it to blend in with the trees against the Michigan (where he lives) snow. The same impetus motivates snipers, who go a number of steps further to blend into their environment.
One technique employed by military snipers, and even some turkey hunters, is the ghillie suit. This term originated in the Highlands of Scotland, where a “ghillie” was a guy employed by a land owner to prevent poaching on his property, control predators, and generally monitor the health of the wildlife in the area. The ghillies wanted to blend in so that they could better catch the poachers. So they made suits out of jute, old rags, and straw, and then dyed the rag-suit the same colors as the foliage in the area. The idea worked so well that soon the ghillies became known among the nearby townsfolk as masters of disguise. The Lovat Scouts, a Scottish Highland regiment that was formed by the British Army during the Boer Wars, was the first known unit to wear ghillie suits into battle. So adept at camouflage, the Lovat Scouts eventually metamorphosed into Britain’s first sniper unit in 1916. The guillie suit is still used by snipers today, and is considered one of the best forms of camouflage in existence. Generally, a sniper will make his own ghillie suit out of an old pair of BDU’s (Battle Dress Uniforms), some netting, “Shoe Goo” shoe repair adhesive (curiously enough, sought after for ghillie suits because of it’s ability to stretch instead of break), and old burlap fabric and jute cord. The sniper will sometimes add padding, vents, and extra pockets to his ghillie suit, to make his low crawl more comfortable. Depending on the environment, snipers will insert bunches of plants, dirt and mud native to the region right into the netting of the suit.
In sniper think, the Holy Grail is the perfect shot, and a sniper is always pursuing that. The name of the game in sniper circles is Accuracy. The easiest way to explain the accuracy of a sniper rifle is to think of drawing a perfect circle around a group of shot holes in a target. Then measure the diameter of the circle. To determine how accurate a sniper rifle is, it is placed in a rest and fired in groups of five or three rounds. Then, the circles are measured and an average is taken. There is a thin line between good and poor, and that line is measured in a 1 MOA (Minute Of Angle) group. 1 MOA is a measure of the angle formed when the muzzle is at the top and the group of rounds is at the base. A 1 MOA grouping translates to a one inch group at 100 yards, a two inch group at 200 yards, and so on. So if you read that rifle brand and model X shoots at 1MOA, it means that that rifle is capable of shooting a group of five rounds within a three inch circle at 300 yards. If this sounds impressive, consider that, in many modern sniper rifles, it is possible to shoot 0.5 MOA or even 0.3 MOA, which means one inch groups at 300 yards, or 2 inch groups at 600 yards.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Chairman Steele Says Pro-Abortion Candidates "Absolutely" Welcomed by GOP

Chairman Steele Says Pro-Abortion Candidates "Absolutely" Welcomed by GOP
By Kathleen Gilbert
WASHINGTON, D.C., September 22, 2009 ( - Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele has again cast doubt on his professed loyalty to the pro-life movement by saying he "absolutely" believes there is room for a pro-abortion candidate in the GOP.
Steele gave the remarks during a brief interview with the Columbus Dispatch in a local restaurant Thursday after leading a Republican rally against President Obama's health care legislation.
Steele told the newspaper that a Republican candidate's view on legal protection for unborn children should reflect the views of their local constituencies. The GOP chair was then asked if there is room in the party for a pro-abortion candidate such as Steve Stivers of Ohio's 15th district, who is favored to win the Republican nomination next year.
"There absolutely is, there absolutely is," said Steele.
"The key thing right now - and I think this is true for Republicans across the country - is to have leadership that reflects the communities I live in, where we're from," he continued. "As we get ready for the battles that lie ahead from this district to all the districts surrounding the state, that you're going to find those candidates emerge and rise up who reflect those values in those communities, and that's a very important step for the party to take, I think, and I'm looking forward to help lead that charge in the future."
In response, Ohio Right to Life executive director Michael Gonadakis told the Dispatch: "I'm scratching my head, because I believe Republican candidates should reflect the views of the Republican platform."
According to his organization's survey, Gondakis noted that a majority of Ohioans are pro-life, even in the less conservative 15th district.
Though Steele has insisted that he is deeply pro-life, his comments on abortion appear largely guided by his stated priority of opening the party to a broader voter base - a tactic that has landed him on shaky ground with pro-life leadership.
In a March GQ interview, Steele called abortion an "individual choice" that should be decided by the states.
The remarks drew fire from organizations such as the Family Research Council and Americans United for Life, and prompting Indiana's Bishop Gerald Gettelfinger to protest Steele's presence at a Right to Life banquet in March.
While campaigning for the GOP chairmanship in January, Steele was also forced to retract statements he gave in a 2006 Meet the Press interview, in which he appeared to favor upholding Roe v. Wade.
By Kathleen Gilbert
WASHINGTON, D.C., September 22, 2009 ( - Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele has again cast doubt on his professed loyalty to the pro-life movement by saying he "absolutely" believes there is room for a pro-abortion candidate in the GOP.
Steele gave the remarks during a brief interview with the Columbus Dispatch in a local restaurant Thursday after leading a Republican rally against President Obama's health care legislation.
Steele told the newspaper that a Republican candidate's view on legal protection for unborn children should reflect the views of their local constituencies. The GOP chair was then asked if there is room in the party for a pro-abortion candidate such as Steve Stivers of Ohio's 15th district, who is favored to win the Republican nomination next year.
"There absolutely is, there absolutely is," said Steele.
"The key thing right now - and I think this is true for Republicans across the country - is to have leadership that reflects the communities I live in, where we're from," he continued. "As we get ready for the battles that lie ahead from this district to all the districts surrounding the state, that you're going to find those candidates emerge and rise up who reflect those values in those communities, and that's a very important step for the party to take, I think, and I'm looking forward to help lead that charge in the future."
In response, Ohio Right to Life executive director Michael Gonadakis told the Dispatch: "I'm scratching my head, because I believe Republican candidates should reflect the views of the Republican platform."
According to his organization's survey, Gondakis noted that a majority of Ohioans are pro-life, even in the less conservative 15th district.
Though Steele has insisted that he is deeply pro-life, his comments on abortion appear largely guided by his stated priority of opening the party to a broader voter base - a tactic that has landed him on shaky ground with pro-life leadership.
In a March GQ interview, Steele called abortion an "individual choice" that should be decided by the states.
The remarks drew fire from organizations such as the Family Research Council and Americans United for Life, and prompting Indiana's Bishop Gerald Gettelfinger to protest Steele's presence at a Right to Life banquet in March.
While campaigning for the GOP chairmanship in January, Steele was also forced to retract statements he gave in a 2006 Meet the Press interview, in which he appeared to favor upholding Roe v. Wade.
The social security COLA (cost of living adjustment).

For the first time in history, Congress will not allow an increase in The social security COLA (cost of living adjustment). In fact, The Henry J.. Kaiser Family Foundation predicts there may not be any COLA For the next three years. However, the per person monthly Medicare Insurance premium will be increased from the 2009 premium of $96.40 to $104.20 in 2010 and to $ 120.20 for the year 2011.
Let's send this to all senior that you know remind them not to vote For the incumbent senators and congressmen in the 2010 and the 2012 Elections.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
THERE'S ONLY ONE WAY to reload a semi-auto pistol
THERE'S ONLY ONE WAY... reload a semi-auto pistol...
by CR Williams
Keeping a semi-auto fed. It's been on my mind lately. I've been going over the three reloading techniques, one of which has two variations.
Something started to nag me, though. It took me a while to work out what. Here's the question that told me what was nagging me:
What is the similarity between each so-called technique of changing magazines in a semi-auto pistol?
I don't remember the answer taking a long time to form, but it did take some time: The same thing happens at the pistol. That is, you do the same thing with the magazine you're loading and with the pistol no matter what technique you're using to reload. You index the magazine you're loading, finger over the top round; hand finds hand; line the magazine up and SLAM it into positive lock; RACK the slide; get back into the fight.
It doesn't change, no matter what 'technique' or 'method' you're using.
If that doesn't change; if what you do to actually load the pistol is the same thing, then is it really three different methods (plus one variation), or one method with four variations?
What makes the variation? What you do with the magazine, whether empty or partially loaded, that comes out of the pistol.
If you drop it, it's a speed reload; if you catch the empty magazine and put it away somewhere, it's a reload with retention; if you pull the partially-empty mag, tuck it away, and load a full mag, it's one variation of the tactical reload; if you get the fully-loaded mag before you pull the partial mag out of the gun, it's another variation of the tactical reload.
Not too hard, when you think about it that way.
I realize that some will say that since you don't nromally run the slide when doing a tactical reload, it should be considered a separate technique. It's a legitimate point. I do note that I often run the slide even in tactical reloads because it's practiced more. I would bet that other people have the same kind of default. If that's true, then we have just the one technique with four variations.
This simplifies things for me considerably. I only have to really worry about getting that one IMPORTANT technique done under the stress of someone trying to kill me. As long as I do the main technique, what happens with the variations is not so important.
Maybe. Hard to tell when a small thing will become a large thing when the fight is on, I would say.
In the meantime, I offer here this simplification for you to consider and make use of if you want to. I hope it helps.
Live Large. reload a semi-auto pistol...
by CR Williams
Keeping a semi-auto fed. It's been on my mind lately. I've been going over the three reloading techniques, one of which has two variations.
Something started to nag me, though. It took me a while to work out what. Here's the question that told me what was nagging me:
What is the similarity between each so-called technique of changing magazines in a semi-auto pistol?
I don't remember the answer taking a long time to form, but it did take some time: The same thing happens at the pistol. That is, you do the same thing with the magazine you're loading and with the pistol no matter what technique you're using to reload. You index the magazine you're loading, finger over the top round; hand finds hand; line the magazine up and SLAM it into positive lock; RACK the slide; get back into the fight.
It doesn't change, no matter what 'technique' or 'method' you're using.
If that doesn't change; if what you do to actually load the pistol is the same thing, then is it really three different methods (plus one variation), or one method with four variations?
What makes the variation? What you do with the magazine, whether empty or partially loaded, that comes out of the pistol.
If you drop it, it's a speed reload; if you catch the empty magazine and put it away somewhere, it's a reload with retention; if you pull the partially-empty mag, tuck it away, and load a full mag, it's one variation of the tactical reload; if you get the fully-loaded mag before you pull the partial mag out of the gun, it's another variation of the tactical reload.
Not too hard, when you think about it that way.
I realize that some will say that since you don't nromally run the slide when doing a tactical reload, it should be considered a separate technique. It's a legitimate point. I do note that I often run the slide even in tactical reloads because it's practiced more. I would bet that other people have the same kind of default. If that's true, then we have just the one technique with four variations.
This simplifies things for me considerably. I only have to really worry about getting that one IMPORTANT technique done under the stress of someone trying to kill me. As long as I do the main technique, what happens with the variations is not so important.
Maybe. Hard to tell when a small thing will become a large thing when the fight is on, I would say.
In the meantime, I offer here this simplification for you to consider and make use of if you want to. I hope it helps.
Live Large.
Meet the CZARS
Meet the CZARS
Senator, When will Congress demand approval of these appointments
as they are suppose to approve. I understand the present ratio in
Congress would probably get these people appointed anyhow, but
demanding Congressional approval would highlight the issue and
get you votes.
[There are several more that have been appointed by Obama since this was done. ]
I have not vetted this list of Czars but then again neither did the Congress. You make the call, Qualified/Unqualified ??
OBAMA's "CZARS"-- Read Who These People Are and Realize What They Are Doing to Destroy America.
Where is “Czar” in the US Constitution??
Afghanistan Czar: Richard Holbrooke -- Ultra liberal anti-gun former Gov. of New Mexico. Pro Abortion and legal drug use.
AIDS Czar: Jeffrey Crowley -- Homosexual. A Gay Rights activist. Believes in Gay Marriage and Special Status, including free health care for gays.
Auto recovery Czar: Ed Montgomery -- Black radical anti-business activist. Affirmative Action and Job Preference for blacks. Univ. of Maryland Business School Dean teaches US business has caused world poverty. ACORN board member. Communist DuBois Club member.
Border Czar: Alan Bersin --former failed superintendent of San Diego schools -- Ultra-Liberal friend of Hilary Clinton. Served as Border Czar under Janet Reno -– to keep borders open to illegals
California Water Czar: David J. Hayes Sr.-- Fellow of radical environmentalist group, “Progress Policy”. No training or experience in water management.
Car Czar: Ron Bloom -- Auto Union worker. Anti business & anti nuclear. Has worked hard to force US auto makers out of business. Sits on the Board of Chrysler which is now Auto Union owned. How did this happen?
Central Region Czar: Dennis Ross -- Believes US policy has caused Mid-East wars. Obama apologist to the world. Anti-gun and pro-abortion.
Domestic Violence Czar: Lynn Rosenthal -- director of the National Network to End Domestic Violence. Vicious anti-male feminist. Supported male castration.
Drug Czar: Gil Kerlikowske -- devoted lobbyist for every restrictive gun law proposal, Former Chief of Police in Liberal Seattle -- Believes no American should own a firearm. Supports legalization of drugs.
Economic Czar: Paul Volcker -- Head of Fed Reserve under Jimmy Carter when US economy nearly failed. Obama appointed head of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board which engineered the Obama economic disaster to US economy. Member of anti-business “Progressive Policy” organization.
Energy and Environment Czar: Carol Brower -- Political Radical -- Former head of EPA -- known for anti-business activism. Strong anti-gun ownership.
Faith-Based Czar: Joshua DuBois -- Political Black activist-Degree in Black Nationalism. Anti-gun ownership lobbyist.
Great Lakes Czar: Cameron Davis -- Chicago radical anti-business environmentalist. Blames Geo.Bush for “Poisoning the water that minorities have to drink.” No experience or training in water management. Former ACORN Board member
Green Jobs Czar: Van Jones -- Black activist Member of American communist Party and San Francisco Communist Party who said Geo. Bush caused the 9-11 attack and wanted Bush investigated by the World Court for war crimes. Black activist with strong anti-white views. Van Jones resigned,
Guantanamo Closure Czar: Daniel Fried -–Rights activist for Foreign Terrorists. Believes America has caused the War on Terrorism.
Health Czar: Nancy-Ann DeParle -- Former head of Medicare / Medicaid. Strong Health Care Rationing proponent She is married to a reporter for The New York Times.
Information Czar: Vivek Kundra -- born in New Delhi, India. Controls all public information, including labels and news releases. Monitors all private Internet emails.
International Climate Czar: Todd Stern --Anti-business former White House chief of Staff-- Strong supporter of the Kyoto Accord. Pushing hard for Cap and Trade. Blames US business for Global warming.
Intelligence Czar: Dennis Blair -- Ret Navy Stopped US guided missile program as “provocative”. Chair of ultra-liberal “Council on Foreign Relations” which blames American organizations for regional wars.
Mideast Peace Czar: George Mitchell, Fmr. Sen from Maine -- Left-wing radical. Has said Israel should be split up into “2 or 3 “ smaller more manageable plots”. Anti-nuclear anti-gun & pro-homosexual.
Pay Czar: Kenneth Feinberg -- Chief of Staff to diseased/deceased Senator TED KENNEDY. Lawyer who got rich off the 9-11 victims payoffs.
Regulatory Czar: Cass Sunstein -- Liberal activist judge -- believes free speech needs to be limited for the “common good”. Ruled against personal freedoms many times –- like private gun ownership.
Science Czar: John Holdren -- Fierce ideological environmentalist, Sierra Club, Anti-business activist. Claims US business has caused world poverty. No Science training.
Stimulus Accountability Czar: Earl Devaney -- spent career trying to take guns away from American citizens. Believes in Open Borders to Mexico. Author of statement blaming US gun stores for drug war in Mexico.
Sudan Czar: J. Scott Gration -- Native of Democratic Republic of Congo. Believes US does little to help Third World countries. Council of foreign relations, asking for higher US taxes to support United Nations.
TARP Czar: Herb Allison -- Fannie May CEO responsible for the US recession, by using real estate mortgages to back up the US stock market. Caused millions of people to lose their life savings.
Terrorism Czar: John Brennan -- Anti-CIA activist. No training in diplomatic or gov. affairs. Believes Open Borders to Mexico and a dialogs with terrorists and has suggested Obama disband US military.
Technology Czar: Aneesh Chopra -- No Technology training. Worked for the Advisory Board Company, a health care think tank for hospitals. Anti-doctor activist. Supports Obama Health care Rationing and salaried doctors working exclusively for the Gov. health care plan.
Urban Affairs Czar: Adolfo Carrion Jr. -- Puerto Rican. Anti-American activist and leftist group member in Latin America. Millionaire “slum lord” of the Bronx, NY. Owns many lavish homes and condos which he got from “sweetheart” deals with labor unions. Wants higher taxes to pay for minority housing and health care.
Weapons Czar: Ashton Carter -- Leftist. Wants all private weapons in US destroyed. Supports UN ban on firearms ownership in America. No Other “policy”
WMD Policy Czar: Gary Samore -- Former US Communist . Wants US to destroy all WMD unilaterally as a show of good faith. Has no other “policy”.
Senator, When will Congress demand approval of these appointments
as they are suppose to approve. I understand the present ratio in
Congress would probably get these people appointed anyhow, but
demanding Congressional approval would highlight the issue and
get you votes.
[There are several more that have been appointed by Obama since this was done. ]
I have not vetted this list of Czars but then again neither did the Congress. You make the call, Qualified/Unqualified ??
OBAMA's "CZARS"-- Read Who These People Are and Realize What They Are Doing to Destroy America.
Where is “Czar” in the US Constitution??
Afghanistan Czar: Richard Holbrooke -- Ultra liberal anti-gun former Gov. of New Mexico. Pro Abortion and legal drug use.
AIDS Czar: Jeffrey Crowley -- Homosexual. A Gay Rights activist. Believes in Gay Marriage and Special Status, including free health care for gays.
Auto recovery Czar: Ed Montgomery -- Black radical anti-business activist. Affirmative Action and Job Preference for blacks. Univ. of Maryland Business School Dean teaches US business has caused world poverty. ACORN board member. Communist DuBois Club member.
Border Czar: Alan Bersin --former failed superintendent of San Diego schools -- Ultra-Liberal friend of Hilary Clinton. Served as Border Czar under Janet Reno -– to keep borders open to illegals
California Water Czar: David J. Hayes Sr.-- Fellow of radical environmentalist group, “Progress Policy”. No training or experience in water management.
Car Czar: Ron Bloom -- Auto Union worker. Anti business & anti nuclear. Has worked hard to force US auto makers out of business. Sits on the Board of Chrysler which is now Auto Union owned. How did this happen?
Central Region Czar: Dennis Ross -- Believes US policy has caused Mid-East wars. Obama apologist to the world. Anti-gun and pro-abortion.
Domestic Violence Czar: Lynn Rosenthal -- director of the National Network to End Domestic Violence. Vicious anti-male feminist. Supported male castration.
Drug Czar: Gil Kerlikowske -- devoted lobbyist for every restrictive gun law proposal, Former Chief of Police in Liberal Seattle -- Believes no American should own a firearm. Supports legalization of drugs.
Economic Czar: Paul Volcker -- Head of Fed Reserve under Jimmy Carter when US economy nearly failed. Obama appointed head of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board which engineered the Obama economic disaster to US economy. Member of anti-business “Progressive Policy” organization.
Energy and Environment Czar: Carol Brower -- Political Radical -- Former head of EPA -- known for anti-business activism. Strong anti-gun ownership.
Faith-Based Czar: Joshua DuBois -- Political Black activist-Degree in Black Nationalism. Anti-gun ownership lobbyist.
Great Lakes Czar: Cameron Davis -- Chicago radical anti-business environmentalist. Blames Geo.Bush for “Poisoning the water that minorities have to drink.” No experience or training in water management. Former ACORN Board member
Green Jobs Czar: Van Jones -- Black activist Member of American communist Party and San Francisco Communist Party who said Geo. Bush caused the 9-11 attack and wanted Bush investigated by the World Court for war crimes. Black activist with strong anti-white views. Van Jones resigned,
Guantanamo Closure Czar: Daniel Fried -–Rights activist for Foreign Terrorists. Believes America has caused the War on Terrorism.
Health Czar: Nancy-Ann DeParle -- Former head of Medicare / Medicaid. Strong Health Care Rationing proponent She is married to a reporter for The New York Times.
Information Czar: Vivek Kundra -- born in New Delhi, India. Controls all public information, including labels and news releases. Monitors all private Internet emails.
International Climate Czar: Todd Stern --Anti-business former White House chief of Staff-- Strong supporter of the Kyoto Accord. Pushing hard for Cap and Trade. Blames US business for Global warming.
Intelligence Czar: Dennis Blair -- Ret Navy Stopped US guided missile program as “provocative”. Chair of ultra-liberal “Council on Foreign Relations” which blames American organizations for regional wars.
Mideast Peace Czar: George Mitchell, Fmr. Sen from Maine -- Left-wing radical. Has said Israel should be split up into “2 or 3 “ smaller more manageable plots”. Anti-nuclear anti-gun & pro-homosexual.
Pay Czar: Kenneth Feinberg -- Chief of Staff to diseased/deceased Senator TED KENNEDY. Lawyer who got rich off the 9-11 victims payoffs.
Regulatory Czar: Cass Sunstein -- Liberal activist judge -- believes free speech needs to be limited for the “common good”. Ruled against personal freedoms many times –- like private gun ownership.
Science Czar: John Holdren -- Fierce ideological environmentalist, Sierra Club, Anti-business activist. Claims US business has caused world poverty. No Science training.
Stimulus Accountability Czar: Earl Devaney -- spent career trying to take guns away from American citizens. Believes in Open Borders to Mexico. Author of statement blaming US gun stores for drug war in Mexico.
Sudan Czar: J. Scott Gration -- Native of Democratic Republic of Congo. Believes US does little to help Third World countries. Council of foreign relations, asking for higher US taxes to support United Nations.
TARP Czar: Herb Allison -- Fannie May CEO responsible for the US recession, by using real estate mortgages to back up the US stock market. Caused millions of people to lose their life savings.
Terrorism Czar: John Brennan -- Anti-CIA activist. No training in diplomatic or gov. affairs. Believes Open Borders to Mexico and a dialogs with terrorists and has suggested Obama disband US military.
Technology Czar: Aneesh Chopra -- No Technology training. Worked for the Advisory Board Company, a health care think tank for hospitals. Anti-doctor activist. Supports Obama Health care Rationing and salaried doctors working exclusively for the Gov. health care plan.
Urban Affairs Czar: Adolfo Carrion Jr. -- Puerto Rican. Anti-American activist and leftist group member in Latin America. Millionaire “slum lord” of the Bronx, NY. Owns many lavish homes and condos which he got from “sweetheart” deals with labor unions. Wants higher taxes to pay for minority housing and health care.
Weapons Czar: Ashton Carter -- Leftist. Wants all private weapons in US destroyed. Supports UN ban on firearms ownership in America. No Other “policy”
WMD Policy Czar: Gary Samore -- Former US Communist . Wants US to destroy all WMD unilaterally as a show of good faith. Has no other “policy”.
Holdren says Constitution backs compulsory abortion
Holdren says Constitution backs compulsory abortion
Argued in writings: 'Quality of life demands fewer people'
By Jerome R. Corsi
2009 WorldNetDaily
Obama science czar John Holdren stated in a college textbook he co-authored that in conditions of emergency, compulsory abortion would be sustainable under the U.S. Constitution, even with Supreme Court review.
WND has obtained a copy of "Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment," published in 1977 and co-authored by Holdren with Malthusian population alarmist Paul R. Ehrlich and Ehrlich's wife, Ann. As WND reported, the authors argued involuntary birth-control measures, including forced sterilization, may be necessary and morally acceptable under extreme conditions, such as widespread famine brought about by "climate change."
To prevent ecological disasters, including "global warming," Holdren argued the U.S. Constitution would permit involuntary abortions, government-imposed sterilizations and laws limiting the number of children as steps justified under the banner of "sustainable well-being."
'Warming' result of too many people
A worldwide scientific agenda is emerging to link global population growth with global warming, arguing that climate change is such a severe crisis that the United States must participate in a United Nations mandate to implement global birth control in order to reduce carbon emissions.
Addressing the U.N. climate summit in New York yesterday, President Obama declared climate change resulting from global warming could leave future generations with an "irreversible catastrophe."
A series of papers recently published by the Royal Society in Great Britain and by the United Nations have made a direct link between global population growth and anthropomorphic, or man-made global warming.
The Economist magazine summed up the current argument Monday, stating, "A world with fewer people would emit less greenhouse gas."
"World experts, in a wide range of disciplines, explore the ways in which the inexorable increase in human numbers is exhausting conventional energy supplies, accelerating environmental pollution and Global Warming, and providing an increasing number of Failed States where civil unrest prevails," wrote Roger V. Short of the faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences at the University of Melbourne, introducing the series of articles in the current issue of Philosophical Transactions published by the Royal Society.
Constitutional mandate for abortion
Arguing that "ample authority" exists to regulate population growth, Holdren and the Ehrlichs wrote on page 837 of their 1970s textbook that "under the United States Constitution, effective population-control programs, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society."
In the next sentence, the authors were careful to note that few in the U.S. in the 1970s considered the situation serious enough to justify compulsion.
Still, in the next paragraph, the authors advanced their key point: "To provide a high quality of life for all, there must be fewer people."
The authors of "Ecoscience" argued that a "legal restriction on the right to have more than a given number of children" could be crafted under the U.S. Constitution in crisis situations under the standard that "law has as its proper function the protection of each person and each group of persons."
On page 838, the authors argued, "The law could properly say to a mother that, in order to protect the children she already has, she could have no more."
To justify the point, the authors commented "differential rates of reproduction between ethnic, racial, religious, or economic groups might result in increased competition for resources and political power and thereby undermine social order."
The authors continued their constitutional analysis of government-mandated population control measures by writing: "If some individuals contribute to general social deterioration by overproducing children, and if the need is compelling, they can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility in their resource-consumption patterns – provided they are not denied equal protection." (Italics in the original text.)
Recognizing the politically charged nature of the subject, Holdren has attempted to disavow his 1970s views that compulsory government-mandated birth control measures may be today necessary.
A Global Warming Emergency
An analysis of Holdren's current statements on global warming strongly suggest the president's science czar sees global warming creating an environmental
"The air and the oceans are warming, mountain glaciers are disappearing, sea ice is shrinking, permafrost is thawing, the great land ice sheets on Greenland and Antarctica are showing signs of instability and sea level is rising," Holdren testified to the Senate's Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation July 30.
Holdren told the Senate that the cause of these perils was human-generated carbon dioxide emissions.
"It is the emission of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping pollutants from our factories, our vehicles, and our power plants, and from use of our land in ways that move carbon from soils and vegetation into the atmosphere in the form of C02," he told the Senate.
He warned of dire consequences: "And the consequences for human well-being are already being felt: more heat waves, floods, droughts, and wildfires; tropical diseases reaching into the temperate zones; vast areas of forest destroyed by pest outbreaks linked to warming; alterations in patterns of rainfall on which agriculture depends; and coastal property increasingly at risk from the surging seas."
And, again: "Devastating increases in the power of the strongest hurricanes, sharp drops in the productivity of farms and ocean fisheries, a dramatic acceleration of species extinctions, and inundation of low-lying areas by rising sea level are among the possible outcomes."
Sustainable well-being'
The St. Petersburg Times' fact-check website,, argued that in his Senate confirmation hearings, Holdren disavowed "optimal population" targets, a central thesis of the 1970s textbook, as a proper role of government.
While Holdren may have abandoned "optimal population" targets as a principle of public policy, an address he gave as president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, subsequently published in Science Magazine in January 2008, shows he has adopted instead the standard of "sustainable well-being" as a guiding principle that could be utilized to set targets for acceptable population growth.
In the article, Holdren listed "continuing population growth" as a hindrance to the goal of realizing "sustainable well-being," a point Holdren supported by footnoting Paul Ehrlich's 1968 book "The Population Bomb," thereby linking his current thinking with his 1970s-era thinking.
In that footnote, Holdren wrote that the "elementary but discomforting truth" of Ehrlich's 1968 book "may account for the vast amount of ink, paper, and angry energy that has been expended in vain to refute it."
Holdren's "sustainable well-being" appears to be a nearly identical concept to what is known as the United Nation's "Agenda 21", which articulates the concept of "sustainable development" that is currently institutionalized in the Division for Sustainable Development of the U.N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
Argued in writings: 'Quality of life demands fewer people'
By Jerome R. Corsi
2009 WorldNetDaily
Obama science czar John Holdren stated in a college textbook he co-authored that in conditions of emergency, compulsory abortion would be sustainable under the U.S. Constitution, even with Supreme Court review.
WND has obtained a copy of "Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment," published in 1977 and co-authored by Holdren with Malthusian population alarmist Paul R. Ehrlich and Ehrlich's wife, Ann. As WND reported, the authors argued involuntary birth-control measures, including forced sterilization, may be necessary and morally acceptable under extreme conditions, such as widespread famine brought about by "climate change."
To prevent ecological disasters, including "global warming," Holdren argued the U.S. Constitution would permit involuntary abortions, government-imposed sterilizations and laws limiting the number of children as steps justified under the banner of "sustainable well-being."
'Warming' result of too many people
A worldwide scientific agenda is emerging to link global population growth with global warming, arguing that climate change is such a severe crisis that the United States must participate in a United Nations mandate to implement global birth control in order to reduce carbon emissions.
Addressing the U.N. climate summit in New York yesterday, President Obama declared climate change resulting from global warming could leave future generations with an "irreversible catastrophe."
A series of papers recently published by the Royal Society in Great Britain and by the United Nations have made a direct link between global population growth and anthropomorphic, or man-made global warming.
The Economist magazine summed up the current argument Monday, stating, "A world with fewer people would emit less greenhouse gas."
"World experts, in a wide range of disciplines, explore the ways in which the inexorable increase in human numbers is exhausting conventional energy supplies, accelerating environmental pollution and Global Warming, and providing an increasing number of Failed States where civil unrest prevails," wrote Roger V. Short of the faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences at the University of Melbourne, introducing the series of articles in the current issue of Philosophical Transactions published by the Royal Society.
Constitutional mandate for abortion
Arguing that "ample authority" exists to regulate population growth, Holdren and the Ehrlichs wrote on page 837 of their 1970s textbook that "under the United States Constitution, effective population-control programs, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society."
In the next sentence, the authors were careful to note that few in the U.S. in the 1970s considered the situation serious enough to justify compulsion.
Still, in the next paragraph, the authors advanced their key point: "To provide a high quality of life for all, there must be fewer people."
The authors of "Ecoscience" argued that a "legal restriction on the right to have more than a given number of children" could be crafted under the U.S. Constitution in crisis situations under the standard that "law has as its proper function the protection of each person and each group of persons."
On page 838, the authors argued, "The law could properly say to a mother that, in order to protect the children she already has, she could have no more."
To justify the point, the authors commented "differential rates of reproduction between ethnic, racial, religious, or economic groups might result in increased competition for resources and political power and thereby undermine social order."
The authors continued their constitutional analysis of government-mandated population control measures by writing: "If some individuals contribute to general social deterioration by overproducing children, and if the need is compelling, they can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility in their resource-consumption patterns – provided they are not denied equal protection." (Italics in the original text.)
Recognizing the politically charged nature of the subject, Holdren has attempted to disavow his 1970s views that compulsory government-mandated birth control measures may be today necessary.
A Global Warming Emergency
An analysis of Holdren's current statements on global warming strongly suggest the president's science czar sees global warming creating an environmental
"The air and the oceans are warming, mountain glaciers are disappearing, sea ice is shrinking, permafrost is thawing, the great land ice sheets on Greenland and Antarctica are showing signs of instability and sea level is rising," Holdren testified to the Senate's Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation July 30.
Holdren told the Senate that the cause of these perils was human-generated carbon dioxide emissions.
"It is the emission of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping pollutants from our factories, our vehicles, and our power plants, and from use of our land in ways that move carbon from soils and vegetation into the atmosphere in the form of C02," he told the Senate.
He warned of dire consequences: "And the consequences for human well-being are already being felt: more heat waves, floods, droughts, and wildfires; tropical diseases reaching into the temperate zones; vast areas of forest destroyed by pest outbreaks linked to warming; alterations in patterns of rainfall on which agriculture depends; and coastal property increasingly at risk from the surging seas."
And, again: "Devastating increases in the power of the strongest hurricanes, sharp drops in the productivity of farms and ocean fisheries, a dramatic acceleration of species extinctions, and inundation of low-lying areas by rising sea level are among the possible outcomes."
Sustainable well-being'
The St. Petersburg Times' fact-check website,, argued that in his Senate confirmation hearings, Holdren disavowed "optimal population" targets, a central thesis of the 1970s textbook, as a proper role of government.
While Holdren may have abandoned "optimal population" targets as a principle of public policy, an address he gave as president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, subsequently published in Science Magazine in January 2008, shows he has adopted instead the standard of "sustainable well-being" as a guiding principle that could be utilized to set targets for acceptable population growth.
In the article, Holdren listed "continuing population growth" as a hindrance to the goal of realizing "sustainable well-being," a point Holdren supported by footnoting Paul Ehrlich's 1968 book "The Population Bomb," thereby linking his current thinking with his 1970s-era thinking.
In that footnote, Holdren wrote that the "elementary but discomforting truth" of Ehrlich's 1968 book "may account for the vast amount of ink, paper, and angry energy that has been expended in vain to refute it."
Holdren's "sustainable well-being" appears to be a nearly identical concept to what is known as the United Nation's "Agenda 21", which articulates the concept of "sustainable development" that is currently institutionalized in the Division for Sustainable Development of the U.N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
September 22, 2009
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director
Front Sight Thanks Those Who Marched on 9/12
I owe a debt of gratitude to over two million of my fellow
American patriots and I intend to pay that debt in a manner
that has never been done in the history of our country.
As the Founder and Director of Front Sight Firearms
Training Institute, an organization that has doubled every
year for 12 straight years and is on track to double again
this year, my duties often prevent me from physically being
where I would like to be.
September 12, 2009 was one of those days.
While Front Sight was training upwards of 500 students on
our 550 acre facility near Las Vegas, Nevada that weekend,
2 MILLION of our fellow patriots descended on Washington DC
to send a peaceful, yet strong message to our current
And even more patriots across America participated in local
Tea Party demonstrations.
Of course, the mainstream news media barely mentioned this
historic, record-breaking demonstration of the silent
majority. If they did mention it all, they referred to
"thousands" of demonstrators instead of the MILLIONS who
sacrificed their time and money to travel to Washington DC
so our politicos could witness a gathering of discontent
that dwarfed the Million Man March and President Obama's
I wish I could have been there.
Since I could not personally make the trip, I am going to
reward those who participated in 9/12 Tea Party
demonstrations, in an unprecedented manner.
You can also show your thanks to the millions of patriots
who represented us in such an admirable way by simply
spreading this message far and wide.
Please forward this message to all the Tea Party
Organizers, conservative talk show hosts in America,
and everyone you know, asking them all to do the same so
each man, woman, and child who participated in the 9/12
Tea Party demonstrations can learn of my reward for them
and take full advantage of my "THANK YOU."
Before I share with you the "Thank You" I have created for
our Millions of Patriots, see some of the photos from the
historic 9/12 March on Washington DC...
See the Front Sight Blog for the full post:
And please feel free to send me interesting photos,
videos and news articles that I can share with your
fellow Front Sight students and members. I welcome
your participation.
See you next week,
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute
P. O. Box 2619
Aptos, CA 95001
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director
Front Sight Thanks Those Who Marched on 9/12
I owe a debt of gratitude to over two million of my fellow
American patriots and I intend to pay that debt in a manner
that has never been done in the history of our country.
As the Founder and Director of Front Sight Firearms
Training Institute, an organization that has doubled every
year for 12 straight years and is on track to double again
this year, my duties often prevent me from physically being
where I would like to be.
September 12, 2009 was one of those days.
While Front Sight was training upwards of 500 students on
our 550 acre facility near Las Vegas, Nevada that weekend,
2 MILLION of our fellow patriots descended on Washington DC
to send a peaceful, yet strong message to our current
And even more patriots across America participated in local
Tea Party demonstrations.
Of course, the mainstream news media barely mentioned this
historic, record-breaking demonstration of the silent
majority. If they did mention it all, they referred to
"thousands" of demonstrators instead of the MILLIONS who
sacrificed their time and money to travel to Washington DC
so our politicos could witness a gathering of discontent
that dwarfed the Million Man March and President Obama's
I wish I could have been there.
Since I could not personally make the trip, I am going to
reward those who participated in 9/12 Tea Party
demonstrations, in an unprecedented manner.
You can also show your thanks to the millions of patriots
who represented us in such an admirable way by simply
spreading this message far and wide.
Please forward this message to all the Tea Party
Organizers, conservative talk show hosts in America,
and everyone you know, asking them all to do the same so
each man, woman, and child who participated in the 9/12
Tea Party demonstrations can learn of my reward for them
and take full advantage of my "THANK YOU."
Before I share with you the "Thank You" I have created for
our Millions of Patriots, see some of the photos from the
historic 9/12 March on Washington DC...
See the Front Sight Blog for the full post:
And please feel free to send me interesting photos,
videos and news articles that I can share with your
fellow Front Sight students and members. I welcome
your participation.
See you next week,
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute
P. O. Box 2619
Aptos, CA 95001
"Socialism Bums Me Out!"
"Socialism Bums Me Out!"

I have never been one to hide my opinions, or keep my voice down. Can you tell?
This is what the back of my SUV has looked like for the past four days:
You wouldn't BELIEVE some of the reactions I am getting from this.
Sadly, I have gotten zero smiles... zero nods... and zero cheers.
What I have gotten is an angry woman who followed me closely for five minutes on the freeway, snapping pictures. I was honked at while in town, and while driving in Lansing on Sunday, a little red Ford Focus honked and gave me the thumbs down.
This really bums me out, because I see Anti-Freedom stuff WAAAY more harshly worded than this all the time. Never once have I reacted angrily.
I guess that's because I respect other people's rights and freedoms. And these socialists clearly do not.
Anyway, it's had me doing a LOT of thinking. With the 'Emergency Preparedness' kick that we've been working on, I have felt like there's been a force at work, making sure NOBODY is prepared.
I realized today that there is. It's the same force that HATES it when you carry concealed.
It's the same force that compels some red-faced punk to glare at me and give me the thumbs-down, for driving an SUV with "Socialism Bums Me Out!" written on the back.
It's the same force that compels someone whose family is stranded in a FEMA refugee camp to call "UNFAIR" when a family in a well-stocked Ford Pickup drives by.
And.... it will be the same force that will make looters feel justified to kick down your door and take what YOU have earned... for themselves.
I'm talking about the same force that depends on people being unprepared.
Why would Chicago or New York City ban YOU from carrying concealed there? Simple. Because THEY want control over the guns. They want you to depend on them for safety.
It's the same reason Universities are not teaching, but TELLING young people what to think.
The same reason the liberals don't want to stop illegal immigration: because the people coming here illegally will DEPEND on the government for care. They are not the hard working immigrants who came to America seeking Freedom- these ones are coming to seek hand-outs.
...and it's probably the best case I've heard YET for getting prepared.
If we DEPEND on a force that hates our Freedom, we are enabling that force.
This is what the back of my SUV has looked like for the past four days:
You wouldn't BELIEVE some of the reactions I am getting from this.
Sadly, I have gotten zero smiles... zero nods... and zero cheers.
What I have gotten is an angry woman who followed me closely for five minutes on the freeway, snapping pictures. I was honked at while in town, and while driving in Lansing on Sunday, a little red Ford Focus honked and gave me the thumbs down.
This really bums me out, because I see Anti-Freedom stuff WAAAY more harshly worded than this all the time. Never once have I reacted angrily.
I guess that's because I respect other people's rights and freedoms. And these socialists clearly do not.
Anyway, it's had me doing a LOT of thinking. With the 'Emergency Preparedness' kick that we've been working on, I have felt like there's been a force at work, making sure NOBODY is prepared.
I realized today that there is. It's the same force that HATES it when you carry concealed.
It's the same force that compels some red-faced punk to glare at me and give me the thumbs-down, for driving an SUV with "Socialism Bums Me Out!" written on the back.
It's the same force that compels someone whose family is stranded in a FEMA refugee camp to call "UNFAIR" when a family in a well-stocked Ford Pickup drives by.
And.... it will be the same force that will make looters feel justified to kick down your door and take what YOU have earned... for themselves.
I'm talking about the same force that depends on people being unprepared.
Why would Chicago or New York City ban YOU from carrying concealed there? Simple. Because THEY want control over the guns. They want you to depend on them for safety.
It's the same reason Universities are not teaching, but TELLING young people what to think.
The same reason the liberals don't want to stop illegal immigration: because the people coming here illegally will DEPEND on the government for care. They are not the hard working immigrants who came to America seeking Freedom- these ones are coming to seek hand-outs.
...and it's probably the best case I've heard YET for getting prepared.
If we DEPEND on a force that hates our Freedom, we are enabling that force.
Dont Cap and Trade Missouri Jobs

The U.S. Senate is considering disastrous legislation, called the Waxman/Markey cap and trade bill (H.R. 2454), which will destroy jobs and raise energy prices in our state.
According to a previously secret Obama Administration Treasury Department report, if environmentalists get the bill they want American families will pay $1,800 a year in increased costs. All told, such a bill could cost Americans $200 billion a year -- a 15 percent tax hike!
Go to to find out more information on how this bill is bad for Missouri.
Higher energy prices will cause a reduction in industrial output which will contribute to an estimated 58,900 jobs to be lost in Missouri by 2030. These jobs will go to workers overseas where they have little if any pollution controls.
This bill will cause electricity prices to rise for families across the country between 31 and 50 percent by 2030. In this struggling economy, Missourians can’t afford more job losses and higher energy bills.
Please take a moment to go here and sign the petition asking Senator McCaskill to OPPOSE this harmful piece of legislation.
Don't Cap and Trade Our Missouri Jobs!
Monday, September 21, 2009
After a disaster occurs
It can be a lot of work preparing your family for an emergency situation, but after a disaster occurs is often when the real work begins. Not only will you have to repair and clear out your own home, but many of the facilities that help you survive will require a lot of work, too. Hospitals, grocery stores, home improvement stores, businesses, schools and even roads will all need a lot of people and a lot of help to be cleaned up and prepared to assist your community.
Here are a couple ways you can find out how to get involved beforeor after an emergency if you have access to the internet or a phone. Any of the services listed will provide you with information on how you can administer help for people in your community or assist in cleaning-up and rebuilding the areas that need it most.
One of the quickest ways to find a way to volunteer in your area is by either by calling 1-800-VOLUNTEER (1-800-865-868-337), or by visiting their website at Whether you’ve just survived a disaster or you weren’t affected but want to help this is one of the quickest, most reliable ways to find current opportunities to serve. Through 1-800-Volunteer you have the options to find out about disaster recovery opportunities, to learn about the ‘hands on’ network, and also upcoming events. You’ll also have the opportunity to speak with a live operator if you call.
The American Red Cross is also a reliable resource to go to when looking to be prepared with knowledge and experience for helping in an emergency. The American Red Cross Advantage program offers convenient classes that can be scheduled at a local facility or American Red Cross chapter at a time that works for you. Through the Red Cross programs you can help comfort victims affected by a disaster or even teach a pet first-aid class. Whether you are interested in community services, international services, disaster services or any of the other lines of services in the Red Cross, you’ll find something that you can help with. These programs offer training for first-aid, CPR, caregiving,disaster education, donating, giving blood and more. To find out how to contact someone in your area go to, and enter your zip code in the area on the far left. After you do this a phone number will be provided or you can e-mail someone or visit the site that is specifically for your area.
The last site we chose to list is Volunteers of America at On the homepage, click on the green tab on the right that’s labeled “Get involved”. This tab will bring you to a page that lists every state and at least one specific site that will provide you withinformation on how to get involved in your area. When you click on your specific site you will come to a page that lists volunteeropportunities and details close to you. On the Right hand side you will also be provided with information on how to contact the volunteer coordinator in your area. This site lists service opportunities to serve not only according an emergency, but opportunities to help the homeless and needy as well.
There are many wonderful, reliable organizations one can refer to in order to find out how to help when a disaster occurs.
Here are a couple ways you can find out how to get involved beforeor after an emergency if you have access to the internet or a phone. Any of the services listed will provide you with information on how you can administer help for people in your community or assist in cleaning-up and rebuilding the areas that need it most.
One of the quickest ways to find a way to volunteer in your area is by either by calling 1-800-VOLUNTEER (1-800-865-868-337), or by visiting their website at Whether you’ve just survived a disaster or you weren’t affected but want to help this is one of the quickest, most reliable ways to find current opportunities to serve. Through 1-800-Volunteer you have the options to find out about disaster recovery opportunities, to learn about the ‘hands on’ network, and also upcoming events. You’ll also have the opportunity to speak with a live operator if you call.
The American Red Cross is also a reliable resource to go to when looking to be prepared with knowledge and experience for helping in an emergency. The American Red Cross Advantage program offers convenient classes that can be scheduled at a local facility or American Red Cross chapter at a time that works for you. Through the Red Cross programs you can help comfort victims affected by a disaster or even teach a pet first-aid class. Whether you are interested in community services, international services, disaster services or any of the other lines of services in the Red Cross, you’ll find something that you can help with. These programs offer training for first-aid, CPR, caregiving,disaster education, donating, giving blood and more. To find out how to contact someone in your area go to, and enter your zip code in the area on the far left. After you do this a phone number will be provided or you can e-mail someone or visit the site that is specifically for your area.
The last site we chose to list is Volunteers of America at On the homepage, click on the green tab on the right that’s labeled “Get involved”. This tab will bring you to a page that lists every state and at least one specific site that will provide you withinformation on how to get involved in your area. When you click on your specific site you will come to a page that lists volunteeropportunities and details close to you. On the Right hand side you will also be provided with information on how to contact the volunteer coordinator in your area. This site lists service opportunities to serve not only according an emergency, but opportunities to help the homeless and needy as well.
There are many wonderful, reliable organizations one can refer to in order to find out how to help when a disaster occurs.
How Old Is grandpa?
How Old Is grandpa?
Stay with this -- the answer is at the end. It will blow you away.
One evening a grandson was talking to his grandfather about current events.
The grandson asked his grandfather what he thought about the shootings at schools, the computer age, and just things in general.
The Grandfather replied, "Well, let me think a minute, I was born before: television penicillin polio shots frozen foods Xerox contact lenses Frisbees and the pill
There were no: credit cards laser beams or ball-point pens
Man had not invented: pantyhose air conditioners dishwashers clothes dryers and the clothes were hung out to dry in the fresh air and man hadn't yet walked on the moon
Your Grandmother and I got married first, and then lived together.
Every family had a father and a mother.
Until I was 25, I called every man older than me, "Sir".
And after I turned 25, I still called policemen and every man with a title, "Sir."
We were before gay-rights, computer-dating, dual careers, daycare centers, and group therapy.
Our lives were governed by the Ten Commandments, good judgment, and common sense.
We were taught to know the difference between right and wrong and to stand up and take responsibility for our actions.
Serving your country was a privilege; living in this country was a bigger privilege.
We thought fast food was what people ate during Lent.
Having a meaningful relationship meant getting along with your cousins.
Draft dodgers were those who closed front doors as the evening breeze started.
Time-sharing meant time the family spent together in the evenings and weekends - not purchasing condominiums.
We never heard of FM radios, tape decks, CDs, electric typewriters, yogurt, or guys wearing earrings.
We listened to Big Bands, Jack Benny, and the President's speeches on our radios.
And I don't ever remember any kid blowing his brains out listening to Tommy Dorsey.
If you saw anything with 'Made in Japan ' on it, it was junk.
The term 'making out' referred to how you did on your school exam.
Pizza Hut, McDonald's, and instant coffee were unheard of.
We had 5 & 10-cent stores where you could actually buy things for 5 and 10 cents.
Ice-cream cones, phone calls, rides on a streetcar, and a Pepsi were all a nickel.
And if you didn't want to splurge, you could spend your nickel on enough stamps to mail 1 letter and 2 postcards.
You could buy a new Chevy Coupe for $600, but who could afford one? Too bad, because gas was 11 cents a gallon.
In my day: "grass" was mowed, "coke" was a cold drink, "pot" was something your mother cooked in and "rock music" was your grandmother's lullaby.
"Aids" were helpers in the Principal's office, "chip" meant a piece of wood, "hardware" was found in a hardware store and "software" wasn't even a word.
And we were the last generation to actually believe that a lady needed a husband to have a baby.
No wonder people call us "old and confused" and say there is a generation gap and how old do you think I am?
I bet you have this old man in are in for a shock!
Read on to see -- pretty scary if you think about it and pretty sad at the same time.
Are you ready ?????
This man would be only 61 years old.
Stay with this -- the answer is at the end. It will blow you away.
One evening a grandson was talking to his grandfather about current events.
The grandson asked his grandfather what he thought about the shootings at schools, the computer age, and just things in general.
The Grandfather replied, "Well, let me think a minute, I was born before: television penicillin polio shots frozen foods Xerox contact lenses Frisbees and the pill
There were no: credit cards laser beams or ball-point pens
Man had not invented: pantyhose air conditioners dishwashers clothes dryers and the clothes were hung out to dry in the fresh air and man hadn't yet walked on the moon
Your Grandmother and I got married first, and then lived together.
Every family had a father and a mother.
Until I was 25, I called every man older than me, "Sir".
And after I turned 25, I still called policemen and every man with a title, "Sir."
We were before gay-rights, computer-dating, dual careers, daycare centers, and group therapy.
Our lives were governed by the Ten Commandments, good judgment, and common sense.
We were taught to know the difference between right and wrong and to stand up and take responsibility for our actions.
Serving your country was a privilege; living in this country was a bigger privilege.
We thought fast food was what people ate during Lent.
Having a meaningful relationship meant getting along with your cousins.
Draft dodgers were those who closed front doors as the evening breeze started.
Time-sharing meant time the family spent together in the evenings and weekends - not purchasing condominiums.
We never heard of FM radios, tape decks, CDs, electric typewriters, yogurt, or guys wearing earrings.
We listened to Big Bands, Jack Benny, and the President's speeches on our radios.
And I don't ever remember any kid blowing his brains out listening to Tommy Dorsey.
If you saw anything with 'Made in Japan ' on it, it was junk.
The term 'making out' referred to how you did on your school exam.
Pizza Hut, McDonald's, and instant coffee were unheard of.
We had 5 & 10-cent stores where you could actually buy things for 5 and 10 cents.
Ice-cream cones, phone calls, rides on a streetcar, and a Pepsi were all a nickel.
And if you didn't want to splurge, you could spend your nickel on enough stamps to mail 1 letter and 2 postcards.
You could buy a new Chevy Coupe for $600, but who could afford one? Too bad, because gas was 11 cents a gallon.
In my day: "grass" was mowed, "coke" was a cold drink, "pot" was something your mother cooked in and "rock music" was your grandmother's lullaby.
"Aids" were helpers in the Principal's office, "chip" meant a piece of wood, "hardware" was found in a hardware store and "software" wasn't even a word.
And we were the last generation to actually believe that a lady needed a husband to have a baby.
No wonder people call us "old and confused" and say there is a generation gap and how old do you think I am?
I bet you have this old man in are in for a shock!
Read on to see -- pretty scary if you think about it and pretty sad at the same time.
Are you ready ?????
This man would be only 61 years old.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
The Muslims are coming
The Muslims are coming
Islam Invades Washinton DC
Well friends and fellow believers, the Muslims are coming to the Capitol on Friday, September 25 to stake a claim of conquest over our nation. We must not miss this opportunity to:
1- Bring the Glorious Gospel to thousands of Muslims
2- Delegitimize this event, which is a facade and ploy to portray Islam as peaceful when it is actually bent on a bloody global conquest
3- Offer a prophetic rebuke to this false event, and the false prophet and religion that they have come to promote
4- Show them that Americans and especially Christians will not stand for this
5- Embolden other believers and hopefully millions of Americans to rise up against this threat to our nation and our freedoms before it is too late
And so we intend to be with them from early on in the Morning until the late afternoon. Pray we acquire our sound permits so that we can preach the Gospel to thousands at a time. We will have signs and will be wearing shirts that proclaim the truth.
Please visit the two following links. In one page, a Jewish group that is outraged about this event sums it up perfectly and they will be there as well.
See here:
Then go here and begin to listen to the audio lessons on Islam. We need to know what we are talking about. This is a great expose and refutation of Islam. Please listen to the whole series at least once before next Friday:
Pray, fast, seek the Lord and we will see Him move in Power, by His Spirit, by the anointing, by the gifts of the Spirit. We need the Holy Spirit and His power to move upon and through us on this day saints. HE WILL. HE IS GOD. JESUS CHRIST IS LORD.
Lastly, we have a discounted hotel available near DC for those who need a room. These rooms normally go for $149 a night, but we have a block of rooms available for $89 a night. For DC, this is a great rate. Just call and say you want the OPERATION SAVE THE CAPITOL rate, and give them the code number 3439. It is THE COMFORT INN at 703 247-3399. Make sure you reserve before Tuesday or the rates will go up!
We look forward to seeing all of you as we proclaim the truth, who is Jesus Christ, and the hope of the Gospel while we expose the darkness of Islam. Glory to God!
Islam Invades Washinton DC
Well friends and fellow believers, the Muslims are coming to the Capitol on Friday, September 25 to stake a claim of conquest over our nation. We must not miss this opportunity to:
1- Bring the Glorious Gospel to thousands of Muslims
2- Delegitimize this event, which is a facade and ploy to portray Islam as peaceful when it is actually bent on a bloody global conquest
3- Offer a prophetic rebuke to this false event, and the false prophet and religion that they have come to promote
4- Show them that Americans and especially Christians will not stand for this
5- Embolden other believers and hopefully millions of Americans to rise up against this threat to our nation and our freedoms before it is too late
And so we intend to be with them from early on in the Morning until the late afternoon. Pray we acquire our sound permits so that we can preach the Gospel to thousands at a time. We will have signs and will be wearing shirts that proclaim the truth.
Please visit the two following links. In one page, a Jewish group that is outraged about this event sums it up perfectly and they will be there as well.
See here:
Then go here and begin to listen to the audio lessons on Islam. We need to know what we are talking about. This is a great expose and refutation of Islam. Please listen to the whole series at least once before next Friday:
Pray, fast, seek the Lord and we will see Him move in Power, by His Spirit, by the anointing, by the gifts of the Spirit. We need the Holy Spirit and His power to move upon and through us on this day saints. HE WILL. HE IS GOD. JESUS CHRIST IS LORD.
Lastly, we have a discounted hotel available near DC for those who need a room. These rooms normally go for $149 a night, but we have a block of rooms available for $89 a night. For DC, this is a great rate. Just call and say you want the OPERATION SAVE THE CAPITOL rate, and give them the code number 3439. It is THE COMFORT INN at 703 247-3399. Make sure you reserve before Tuesday or the rates will go up!
We look forward to seeing all of you as we proclaim the truth, who is Jesus Christ, and the hope of the Gospel while we expose the darkness of Islam. Glory to God!
Friday, September 18, 2009
The New Pied Piper
The Pied Piper and a New Acronym
There was a Pied Piper who said "We live in the greatest country in the world.
Help me change it!" *And the people said, "Change is good!"
Then he said, "We are going to tax the rich fat-cats,"......
*And the people said "Sock it to them!"
".......and redistribute their wealth."
*And the people said, "Show me the money!"
And then he said, "Redistribution of wealth is good for everybody"
*And Joe the plumber said, are you kidding me?"
And Joe's personal records were hacked and publicized.
*And one lone reporter asked, "Isn't that Marxist policy?"
And she was banished from the kingdom!
Then someone asked, "With no foreign relations experience,
how will you deal with radical terrorists?"
And the Pied Piper said, "Simple. I'll sit down and talk with them and show
them how nice we really are and they'll forget that they ever wanted to kill us all!"
Then the Pied Piper said, "I'll give 95% of you lower taxes."
*And one, lone voice said, "But 40% of us don't pay ANY taxes."
So the Pied Piper said, "Then I'll give you some of the taxes the fat-cats pay!"
*And the people said, "Show me the money!"
Then the Pied Piper said, "I'll tax your Capital Gains when you sell your homes!"
*And the people yawned and the slumping housing market collapsed.
And he said, "I'll mandate employer- funded health care for EVERY worker and
raise the minimum wage.." *And the people said, "Gim'me some of that!"
Then he said, "I'll penalize employers who ship jobs overseas."
*And the people said, "Where's my rebate check?"
Then the Pied Piper actually said, "I'll bankrupt the coal industry and electricity
rates will skyrocket!" *And the people said, "Coal is dirty, coal is evil, no more coal!
But we don't care for that part about higher electric rates."
So the Pied Piper said, "Not to worry. If your rebate isn't enough to cover your expenses, we'll bail you out.. Just sign up with ACORN and your troubles are over!" Then he said, "Illegal immigrants feel scorned and slighted. Let's grant them amnesty, Social Security, free education, free lunches, free medical care, bi-lingual signs and guaranteed housing."
*And the people said, "Ole`! Bravo!" And they made him King!
And so it came to pass that employers, facing spiraling costs and ever-higher taxes,
raised their prices and laid off workers. Others simply gave up and went out of business and the economy slowed even further. Then the Pied Piper said, "I am the Messiah and I'm here to save you! We'll just print more money so everyone will have enough!" But our foreign trading partners said, "Wait a minute. Your dollar isn't worth what it was. You'll have to pay more."
*And the people said, "Wait a minute. That's not fair!"
And the world said, "Neither are these other, idiotic programs you've embraced.
You've become a Socialist state and a second-rate power. Now you'll play by our rules!"
*And the people said, "What have we done?"
But it was too late.
If you think this is a fairy tale, open your eyes and ears. It's happening RIGHT NOW!
O ne B ig A ss M istake A merica
There was a Pied Piper who said "We live in the greatest country in the world.
Help me change it!" *And the people said, "Change is good!"
Then he said, "We are going to tax the rich fat-cats,"......
*And the people said "Sock it to them!"
".......and redistribute their wealth."
*And the people said, "Show me the money!"
And then he said, "Redistribution of wealth is good for everybody"
*And Joe the plumber said, are you kidding me?"
And Joe's personal records were hacked and publicized.
*And one lone reporter asked, "Isn't that Marxist policy?"
And she was banished from the kingdom!
Then someone asked, "With no foreign relations experience,
how will you deal with radical terrorists?"
And the Pied Piper said, "Simple. I'll sit down and talk with them and show
them how nice we really are and they'll forget that they ever wanted to kill us all!"
Then the Pied Piper said, "I'll give 95% of you lower taxes."
*And one, lone voice said, "But 40% of us don't pay ANY taxes."
So the Pied Piper said, "Then I'll give you some of the taxes the fat-cats pay!"
*And the people said, "Show me the money!"
Then the Pied Piper said, "I'll tax your Capital Gains when you sell your homes!"
*And the people yawned and the slumping housing market collapsed.
And he said, "I'll mandate employer- funded health care for EVERY worker and
raise the minimum wage.." *And the people said, "Gim'me some of that!"
Then he said, "I'll penalize employers who ship jobs overseas."
*And the people said, "Where's my rebate check?"
Then the Pied Piper actually said, "I'll bankrupt the coal industry and electricity
rates will skyrocket!" *And the people said, "Coal is dirty, coal is evil, no more coal!
But we don't care for that part about higher electric rates."
So the Pied Piper said, "Not to worry. If your rebate isn't enough to cover your expenses, we'll bail you out.. Just sign up with ACORN and your troubles are over!" Then he said, "Illegal immigrants feel scorned and slighted. Let's grant them amnesty, Social Security, free education, free lunches, free medical care, bi-lingual signs and guaranteed housing."
*And the people said, "Ole`! Bravo!" And they made him King!
And so it came to pass that employers, facing spiraling costs and ever-higher taxes,
raised their prices and laid off workers. Others simply gave up and went out of business and the economy slowed even further. Then the Pied Piper said, "I am the Messiah and I'm here to save you! We'll just print more money so everyone will have enough!" But our foreign trading partners said, "Wait a minute. Your dollar isn't worth what it was. You'll have to pay more."
*And the people said, "Wait a minute. That's not fair!"
And the world said, "Neither are these other, idiotic programs you've embraced.
You've become a Socialist state and a second-rate power. Now you'll play by our rules!"
*And the people said, "What have we done?"
But it was too late.
If you think this is a fairy tale, open your eyes and ears. It's happening RIGHT NOW!
O ne B ig A ss M istake A merica

Interesting Statistics
Professor Joseph Olson of Hemline University School of Law,
St. Paul, Minnesota, points out facts of 2008 Presidential election:
Number of States won by:
Democrats: 19
Republicans: 29
Square miles of land won by:
Democrats: 580,000
Republicans: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by:
Democrats: 127 million
Republicans: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by:
Democrats: 13.2
Republicans: 2.1
Professor Olson adds:
"In aggregate, the map of the territory Republican won by Republicans
was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.
Democrat territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in
government-owned tenements and living off various forms of
government welfare.
Professor Olson believes the United States is now somewhere
between the "complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's
definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation's
population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal
invaders called illegal's and they vote, then we can say goodbye to
the USA in fewer than five years
Pass this along to help everyone realize just how much is at stake,
knowing that apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom.
Professor Joseph Olson of Hemline University School of Law,
St. Paul, Minnesota, points out facts of 2008 Presidential election:
Number of States won by:
Democrats: 19
Republicans: 29
Square miles of land won by:
Democrats: 580,000
Republicans: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by:
Democrats: 127 million
Republicans: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by:
Democrats: 13.2
Republicans: 2.1
Professor Olson adds:
"In aggregate, the map of the territory Republican won by Republicans
was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.
Democrat territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in
government-owned tenements and living off various forms of
government welfare.
Professor Olson believes the United States is now somewhere
between the "complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's
definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation's
population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal
invaders called illegal's and they vote, then we can say goodbye to
the USA in fewer than five years
Pass this along to help everyone realize just how much is at stake,
knowing that apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom.
Washington University Teams with Barnes Hospital to Train Abortionists
Washington University Teams with Barnes Hospital to Train Abortionists
Washington University has joined forces with Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Planned Parenthood of St. Louis to train abortionists. It is called the Family Planning Fellowship Program, and its stated goal is to "develop tomorrow's leaders in reproductive health."
Fellows in the program are trained to become "expert" in all methods of first and second trimester abortions, which the program describes as "uterine evacuation procedures." The program claims it is the only fellowship in the nation providing the opportunity to develop "high-level...clinical skills" in "abortion care."
The program website states that fellows will participate in abortions at the Reproductive Health Services clinic operated by Planned Parenthood of St. Louis. The site says that "here, fellows will learn, and ultimately teach and supervise residents in first and second trimester surgical abortions and medical abortion." According to the website, more than 6,000 abortions are done annually at Reproductive Health
The Family Planning Fellowship Program also states that while most of the fellows' abortion experience will be at Planned Parenthood, "new in-patient abortion services are being developed at Barnes-Jewish Hospital." The program lists Barnes-Jewish Hospital as one of the clinical training sites.
The website also explains that Washington University is collaborating with St. Louis University "to accomplish the goals of the Family Planning Fellowship." Fellows are advised that they can complete a Master's degree in Public Health at the St. Louis University School of Public Health.
In the area of research, fellows are told that they will work with leading clinicians and researchers "to develop new approaches to...pregnancy termination in the United States and abroad." In the area of public policy, fellows are advised that they can "learn about and participate in advocacy efforts of pro-choice and professional organizations."
The director of the Family Planning Fellowship Program is Jeffrey Peipert, M.D. Peipert is the Vice Chair of Clinical Research in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Washington University. He is also the medical director for Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis region. The co-director of the program is Tessa Madden, M.D., who is a member of the pro-abortion group Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health.
A key faculty member in the Family Planning Fellowship Program is Robert Crist, M.D. The website accurately states that Crist has performed abortions for over 35 years, and is "a major provider of...abortions at Planned Parenthood." Yet another faculty member is Diane Merritt, M.D., who is an active member of the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals, an organization with close ties to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
It is unconscionable that Washington University is educating physicians who are supposed to be practititioners of the healing arts to instead become "experts" in the destruction of unborn children. It is equally unconscionable for a health care institution like Barnes Hospital that prides itself on "world-class" health services to instead be a partner in the killing of innocent pre-born children.
We are providing you below the names and contact information of various decision-makers at Washington University and Barnes-Jewish Hospital. You may wish to contact them to urge that they put an end to this shameful and insidious relationship with Planned Parenthood. Please pray for them as you send such messages that they will receive your communication with an open heart.
Washington University
Mark Wrighton
Chancellor, Washington University
Campus Box 1192
St. Louis, MO 63130
Stephen Brauer, Chairman of the Board
Washington University
North Brookings Hall, Room 220
Campus Box 1081
St. Louis, MO 63130
Barnes-Jewish Hospital
Stephen Lipstein
President and CEO, BJC Health Care
Andrew Ziskind, MD
President, Barnes-Jewish Hospital
Patrick Stokes
Chairman of the Board
Barnes-Jewish Hospital
Address for above Barnes Hospital contacts:
One Barnes-Jewish Hospital Plaza
St. Louis, MO 63110
Barnes Jewish Hospital Contact Us" link:
Barnes-Jewish Hospital
For many years a conspiracy of silence has surrounded the abortion industry and its agents. It is time for that silence to be broken.
Washington University has joined forces with Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Planned Parenthood of St. Louis to train abortionists. It is called the Family Planning Fellowship Program, and its stated goal is to "develop tomorrow's leaders in reproductive health."
Fellows in the program are trained to become "expert" in all methods of first and second trimester abortions, which the program describes as "uterine evacuation procedures." The program claims it is the only fellowship in the nation providing the opportunity to develop "high-level...clinical skills" in "abortion care."
The program website states that fellows will participate in abortions at the Reproductive Health Services clinic operated by Planned Parenthood of St. Louis. The site says that "here, fellows will learn, and ultimately teach and supervise residents in first and second trimester surgical abortions and medical abortion." According to the website, more than 6,000 abortions are done annually at Reproductive Health
The Family Planning Fellowship Program also states that while most of the fellows' abortion experience will be at Planned Parenthood, "new in-patient abortion services are being developed at Barnes-Jewish Hospital." The program lists Barnes-Jewish Hospital as one of the clinical training sites.
The website also explains that Washington University is collaborating with St. Louis University "to accomplish the goals of the Family Planning Fellowship." Fellows are advised that they can complete a Master's degree in Public Health at the St. Louis University School of Public Health.
In the area of research, fellows are told that they will work with leading clinicians and researchers "to develop new approaches to...pregnancy termination in the United States and abroad." In the area of public policy, fellows are advised that they can "learn about and participate in advocacy efforts of pro-choice and professional organizations."
The director of the Family Planning Fellowship Program is Jeffrey Peipert, M.D. Peipert is the Vice Chair of Clinical Research in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Washington University. He is also the medical director for Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis region. The co-director of the program is Tessa Madden, M.D., who is a member of the pro-abortion group Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health.
A key faculty member in the Family Planning Fellowship Program is Robert Crist, M.D. The website accurately states that Crist has performed abortions for over 35 years, and is "a major provider of...abortions at Planned Parenthood." Yet another faculty member is Diane Merritt, M.D., who is an active member of the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals, an organization with close ties to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
It is unconscionable that Washington University is educating physicians who are supposed to be practititioners of the healing arts to instead become "experts" in the destruction of unborn children. It is equally unconscionable for a health care institution like Barnes Hospital that prides itself on "world-class" health services to instead be a partner in the killing of innocent pre-born children.
We are providing you below the names and contact information of various decision-makers at Washington University and Barnes-Jewish Hospital. You may wish to contact them to urge that they put an end to this shameful and insidious relationship with Planned Parenthood. Please pray for them as you send such messages that they will receive your communication with an open heart.
Washington University
Mark Wrighton
Chancellor, Washington University
Campus Box 1192
St. Louis, MO 63130
Stephen Brauer, Chairman of the Board
Washington University
North Brookings Hall, Room 220
Campus Box 1081
St. Louis, MO 63130
Barnes-Jewish Hospital
Stephen Lipstein
President and CEO, BJC Health Care
Andrew Ziskind, MD
President, Barnes-Jewish Hospital
Patrick Stokes
Chairman of the Board
Barnes-Jewish Hospital
Address for above Barnes Hospital contacts:
One Barnes-Jewish Hospital Plaza
St. Louis, MO 63110
Barnes Jewish Hospital Contact Us" link:
Barnes-Jewish Hospital
For many years a conspiracy of silence has surrounded the abortion industry and its agents. It is time for that silence to be broken.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Federal judge rules police cannot detain people for openly carrying guns
Federal judge rules police cannot detain people for openly carrying guns
September 9, 2009
Gun Rights Examiner Mike Stollenwerk
On September 8, 2009, United States District Judge Bruce D. Black of the United States District Court for New Mexico entered summary judgment in a civil case for damages against Alamogordo, NM police officers. The Judge's straight shootin' message to police: Leave open carriers alone unless you have "reason to believe that a crime [is] afoot."
The facts of the case are pretty simple. Matthew St. John entered an Alamogordo movie theater as a paying customer and sat down to enjoy the movie. He was openly carrying a holstered handgun, conduct which is legal in 42 states, and requires no license in New Mexico and twenty-five other states.
In response to a call from theater manager Robert Zigmond, the police entered the movie theater, physically seized Mr. St. John from his seat, took him outside, disarmed him, searched him, obtained personally identifiable information from his wallet, and only allowed him to re-enter the theater after St. John agreed to secure his gun in his vehicle. Mr. St. John was never suspected of any crime nor issued a summons for violating any law. Importantly, no theater employee ever ordered Mr. St. John to leave.
The police apparently simply decided to act as agents of the movie theater to enforce a private rule of conduct and not to enforce any rule of law. On these facts, Judge Black concluded as a matter of law that the police violated Matthew St. John's constitutional rights under the Fourth Amendment because they seized and disarmed him even though there was not "any reason to believe that a crime was afoot." Judge Black's opinion is consistent with numerous high state and federal appellate courts, e.g., the United States Supreme Court in Florida v. J.L. (2000) (detaining man on mere report that he has a gun violates the Fourth Amendment) and the Washington Appeals Court in State v. Casad (2004) (detaining man observed by police as openly carrying rifles on a public street violates the Fourth Amendment).
Mr. St. John's attorney, Miguel Garcia, of Alamogordo, NM was pleased with the ruling and look forward to the next phase of the litigation which is a jury trial to establish the amount of damages, and possibly punitive damages. Garcia said that "[i]t was great to see the Court carefully consider the issues presented by both sides and conclude that the U.S. Constitution prohibits the government from detaining and searching individuals solely for exercising their rights to possess a firearm as guaranteed by our state and federal constitutions."
Notably, Judge Black denied the police officers' requested "qualified immunity," a judicially created doctrine allowing government officials acting in good faith to avoid liability for violating the law where the law was not "clearly established."
In this case, Judge Black concluded that "[r]elying on well-defined Supreme Court precedent, the Tenth Circuit and its sister courts have consistently held that officers may not seize or search an individual without a specific, legitimate reason. . . . The applicable law was equally clear in this case. Nothing in New Mexico law prohibited Mr. St. John from openly carrying a firearm in the Theater.
Accordingly, Mr. St. John's motion for summary judgment is granted with regard to his Fourth Amendment and New Mexico constitutional claims. Defendants' motion for summary judgment is denied with regard to the same and with regard to qualified immunity." Judge Black's opinion and order is welcome news for the growing number of open carriers across the United States. Though police harassment of open carriers is rare, it's not yet as rare as it should be - over the last several years open carriers detained without cause by police have sued and obtained cash settlements in Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Virginia (see additional settlement here), and Georgia. More cases are still pending in Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.
NOTE: Mathew St. John's attorney, Miguel Garcia, is an associate at John R. Hakanson PC, 307 11th St., Alamogordo, NM 88310 and can be reached at
September 9, 2009
Gun Rights Examiner Mike Stollenwerk
On September 8, 2009, United States District Judge Bruce D. Black of the United States District Court for New Mexico entered summary judgment in a civil case for damages against Alamogordo, NM police officers. The Judge's straight shootin' message to police: Leave open carriers alone unless you have "reason to believe that a crime [is] afoot."
The facts of the case are pretty simple. Matthew St. John entered an Alamogordo movie theater as a paying customer and sat down to enjoy the movie. He was openly carrying a holstered handgun, conduct which is legal in 42 states, and requires no license in New Mexico and twenty-five other states.
In response to a call from theater manager Robert Zigmond, the police entered the movie theater, physically seized Mr. St. John from his seat, took him outside, disarmed him, searched him, obtained personally identifiable information from his wallet, and only allowed him to re-enter the theater after St. John agreed to secure his gun in his vehicle. Mr. St. John was never suspected of any crime nor issued a summons for violating any law. Importantly, no theater employee ever ordered Mr. St. John to leave.
The police apparently simply decided to act as agents of the movie theater to enforce a private rule of conduct and not to enforce any rule of law. On these facts, Judge Black concluded as a matter of law that the police violated Matthew St. John's constitutional rights under the Fourth Amendment because they seized and disarmed him even though there was not "any reason to believe that a crime was afoot." Judge Black's opinion is consistent with numerous high state and federal appellate courts, e.g., the United States Supreme Court in Florida v. J.L. (2000) (detaining man on mere report that he has a gun violates the Fourth Amendment) and the Washington Appeals Court in State v. Casad (2004) (detaining man observed by police as openly carrying rifles on a public street violates the Fourth Amendment).
Mr. St. John's attorney, Miguel Garcia, of Alamogordo, NM was pleased with the ruling and look forward to the next phase of the litigation which is a jury trial to establish the amount of damages, and possibly punitive damages. Garcia said that "[i]t was great to see the Court carefully consider the issues presented by both sides and conclude that the U.S. Constitution prohibits the government from detaining and searching individuals solely for exercising their rights to possess a firearm as guaranteed by our state and federal constitutions."
Notably, Judge Black denied the police officers' requested "qualified immunity," a judicially created doctrine allowing government officials acting in good faith to avoid liability for violating the law where the law was not "clearly established."
In this case, Judge Black concluded that "[r]elying on well-defined Supreme Court precedent, the Tenth Circuit and its sister courts have consistently held that officers may not seize or search an individual without a specific, legitimate reason. . . . The applicable law was equally clear in this case. Nothing in New Mexico law prohibited Mr. St. John from openly carrying a firearm in the Theater.
Accordingly, Mr. St. John's motion for summary judgment is granted with regard to his Fourth Amendment and New Mexico constitutional claims. Defendants' motion for summary judgment is denied with regard to the same and with regard to qualified immunity." Judge Black's opinion and order is welcome news for the growing number of open carriers across the United States. Though police harassment of open carriers is rare, it's not yet as rare as it should be - over the last several years open carriers detained without cause by police have sued and obtained cash settlements in Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Virginia (see additional settlement here), and Georgia. More cases are still pending in Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.
NOTE: Mathew St. John's attorney, Miguel Garcia, is an associate at John R. Hakanson PC, 307 11th St., Alamogordo, NM 88310 and can be reached at
Monday, September 14, 2009
World's Smallest Political Quiz
World's Smallest Political Quiz
Friday, September 11, 2009
Here SHE is, the USS New York

It is the fifth in a new class of warship - designed for missions that include special operations against terrorists. It will carry a crew of 360 sailors and 700 combat-ready Marines to be delivered ashore by helicopters and assault craft..
Steel from the World Trade Center was melted down in a foundry in Amite , LA to cast the ship's bow section. When it was poured into the molds on Sept 9, 2003 , 'those big rough steelworkers treated it with total reverence,' recalled Navy Capt. Kevin Wensing, who was there. 'It was a spiritual moment for everybody there.' Junior Chavers, foundry operations manager, said that when the trade center steel first arrived, he touched it with his hand and the 'hair on my neck stood up.' 'It had a big meaning to it for all of us,' he said.. 'They knocked us down. They can't keep us down. We're going to be back.'
The ship's motto? 'Never Forget'
Please keep this going so everyone can see what we are made of in this country
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