Dear Mr. Obama,
Thank you for not going to Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day. There is something very sacred about that place and about that day. Those who bled and died for this country deserve to be honored and saluted by people who love their country and honor their sacrifice.
You don't belong there.
Thank you for realizing that and going to Chicago.
Craig P. Jacobi, Col, USA, (Ret)
McLean, VA
Monday, July 26, 2010
A disaster can strike at any moment little warning. 72-Hour Challenge
A disaster can strike at any moment little warning. If you aren’t already prepared, disaster can turn into a tragedy. So when an emergency does happen, how will you and your family cope with it? Do you have a plan for storms? What about earthquakes, or flooding?
Anything from a community notice about dirty water up to a full out disaster where you have no power, no water, and minimal contact with the outside world for days or even weeks at a time could happen. So the question for you today is, How Ready Are You? Today I want to challenge you to test your emergency preparedness skills in our 72-Hour Challenge. All you have to do for this challenge is turn off all your power, water, and gas in your home to simulate that some kind of disaster has happened; then, all you have to do is try to perform normal daily activities. Although it’s fairly simple to start, when you start trying to do things like wash dishes, prepare food and even get ready for bed, that’s when things get challenging.
There’s also another catch: once you start the challenge, you’re not allowed to travel anywhere to gather supplies. With the emergency supplies that you have set aside, see how you and your family cope with the situation. Before you do this, of course, you’ll have to sit down and talk with your family about what you’re going to be doing and why. This step is important both because it will be better if you get everyone in the household to participate, and because the more you and your family communicate about disaster and emergency preparedness, the safe everyone will be. Many parents I’ve talked to have expressed an unwillingness to do this because they say they are uncertain about the impact it could have on their children; however, with all the earthquake, fire, and other emergency drills they do at school, kids will probably be excited to take those skills and help others!
One option for the 72-hour drill is to act as though someone in your family was hurt or injured due to the disaster. Depending on your kids’ ages, you may have to warn them in advance, but the more surprised they are, the more realistic the emergency challenge will be. This is a great opportunity to get everyone working together–not to mention a way to teach your kids vital first aid training. Another benefit that comes from doing the 72-Hour Challenge is the opportunity to make sure you understand the preparation and the supplies that are needed to turn your dehydrated or freeze-dried food into food that you and your family can enjoy.
When my family and I tried this test a few weeks ago, we noticed that having “comfort” food around is a big help. It’s always best to eat as normally as possible, and imitating normal behavior helps release the stress and tension that always accompanies a disaster. This 72-Hour Challenge is a great way to make sure that you are prepared with supplies and tools like flashlights, radios, and anything else you may need, as well as ensuring that when a real emergency does happen, you’ll know exactly what to cook to keep everyone calm and healthy.
So, try it out! Do the 72-Hour Challenge (or if that’s too inconvenient, I’d recommend trying to go at least 24 hourse). When you’re done with your challenge or if you’ve already done something similar, we would love to hear about your experience! Please comment on the blog bellow and give everyone some input on how you handled the situation.
Anything from a community notice about dirty water up to a full out disaster where you have no power, no water, and minimal contact with the outside world for days or even weeks at a time could happen. So the question for you today is, How Ready Are You? Today I want to challenge you to test your emergency preparedness skills in our 72-Hour Challenge. All you have to do for this challenge is turn off all your power, water, and gas in your home to simulate that some kind of disaster has happened; then, all you have to do is try to perform normal daily activities. Although it’s fairly simple to start, when you start trying to do things like wash dishes, prepare food and even get ready for bed, that’s when things get challenging.
There’s also another catch: once you start the challenge, you’re not allowed to travel anywhere to gather supplies. With the emergency supplies that you have set aside, see how you and your family cope with the situation. Before you do this, of course, you’ll have to sit down and talk with your family about what you’re going to be doing and why. This step is important both because it will be better if you get everyone in the household to participate, and because the more you and your family communicate about disaster and emergency preparedness, the safe everyone will be. Many parents I’ve talked to have expressed an unwillingness to do this because they say they are uncertain about the impact it could have on their children; however, with all the earthquake, fire, and other emergency drills they do at school, kids will probably be excited to take those skills and help others!
One option for the 72-hour drill is to act as though someone in your family was hurt or injured due to the disaster. Depending on your kids’ ages, you may have to warn them in advance, but the more surprised they are, the more realistic the emergency challenge will be. This is a great opportunity to get everyone working together–not to mention a way to teach your kids vital first aid training. Another benefit that comes from doing the 72-Hour Challenge is the opportunity to make sure you understand the preparation and the supplies that are needed to turn your dehydrated or freeze-dried food into food that you and your family can enjoy.
When my family and I tried this test a few weeks ago, we noticed that having “comfort” food around is a big help. It’s always best to eat as normally as possible, and imitating normal behavior helps release the stress and tension that always accompanies a disaster. This 72-Hour Challenge is a great way to make sure that you are prepared with supplies and tools like flashlights, radios, and anything else you may need, as well as ensuring that when a real emergency does happen, you’ll know exactly what to cook to keep everyone calm and healthy.
So, try it out! Do the 72-Hour Challenge (or if that’s too inconvenient, I’d recommend trying to go at least 24 hourse). When you’re done with your challenge or if you’ve already done something similar, we would love to hear about your experience! Please comment on the blog bellow and give everyone some input on how you handled the situation.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
legal American citizen and I must show my ID when:
legal American citizen and I must show my ID when:
1. Pulled over by the police.
2. Making purchases on my department store credit card.
3. When I show up for a doctor's appointment.
4. When filling out a credit card or loan application.
5. When applying for or renewing a driver's license or passport.
6. When applying for any kind of insurance.
7. When filling out college applications.
8. When donating blood.
9. When obtaining certain prescription drugs.
10. When making some debit purchases, especially
if I'm out of state.
11. When collecting a boarding pass for airline or train travel.
I'm sure there are more instances, but the point is that we citizens of the USA are required to prove who we are nearly every day!
Why should people in this country illegally, be exempt!!!!!
Why shouldn't we guard our borders as closely as every other country in the world does?
1. Pulled over by the police.
2. Making purchases on my department store credit card.
3. When I show up for a doctor's appointment.
4. When filling out a credit card or loan application.
5. When applying for or renewing a driver's license or passport.
6. When applying for any kind of insurance.
7. When filling out college applications.
8. When donating blood.
9. When obtaining certain prescription drugs.
10. When making some debit purchases, especially
if I'm out of state.
11. When collecting a boarding pass for airline or train travel.
I'm sure there are more instances, but the point is that we citizens of the USA are required to prove who we are nearly every day!
Why should people in this country illegally, be exempt!!!!!
Why shouldn't we guard our borders as closely as every other country in the world does?
Wasp Spray for self defense
Wasp Spray

I know some of you own GUNS but this is something to think about...---
If you don't have a gun, here's a more humane way to wreck someone's evil plans for you. Did you know this? I didn't. I never really thought of it before. I guess I can get rid of the baseball bat.
Wasp Spray - A friend who is a receptionist in a church in a high risk area was concerned about someone coming into the office on Monday to rob them when they were counting the collection. She asked the local police department about using pepper spray and they recommended to her that she get a can of wasp spray instead.
The wasp spray, they told her, can shoot up to twenty feet away and is a lot more accurate, while with the pepper spray, they have to get too close to you and could overpower you. The wasp spray temporarily blinds an attacker until they get to the hospital for an antidote. She keeps a can on her desk in the office and it doesn't attract attention from people like a can of pepper spray would. She also keeps one nearby at home for home protection. Thought this was interesting and might be of use.
On the heels of a break in and beating that left an elderly woman in Toledo dead, self defense experts have a tip that could save your life.
Val Glinka teaches self-defense to students at Sylvania Southview High School . For decades, he's suggested putting a can of wasp and hornet spray near your door or bed.
Glinka says, "This is better than anything I can teach them."
Glinka considers it inexpensive, easy to find, and more effective than mace or pepper spray. The cans typically shoot 20 to 30 feet; so if someone tries to break into your home, Glinka says "spray the culprit in the eyes". It's a tip he's given to students for decades.
It's also one he wants everyone to hear. If you're looking for protection, Glinka says look to the spray. "That's going to give you a chance to call the police; maybe get out." Maybe even save a life.
Please share this with all the people who are precious to your life
Did you also know that wasp spray will kill a snake? And a mouse! It will! Good to know, huh? It will also kill a wasp.!!!!

I know some of you own GUNS but this is something to think about...---
If you don't have a gun, here's a more humane way to wreck someone's evil plans for you. Did you know this? I didn't. I never really thought of it before. I guess I can get rid of the baseball bat.
Wasp Spray - A friend who is a receptionist in a church in a high risk area was concerned about someone coming into the office on Monday to rob them when they were counting the collection. She asked the local police department about using pepper spray and they recommended to her that she get a can of wasp spray instead.
The wasp spray, they told her, can shoot up to twenty feet away and is a lot more accurate, while with the pepper spray, they have to get too close to you and could overpower you. The wasp spray temporarily blinds an attacker until they get to the hospital for an antidote. She keeps a can on her desk in the office and it doesn't attract attention from people like a can of pepper spray would. She also keeps one nearby at home for home protection. Thought this was interesting and might be of use.
On the heels of a break in and beating that left an elderly woman in Toledo dead, self defense experts have a tip that could save your life.
Val Glinka teaches self-defense to students at Sylvania Southview High School . For decades, he's suggested putting a can of wasp and hornet spray near your door or bed.
Glinka says, "This is better than anything I can teach them."
Glinka considers it inexpensive, easy to find, and more effective than mace or pepper spray. The cans typically shoot 20 to 30 feet; so if someone tries to break into your home, Glinka says "spray the culprit in the eyes". It's a tip he's given to students for decades.
It's also one he wants everyone to hear. If you're looking for protection, Glinka says look to the spray. "That's going to give you a chance to call the police; maybe get out." Maybe even save a life.
Please share this with all the people who are precious to your life
Did you also know that wasp spray will kill a snake? And a mouse! It will! Good to know, huh? It will also kill a wasp.!!!!
Current European tax rates,This is how we will be.
Current European tax rates,This is how we will be.
Before you read the results many of these countries offer cradle to grave financial support, healthcare, higher education, retirement, almost never ending.....just for a few bucks off the top!!
Not a very hopeful probability of things to come here under the changes planned to pay for expanding medical coverage
Current European tax rates ((read em & weep!)):
United Kingdom
Income Tax: 50%
VAT: 17.5% TOTAL: 67.5%
Income Tax: 45%
Income Tax: 40%
VAT: 19.6% TOTAL: 59.6%
Income Tax: 40%
VAT: 25% TOTAL: 65%
Income Tax: 45%
VAT: 16% TOTAL: 61%
Income Tax: 42%
VAT: 20% TOTAL: 62%
Income Tax: 55%
VAT: 25% TOTAL: 80%
Income Tax: 54.3%
VAT: 25% TOTAL: 79.3%
Income Tax: 52%
VAT: 19% TOTAL: 71%
Income Tax: 58%
VAT: 25% TOTAL: 83%
Income Tax: 53%
VAT: 22% TOTAL: 75%
If you have started to wonder what the real costs of socialism are going to be, once the full program in these United States hits your wallet, take a look at the table. As you digest these mind-boggling figures, keep in mind that in spite of these astronomical tax rates, these countries are still not financing their social welfare programs exclusively from tax revenues! They are deeply mired in public debt of gargantuan proportions. Greece has reached the point where its debt is so huge it is in imminent danger of defaulting. That is the reason the European economic community has intervened to bail them out. If you are following the financial news, you know Spain and Portugal are right behind Greece.
The United States is now heading right down the same path. The VAT tax in the table is the national sales tax that Europeans pay. Stay tuned because that is exactly what you can expect to see the administration proposing after the fall elections. The initial percentage in the United States isn�t going to be anywhere near the outrageous numbers you now see in Europe. Guess what, the current outrageous numbers in Europe didn't start out as outrageous either. They started out as miniscule right around the 1% or 2% where they will start out in the United States. Magically however, they ran up over the years to where they are now. Expect the same thing here.
It's time to rethink the American Dream idea: It is the notion that with hard work and perseverance, anybody can get ahead economically here. Do you think that can ever happen with tax rates between 60% and 80%? Think again. With the government taking that percentage of your money, your life will be exactly like life in Europe. You will never be able to buy a home. You will never buy a car. You will never send your children to college. Let's not shuffle the battle cry of the socialists under the rug either. It's always the same cry. Equalize income. Spread the wealth to the poor(whoever they are). Level the economic playing field. Accomplish that and everything will be rosy.
It's time to take a really hard look at reality. Greece is a perfect example. Despite the socialism system that has ruled this country for decades, with a 65% tax rate, they are drowning in public debt, would have defaulted without hundreds of billions in bailout money, and still. . .20% of their population lives in poverty. What has all that socialism money bought, besides ultimate power for the politicians running the show? Do you think these people are "free"? They're not. They are slaves to their economic "system."
People, we are at a tipping point in America. We all know it. Turn this around right now or your grandchildren will be massing in the streets of this once-great country, just as the people of Greece now are. Economic slavery is slavery, just the same. Carefully and deeply consider what it takes to throw off the yoke of slavery, once it takes hold and settles over your neck
Before you read the results many of these countries offer cradle to grave financial support, healthcare, higher education, retirement, almost never ending.....just for a few bucks off the top!!
Not a very hopeful probability of things to come here under the changes planned to pay for expanding medical coverage
Current European tax rates ((read em & weep!)):
United Kingdom
Income Tax: 50%
VAT: 17.5% TOTAL: 67.5%
Income Tax: 45%
Income Tax: 40%
VAT: 19.6% TOTAL: 59.6%
Income Tax: 40%
VAT: 25% TOTAL: 65%
Income Tax: 45%
VAT: 16% TOTAL: 61%
Income Tax: 42%
VAT: 20% TOTAL: 62%
Income Tax: 55%
VAT: 25% TOTAL: 80%
Income Tax: 54.3%
VAT: 25% TOTAL: 79.3%
Income Tax: 52%
VAT: 19% TOTAL: 71%
Income Tax: 58%
VAT: 25% TOTAL: 83%
Income Tax: 53%
VAT: 22% TOTAL: 75%
If you have started to wonder what the real costs of socialism are going to be, once the full program in these United States hits your wallet, take a look at the table. As you digest these mind-boggling figures, keep in mind that in spite of these astronomical tax rates, these countries are still not financing their social welfare programs exclusively from tax revenues! They are deeply mired in public debt of gargantuan proportions. Greece has reached the point where its debt is so huge it is in imminent danger of defaulting. That is the reason the European economic community has intervened to bail them out. If you are following the financial news, you know Spain and Portugal are right behind Greece.
The United States is now heading right down the same path. The VAT tax in the table is the national sales tax that Europeans pay. Stay tuned because that is exactly what you can expect to see the administration proposing after the fall elections. The initial percentage in the United States isn�t going to be anywhere near the outrageous numbers you now see in Europe. Guess what, the current outrageous numbers in Europe didn't start out as outrageous either. They started out as miniscule right around the 1% or 2% where they will start out in the United States. Magically however, they ran up over the years to where they are now. Expect the same thing here.
It's time to rethink the American Dream idea: It is the notion that with hard work and perseverance, anybody can get ahead economically here. Do you think that can ever happen with tax rates between 60% and 80%? Think again. With the government taking that percentage of your money, your life will be exactly like life in Europe. You will never be able to buy a home. You will never buy a car. You will never send your children to college. Let's not shuffle the battle cry of the socialists under the rug either. It's always the same cry. Equalize income. Spread the wealth to the poor(whoever they are). Level the economic playing field. Accomplish that and everything will be rosy.
It's time to take a really hard look at reality. Greece is a perfect example. Despite the socialism system that has ruled this country for decades, with a 65% tax rate, they are drowning in public debt, would have defaulted without hundreds of billions in bailout money, and still. . .20% of their population lives in poverty. What has all that socialism money bought, besides ultimate power for the politicians running the show? Do you think these people are "free"? They're not. They are slaves to their economic "system."
People, we are at a tipping point in America. We all know it. Turn this around right now or your grandchildren will be massing in the streets of this once-great country, just as the people of Greece now are. Economic slavery is slavery, just the same. Carefully and deeply consider what it takes to throw off the yoke of slavery, once it takes hold and settles over your neck
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
2011 W-2 Tax Forms
2011 W-2 Tax Forms
Should you want to verify this, go to, enter "HR 3590"
in the search box and look for "CRS Summaries." This is what you'll find.
Title IX Revenue Provisions—Subtitle A: Revenue Offset
"(Sec. 9002) Requires employers to include in the W-2 form of each employee
the aggregate cost of applicable employer-sponsored group health coverage
that is excludable from the employee's gross income (excluding the value of
contributions to flexible spending arrangements)."
Starting in 2011—next year—the W-2 tax form sent by your employer will be
increased to show the value of whatever health insurance you are provided.
It doesn't matter if you're retired. Your gross income WILL go up by the amount
of insurance your employer paid for. So you’ll be required to pay taxes on a larger
sum of money that you actually received. Take the tax form you just finished for
2009 and see what $15,000.00 or $20,000.00 additional gross income does to
your tax debt. That's what you'll pay next year. For many it puts you into a
much higher bracket. This is how the government is going to buy insurance for
fifteen (15) percent that don't have insurance and it's only part of the tax increases,
but it's not really a "tax increase" as such, it a redefinition of your taxable income.
Also, go to Kiplinger's and read about the thirteen (13) tax changes for 2010 that
could affect you.
Why am I sending you this? The same reason I hope you forward this to every
single person in your address book. People have the right to know the truth because
an election is coming in November. So vote intelligently, based on your values.
But also adjust your tax withholding, or increase your savings, so that you aren't
surprised and put in a jam when your federal income taxes are due on April 15, 2012.
Fight organized crime!
Should you want to verify this, go to, enter "HR 3590"
in the search box and look for "CRS Summaries." This is what you'll find.
Title IX Revenue Provisions—Subtitle A: Revenue Offset
"(Sec. 9002) Requires employers to include in the W-2 form of each employee
the aggregate cost of applicable employer-sponsored group health coverage
that is excludable from the employee's gross income (excluding the value of
contributions to flexible spending arrangements)."
Starting in 2011—next year—the W-2 tax form sent by your employer will be
increased to show the value of whatever health insurance you are provided.
It doesn't matter if you're retired. Your gross income WILL go up by the amount
of insurance your employer paid for. So you’ll be required to pay taxes on a larger
sum of money that you actually received. Take the tax form you just finished for
2009 and see what $15,000.00 or $20,000.00 additional gross income does to
your tax debt. That's what you'll pay next year. For many it puts you into a
much higher bracket. This is how the government is going to buy insurance for
fifteen (15) percent that don't have insurance and it's only part of the tax increases,
but it's not really a "tax increase" as such, it a redefinition of your taxable income.
Also, go to Kiplinger's and read about the thirteen (13) tax changes for 2010 that
could affect you.
Why am I sending you this? The same reason I hope you forward this to every
single person in your address book. People have the right to know the truth because
an election is coming in November. So vote intelligently, based on your values.
But also adjust your tax withholding, or increase your savings, so that you aren't
surprised and put in a jam when your federal income taxes are due on April 15, 2012.
Fight organized crime!
My Green Hat
The other day I needed to go to the emergency room. Not wanting to sit there for 4 hours, I put on my GREEN HAT that I got from Newsmax when I had subscribed to the magazine.
When I went into the E.R., I noticed that 3/4 of the people got up and left. I guess they decided that they weren't that sick after all. Cut at least 3 hours off my waiting time. Here's the hat. Try it the next time you're in need of quicker emergency service.
It also works at DMV. It saved me 5 hours.
At the Laundromat, three minutes after entering, I had my choice of any machine, most still running.
Don't try it at McDonald's though. The whole crew got up and left and l never got my order.
When I went into the E.R., I noticed that 3/4 of the people got up and left. I guess they decided that they weren't that sick after all. Cut at least 3 hours off my waiting time. Here's the hat. Try it the next time you're in need of quicker emergency service.

At the Laundromat, three minutes after entering, I had my choice of any machine, most still running.
Don't try it at McDonald's though. The whole crew got up and left and l never got my order.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Missouri Voters - August 3rd
Missouri Voters - August 3rd
Vote for Health Care Freedom on August 3rd - Vote Yes on Proposition C
At the end of the last legislative session, the Missouri General Assembly passed HB1764, the Health Care Freedom Act. That Act, now Proposition C, will be presented to the people of Missouri for ratification on August 3rd. This incredibly important Proposition protects Missourians' rights to choose the best health insurance options for their families and their businesses. Not everyone wants Proposition C to pass, and liberals recently filled a lawsuit to stop the vote!
President Obama and his like minded colleagues Nancy Polosi and Harry Reid ignored the will of the people when they forced their health control dictates through Congress. The Missouri Legislature responded in an overwhelming bipartisan vote by restoring government "of, by and for the people" by putting the Health Care Freedom Act on the ballot.
A Democrat lawyer in Jefferson City who shares the views of the Obama administration, filed the suit on behalf of two liberal activists seeking to remove Proposition C from the ballot because they fear they cannot win at the ballot box. They are trying to use a judge to do an end-run around the will of the elected Legislature and the will of the people. What is worse, but hurts their case, is the plaintiffs waited until after the ballots had been printed and citizens has already started voting absentee. Additionally they are not disclosing the funders of their endeavor which begs the question of what and whom they are trying to hide.
We can be assured that the same powers that want more and more Washington regulation of our health care and less and less individual liberty will stop at nothing to defeat Proposition C. Missourians should not be surprised that some people are seeking to stop us from ratifying the Health Care Freedom Act. The liberals know that if Missourians vote in favor of Proposition C, it will send political shockwaves around the country and spell the end of ObamaCare. We expected this kind of fight with law suits and the distribution and reporting of misinformation. These tactics are normal for highly charged issues and it just proves the importance of what we are doing.
By Jane Cunningham, Missouri State Senator
Vote for Health Care Freedom on August 3rd - Vote Yes on Proposition C
At the end of the last legislative session, the Missouri General Assembly passed HB1764, the Health Care Freedom Act. That Act, now Proposition C, will be presented to the people of Missouri for ratification on August 3rd. This incredibly important Proposition protects Missourians' rights to choose the best health insurance options for their families and their businesses. Not everyone wants Proposition C to pass, and liberals recently filled a lawsuit to stop the vote!
President Obama and his like minded colleagues Nancy Polosi and Harry Reid ignored the will of the people when they forced their health control dictates through Congress. The Missouri Legislature responded in an overwhelming bipartisan vote by restoring government "of, by and for the people" by putting the Health Care Freedom Act on the ballot.
A Democrat lawyer in Jefferson City who shares the views of the Obama administration, filed the suit on behalf of two liberal activists seeking to remove Proposition C from the ballot because they fear they cannot win at the ballot box. They are trying to use a judge to do an end-run around the will of the elected Legislature and the will of the people. What is worse, but hurts their case, is the plaintiffs waited until after the ballots had been printed and citizens has already started voting absentee. Additionally they are not disclosing the funders of their endeavor which begs the question of what and whom they are trying to hide.
We can be assured that the same powers that want more and more Washington regulation of our health care and less and less individual liberty will stop at nothing to defeat Proposition C. Missourians should not be surprised that some people are seeking to stop us from ratifying the Health Care Freedom Act. The liberals know that if Missourians vote in favor of Proposition C, it will send political shockwaves around the country and spell the end of ObamaCare. We expected this kind of fight with law suits and the distribution and reporting of misinformation. These tactics are normal for highly charged issues and it just proves the importance of what we are doing.
By Jane Cunningham, Missouri State Senator
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
THE GATHERING STORM From Military Aviator Naval Commander Jerry Wilson
From Military Aviator: Naval Commander Jerry Wilson,
We lived in California during the winters of 2007 and 2008. We became addicted to Fox News and watched O'Reilly and Hannity and Colmes every night. When we got back home, we upgraded our cable to get Fox. I watched the Presidential campaign very closely. Initially because I thought the Democrats would nominate Hillary Clinton and then in astonishment when they chose an even more hard-left candidate. All of last year I told everyone I could that Obama was not a Democrat, he was a
Marxist. He is far to the left of any European leader and even our far left party, the NDP.
I read Saul Alinsky when I was in University. I studied him and his writing carefully.
When Bill Ayers and his idiot wife were bombing and killing people at random in the Weather Underground, Weather Underground and the Black Panthers were closely allied. I read David Horowitz's account of changing from a Marxist to a conservative after seeing that the government was afraid to prosecute members of the Panthers for murdering his personal assistant. He suddenly understood the evil that Marxism really was.
After the student radicals failed in creating a Marxist revolution in the United States by violent means, they embraced Alinsky. You would be wise to read "Rules for Radicals" because it outlines how Hillary and Obama planned to get into power, and what they intended to do when they got it.
Socialism is not the correct descriptor for what Obama and the Democrats are doing. They are going to be much more far reaching than anything Sweden has ever been able to do. Obama is following Alinsky's plans, those set out in "Rules for Radicals" and his other writing. The Democrats are attempting to create one party rule in the US and in achieving that, will create crisis
after crisis by their own actions and use those crises to nationalize the means of production in the US . You are in the middle of a communist revolution and few in the US can actually see it for what it truly is.
The US is now on the path of financial destruction. The Constitution has been shredded and individual human rights are being trampled. In less than 8 months, Obama has used a recession to take over the two largest industries in the US . He will debase the Dollar and is on the road to creating an
incredible energy shortage that will allow him and Congress to take over the energy industry.
But by and large I think that by the 2010 elections, the Democrats will have gerrymandered electoral districts to the point that it will be impossible for them to lose control of both houses of Congress. The incredible increase in the money supply is going to create Zimbabwe and Venezuela style inflation, and with it, controls on the currency and the amount of money that can be taken out of the country. I love America , I cannot believe how the ignorance of the American public has created a situation whereby they are going to lose their Republic and slip into an age of repression and tyranny. I may be nuts, but so far I have been 100% in my predictions of what Obama was going to do, because I merely had to look at "Rules for Radicals" to see what was coming next. I read Glenn Beck's book, "Common Sense" and in it re-read Thomas Paine's pamphlet with the same name. I
recommend the book.
When the storm finally hits (and it will), those of you who supported the Obama administration will be affected as well. It won't just be us gun owners or Flat Taxers, or Pro-Lifers that get hit. You'll be right there next to us.
You see, you all thought the Conservatives were nut cases. You know, all of us who believe in God, small government, the Second Amendment, etc. And you thought you could just go back to sleep after the election was over. In your world, America will continue as before. You'll still have the same rights, the same nice house, the same big screen television, it's all good. After all, your high school football team won and the other team lost -- go team! Even if you have bothered to look up from the daily grind since Nov
4th, you dismissed everything that has occurred as "politics as usual -- the same old stuff." In the end, it'll all be OK won't it?
Not this time. There are a growing number of citizens in the US who are ready to fight to shut down the government's grab of personal freedom, its blatant abuse of the Constitution, and its attempt to replace the American way of life with socialism. You have to listen carefully to hear them, but they are there. I won't start that fight, but when it goes down I will join it.
As for you, why, you'll be shocked because you didn't see it coming. And eventually you'll be saddened when you see that we have truly lost the way of life with which you grew up. You'll be saddened that your children and grandchildren live in a socialist, government-controlled gulag where their every movement from cradle to grave is tracked by the government. But most of all, you'll be saddened by the death of friends and relatives who are
brave enough to fight and die for something they believe in.
You know, McCain wasn't much of a candidate. I'll give you that. He was the lesser of two evils for most of us. I don't blame you for not voting for him since, at the time, you didn't know what we all know now. But at least John McCain was an American. He was a supporter of the American way of life and he understood that you can't negotiate with terrorists. He understood and appreciated the sacrifice made by my father and other members
of the Greatest Generation.
Mark my words, friends. All across America groups are forming. They are forming out of anger and out of desperation at the thought of losing America. They're not militia groups, terrorists as the Department of Homeland security would have you believe; they are Americans, loyal to the Constitution. They are mothers and fathers and grandparents. They belong to groups like the Minutemen Civil Defense Corps, the Peaceful Resistance, the Constitution Party, the Young Conservatives, the 9/12 Project, and Grassfire. Right now they are fragmented, each focused on their own cause. But sometime in the next two years, our government is going to do something really stupid and these groups will come together. Watch for it, wait for it--get ready. It will happen.
When that event happens, whatever "it" is, our great country is going to plunge into chaos for a while. I pray to God that we make it through that time and emerge a stronger, smarter country.
Jerry Wilson
Live Free or Die Fighting
From Military Aviator: Naval Commander Jerry Wilson,
We lived in California during the winters of 2007 and 2008. We became addicted to Fox News and watched O'Reilly and Hannity and Colmes every night. When we got back home, we upgraded our cable to get Fox. I watched the Presidential campaign very closely. Initially because I thought the Democrats would nominate Hillary Clinton and then in astonishment when they chose an even more hard-left candidate. All of last year I told everyone I could that Obama was not a Democrat, he was a
Marxist. He is far to the left of any European leader and even our far left party, the NDP.
I read Saul Alinsky when I was in University. I studied him and his writing carefully.
When Bill Ayers and his idiot wife were bombing and killing people at random in the Weather Underground, Weather Underground and the Black Panthers were closely allied. I read David Horowitz's account of changing from a Marxist to a conservative after seeing that the government was afraid to prosecute members of the Panthers for murdering his personal assistant. He suddenly understood the evil that Marxism really was.
After the student radicals failed in creating a Marxist revolution in the United States by violent means, they embraced Alinsky. You would be wise to read "Rules for Radicals" because it outlines how Hillary and Obama planned to get into power, and what they intended to do when they got it.
Socialism is not the correct descriptor for what Obama and the Democrats are doing. They are going to be much more far reaching than anything Sweden has ever been able to do. Obama is following Alinsky's plans, those set out in "Rules for Radicals" and his other writing. The Democrats are attempting to create one party rule in the US and in achieving that, will create crisis
after crisis by their own actions and use those crises to nationalize the means of production in the US . You are in the middle of a communist revolution and few in the US can actually see it for what it truly is.
The US is now on the path of financial destruction. The Constitution has been shredded and individual human rights are being trampled. In less than 8 months, Obama has used a recession to take over the two largest industries in the US . He will debase the Dollar and is on the road to creating an
incredible energy shortage that will allow him and Congress to take over the energy industry.
But by and large I think that by the 2010 elections, the Democrats will have gerrymandered electoral districts to the point that it will be impossible for them to lose control of both houses of Congress. The incredible increase in the money supply is going to create Zimbabwe and Venezuela style inflation, and with it, controls on the currency and the amount of money that can be taken out of the country. I love America , I cannot believe how the ignorance of the American public has created a situation whereby they are going to lose their Republic and slip into an age of repression and tyranny. I may be nuts, but so far I have been 100% in my predictions of what Obama was going to do, because I merely had to look at "Rules for Radicals" to see what was coming next. I read Glenn Beck's book, "Common Sense" and in it re-read Thomas Paine's pamphlet with the same name. I
recommend the book.
When the storm finally hits (and it will), those of you who supported the Obama administration will be affected as well. It won't just be us gun owners or Flat Taxers, or Pro-Lifers that get hit. You'll be right there next to us.
You see, you all thought the Conservatives were nut cases. You know, all of us who believe in God, small government, the Second Amendment, etc. And you thought you could just go back to sleep after the election was over. In your world, America will continue as before. You'll still have the same rights, the same nice house, the same big screen television, it's all good. After all, your high school football team won and the other team lost -- go team! Even if you have bothered to look up from the daily grind since Nov
4th, you dismissed everything that has occurred as "politics as usual -- the same old stuff." In the end, it'll all be OK won't it?
Not this time. There are a growing number of citizens in the US who are ready to fight to shut down the government's grab of personal freedom, its blatant abuse of the Constitution, and its attempt to replace the American way of life with socialism. You have to listen carefully to hear them, but they are there. I won't start that fight, but when it goes down I will join it.
As for you, why, you'll be shocked because you didn't see it coming. And eventually you'll be saddened when you see that we have truly lost the way of life with which you grew up. You'll be saddened that your children and grandchildren live in a socialist, government-controlled gulag where their every movement from cradle to grave is tracked by the government. But most of all, you'll be saddened by the death of friends and relatives who are
brave enough to fight and die for something they believe in.
You know, McCain wasn't much of a candidate. I'll give you that. He was the lesser of two evils for most of us. I don't blame you for not voting for him since, at the time, you didn't know what we all know now. But at least John McCain was an American. He was a supporter of the American way of life and he understood that you can't negotiate with terrorists. He understood and appreciated the sacrifice made by my father and other members
of the Greatest Generation.
Mark my words, friends. All across America groups are forming. They are forming out of anger and out of desperation at the thought of losing America. They're not militia groups, terrorists as the Department of Homeland security would have you believe; they are Americans, loyal to the Constitution. They are mothers and fathers and grandparents. They belong to groups like the Minutemen Civil Defense Corps, the Peaceful Resistance, the Constitution Party, the Young Conservatives, the 9/12 Project, and Grassfire. Right now they are fragmented, each focused on their own cause. But sometime in the next two years, our government is going to do something really stupid and these groups will come together. Watch for it, wait for it--get ready. It will happen.
When that event happens, whatever "it" is, our great country is going to plunge into chaos for a while. I pray to God that we make it through that time and emerge a stronger, smarter country.
Jerry Wilson
Live Free or Die Fighting
Monday, July 12, 2010
What’s Your Shelter-In-Place Plan?
What’s Your Shelter-In-Place Plan?
Tornadoes or a Chemical Incident are just a couple of potential disasters that would require you to “Shelter-In-Place“. When a disaster strikes that raises uncertainty outside your best bet may be to stay where you’re at. Without wanting to sound overly dramatic, the decision to “Shelter-In-Place” or “Grab-n-Go” can literally make all the difference in a survival situation. Understanding and then planning for the possibilities can make all the difference in the outcome for you and your family.
Keeping in mind that a large portion of the population spends at least 8 hours everyday outside of the home, that means there’s at least a 33% chance that you’ll be somewhere other than your home when an emergency situation arises.
I would recommend that you first start with planning to Shelter-in-Place at your home and then your place of employment, followed by any other location that you may spend a large amount of time at.
Take the time to identify potential disasters that can occur in your area that would require you to Shelter-in-Place. Any type of airborne virus or chemical incident would require Sheltering-In-Place. In a situation such as this, you’ll also need to take the necessary steps to “Seal the room”, this helps to insure that you’ve protected yourself from contaminated air from the outside. Keep in mind that this is a temporary measure.
While creating your plan take the time to identify where you’ll keep your supplies for sealing a room. If you need to seal a room, try to select a room that has the fewest windows, vents and doors, (basements are preferable).
Here’s a couple of tips from
• Bring your family and pets inside.
• Lock doors, close windows, air vents and fireplace dampers.
• Turn off fans, air conditioning and forced air heating systems.
• Take your emergency supply kit unless you have reason to believe it has been contaminated.
• Go into an interior room with few windows, if possible.
• Seal all windows, doors and air vents with plastic sheeting and duct tape. Consider measuring and cutting the sheeting in advance to save time.
• Be prepared to improvise and use what you have on hand to seal gaps so that you create a barrier between yourself and any contamination.
• Local authorities may not immediately be able to provide information on what is happening and what you should do. However, you should watch TV, listen to the radio or check the Internet often for official news and instructions as they become available.
Make sure that you’ve got the food, water and supplies that you need as part of your Sheltering-In-Place Plan!
Tornadoes or a Chemical Incident are just a couple of potential disasters that would require you to “Shelter-In-Place“. When a disaster strikes that raises uncertainty outside your best bet may be to stay where you’re at. Without wanting to sound overly dramatic, the decision to “Shelter-In-Place” or “Grab-n-Go” can literally make all the difference in a survival situation. Understanding and then planning for the possibilities can make all the difference in the outcome for you and your family.
Keeping in mind that a large portion of the population spends at least 8 hours everyday outside of the home, that means there’s at least a 33% chance that you’ll be somewhere other than your home when an emergency situation arises.
I would recommend that you first start with planning to Shelter-in-Place at your home and then your place of employment, followed by any other location that you may spend a large amount of time at.
Take the time to identify potential disasters that can occur in your area that would require you to Shelter-in-Place. Any type of airborne virus or chemical incident would require Sheltering-In-Place. In a situation such as this, you’ll also need to take the necessary steps to “Seal the room”, this helps to insure that you’ve protected yourself from contaminated air from the outside. Keep in mind that this is a temporary measure.
While creating your plan take the time to identify where you’ll keep your supplies for sealing a room. If you need to seal a room, try to select a room that has the fewest windows, vents and doors, (basements are preferable).
Here’s a couple of tips from
• Bring your family and pets inside.
• Lock doors, close windows, air vents and fireplace dampers.
• Turn off fans, air conditioning and forced air heating systems.
• Take your emergency supply kit unless you have reason to believe it has been contaminated.
• Go into an interior room with few windows, if possible.
• Seal all windows, doors and air vents with plastic sheeting and duct tape. Consider measuring and cutting the sheeting in advance to save time.
• Be prepared to improvise and use what you have on hand to seal gaps so that you create a barrier between yourself and any contamination.
• Local authorities may not immediately be able to provide information on what is happening and what you should do. However, you should watch TV, listen to the radio or check the Internet often for official news and instructions as they become available.
Make sure that you’ve got the food, water and supplies that you need as part of your Sheltering-In-Place Plan!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
It never occurred to you to be offended by the phrase, 'One nation,
under God.'
You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
You've never protested about seeing the 10 Commandments posted in
public places.
You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
You still say 'Christmas' instead of 'Winter Festival.'
You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
You bow your head when someone prays.
You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
You stand and place your hand over your heart when they play
the National Anthem.
You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
You treat Viet Nam vets with great respect, and always have.
You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
You've never burned an American flag.
You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
You know what you believe and you aren't afraid to say so, no matter
who is listening.
You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
You respect your elders and expect your kids to do the same.
If you got this email from me, it is because I believe that you, like
me, have just enough TRUE AMERICAN in you to have the same beliefs as
those talked about in this email.
God Bless the U S A ! Amen
It never occurred to you to be offended by the phrase, 'One nation,
under God.'
You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
You've never protested about seeing the 10 Commandments posted in
public places.
You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
You still say 'Christmas' instead of 'Winter Festival.'
You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
You bow your head when someone prays.
You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
You stand and place your hand over your heart when they play
the National Anthem.
You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
You treat Viet Nam vets with great respect, and always have.
You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
You've never burned an American flag.
You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
You know what you believe and you aren't afraid to say so, no matter
who is listening.
You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
You respect your elders and expect your kids to do the same.
If you got this email from me, it is because I believe that you, like
me, have just enough TRUE AMERICAN in you to have the same beliefs as
those talked about in this email.
God Bless the U S A ! Amen
Monday, July 5, 2010
We must be sure that we elect politicians who protect Israel as well as the USA
pray folks.... We know what The Bible says about Israel - evidently obamma does not, or does not believe it! something could come quicker than we think...
I have just received this: from my friend in Israel, who moves in high circles in Israel
Tonight Clive and I heard very disturbing information – we heard it from a consultant to the United States who meets once a month with the President in the White house. He is in the know. This is what actually has happened with the relationship with Israel and the USA and it is not pretty:
1. Israel during the Bush and Clinton Administrations – had landing rights in Turkey , and in the USA bases in the middle east and more recently under George Bush, in Iraq . This was in case they were invaded by Iran , or Saudi or any other Arab country. Obama has withdrawn those landing rights. Israel now has nowhere to refuel in the middle east.
2. Netanyahu was instructed to come to the white house for a meeting. He was brought in through a servants entrance – the only head of state ever in US history to be given that disgraceful treatment. He was not offered even a cup of tea – but was lectured to by Obama who told him that he is not permitted to attack Iran and that he has to withdraw all forces from the West bank and may not build any more settlements ( neighborhoods) in East Jerusalem.
3. Israel found out that there were four terrorists meeting in Dubai . As they have done for the past 62 years, they informed the US of that and said that these terrorists had to be dealt with. Obama said under no circumstances. Israel decided to go ahead. They killed the one terrorist who showed up. However the CIA was sent there to film the entire event by Obama – and then a concerted PR campaign was waged by the White house to discredit Israel and what they did – this kind of action has taken place with US support for the past 62 years since we have common enemies.
4. Obama has refused to oppose Syria’s arming of Hezbollah and Hamas – Israel now sits in imminent danger from the amounts of missiles that can be sent into her territory.
5. Israel will never tell the US again of its plans – since they cannot trust us.
6. Israel intends to attack Iran – there are over 30 installations of which 4 have underground bunkers that contain nuclear weapons. Israel cannot wait any longer. The US is no longer supporting Israel ’s self defense.
7. This is the same man that gave the White House a full file on the 9.11 attack – his warnings and proof were laughed at.
8. He believes that the next attacks in the USA will be mass transportation – subways and malls – especially the largest malls where the most people can be killed - and that Vegas and wherever there are conventions of employees will be a huge target. We are not prepared and are naïve in our lack thereof.
9. Once Israel attacks Iran, every Jew and Jewish institution will be at risk – temples, religious schools etc. We must be prepared.
10. This kept a room of 200 people spellbound. It is not fiction. It is fact.
What can be done?
It is essential that everyone who doesn’t know yet, now understands that the protection and survival of Israel is not on Obama’s list – and he is now taking ACTUAL steps to move all protections away – no more landing rights, negotiating with Iran and Syria, making nice to the Moslem World in the face of allies of long standing and he (Obama) is no friend of the Jewish people and Israel.
We must be sure that we elect politicians who protect Israel as well as the USA – our interests are intertwined. Please forward to everyone you know.
I have just received this: from my friend in Israel, who moves in high circles in Israel
Tonight Clive and I heard very disturbing information – we heard it from a consultant to the United States who meets once a month with the President in the White house. He is in the know. This is what actually has happened with the relationship with Israel and the USA and it is not pretty:
1. Israel during the Bush and Clinton Administrations – had landing rights in Turkey , and in the USA bases in the middle east and more recently under George Bush, in Iraq . This was in case they were invaded by Iran , or Saudi or any other Arab country. Obama has withdrawn those landing rights. Israel now has nowhere to refuel in the middle east.
2. Netanyahu was instructed to come to the white house for a meeting. He was brought in through a servants entrance – the only head of state ever in US history to be given that disgraceful treatment. He was not offered even a cup of tea – but was lectured to by Obama who told him that he is not permitted to attack Iran and that he has to withdraw all forces from the West bank and may not build any more settlements ( neighborhoods) in East Jerusalem.
3. Israel found out that there were four terrorists meeting in Dubai . As they have done for the past 62 years, they informed the US of that and said that these terrorists had to be dealt with. Obama said under no circumstances. Israel decided to go ahead. They killed the one terrorist who showed up. However the CIA was sent there to film the entire event by Obama – and then a concerted PR campaign was waged by the White house to discredit Israel and what they did – this kind of action has taken place with US support for the past 62 years since we have common enemies.
4. Obama has refused to oppose Syria’s arming of Hezbollah and Hamas – Israel now sits in imminent danger from the amounts of missiles that can be sent into her territory.
5. Israel will never tell the US again of its plans – since they cannot trust us.
6. Israel intends to attack Iran – there are over 30 installations of which 4 have underground bunkers that contain nuclear weapons. Israel cannot wait any longer. The US is no longer supporting Israel ’s self defense.
7. This is the same man that gave the White House a full file on the 9.11 attack – his warnings and proof were laughed at.
8. He believes that the next attacks in the USA will be mass transportation – subways and malls – especially the largest malls where the most people can be killed - and that Vegas and wherever there are conventions of employees will be a huge target. We are not prepared and are naïve in our lack thereof.
9. Once Israel attacks Iran, every Jew and Jewish institution will be at risk – temples, religious schools etc. We must be prepared.
10. This kept a room of 200 people spellbound. It is not fiction. It is fact.
What can be done?
It is essential that everyone who doesn’t know yet, now understands that the protection and survival of Israel is not on Obama’s list – and he is now taking ACTUAL steps to move all protections away – no more landing rights, negotiating with Iran and Syria, making nice to the Moslem World in the face of allies of long standing and he (Obama) is no friend of the Jewish people and Israel.
We must be sure that we elect politicians who protect Israel as well as the USA – our interests are intertwined. Please forward to everyone you know.
Iowa teenager!!

Can't believe this was done by a teenager!!
There is a huge rock near a gravel pit on Hwy.25 in rural Iowa .
For generations, kids have painted slogans, names, and obscenities on
this rock, changing its character many times. A few months back,
the rock received its latest paint job and since then it has been left
completely undisturbed.
It's quite an impressive sight. Be sure to scroll down and check out
the multiple photos. (all angles) of the rock.
I thought the flag was draped over the rock, but it's not. It's
actually painted on the rock too.
There is a huge rock near a gravel pit on Hwy.25 in rural Iowa .
For generations, kids have painted slogans, names, and obscenities on
this rock, changing its character many times. A few months back,
the rock received its latest paint job and since then it has been left
completely undisturbed.
It's quite an impressive sight. Be sure to scroll down and check out
the multiple photos. (all angles) of the rock.
I thought the flag was draped over the rock, but it's not. It's
actually painted on the rock too.

AWESOME Work, RAY... Thank you!
' God Bless America ' and 'OUR SOLDIERS AND VETS'
I thought you would want to know.
As if we do not have enough problems in our country, our President wants to import thousands of Muslims, as US taxpayer expense, who believe in a religion that teaches death to unbelievers [non-Muslims].
Whether you are an Obama fan, or not, EVERYONE IN THE U.S. needs to know....
Something happened...HB 1388 was passed, behind our backs. You may want to read about it... It wasn't in ntioned on the news... just went by on the ticker tape at the bottom of the CNN screen.
Obama funds $20M in tax payer dollars to immigrate Hamas Refugees to the USA . This is the news that didn't make the headlines.
By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in "migration assistance" to the Palestinian refugees and "conflict victims" in Gaza .
The "presidential determination", which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States , was signed and appears in the Federal Register.
Few on Capitol Hill, or in the media, took note that the order provides a free ticket replete with housing and food allowances to individuals who have displayed their overwhelming support to the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the parliamentary election of January 2006.
Now we learn that he is allowing thousands of Palestinian refuges to move to, and live in, the US at American taxpayer expense.
These important, and insightful, issues are being "lost" in the blinding bail-outs and "stimulation" packages.
Doubtful? Verify this for yourself:
WE are losing this country at a rapid pace.
As if we do not have enough problems in our country, our President wants to import thousands of Muslims, as US taxpayer expense, who believe in a religion that teaches death to unbelievers [non-Muslims].
Whether you are an Obama fan, or not, EVERYONE IN THE U.S. needs to know....
Something happened...HB 1388 was passed, behind our backs. You may want to read about it... It wasn't in ntioned on the news... just went by on the ticker tape at the bottom of the CNN screen.
Obama funds $20M in tax payer dollars to immigrate Hamas Refugees to the USA . This is the news that didn't make the headlines.
By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in "migration assistance" to the Palestinian refugees and "conflict victims" in Gaza .
The "presidential determination", which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States , was signed and appears in the Federal Register.
Few on Capitol Hill, or in the media, took note that the order provides a free ticket replete with housing and food allowances to individuals who have displayed their overwhelming support to the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the parliamentary election of January 2006.
Now we learn that he is allowing thousands of Palestinian refuges to move to, and live in, the US at American taxpayer expense.
These important, and insightful, issues are being "lost" in the blinding bail-outs and "stimulation" packages.
Doubtful? Verify this for yourself:
WE are losing this country at a rapid pace.
Vitamin D Linked To Improved ‘Mental Agility’ Among Seniors
Vitamin D Linked To Improved ‘Mental Agility’ Among Seniors
July 5, 2010 by Personal Liberty News Desk
The body of scientific evidence supporting vitamin D supplementation expanded last week with the release of a new study linking the nutrient to improved cognitive function among the elderly.
Home dwelling seniors often suffer from vitamin D deficiencies because of limited sun exposure, low-nutrient diets and poor renal function.
For the study, lead author Katherine Tucker, of the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, and her colleagues recruited more than 1,000 participants between the ages of 65 and 99 who were receiving home care.
The investigators did blood work to determine each respondent’s vitamin D levels, and then classified them as sufficient, deficient of insufficient.
The 35 percent of participants who had adequate nutrient levels performed remarkably better on cognitive performance tests than those in the other two groups. These examinations assessed a patient’s perceptual complexity, cognitive flexibility and reasoning.
After taking into account risk factors for cognitive decline, such as age and other mental health conditions, the link between sufficient vitamin D levels and superior neurological function remained.
July 5, 2010 by Personal Liberty News Desk
The body of scientific evidence supporting vitamin D supplementation expanded last week with the release of a new study linking the nutrient to improved cognitive function among the elderly.
Home dwelling seniors often suffer from vitamin D deficiencies because of limited sun exposure, low-nutrient diets and poor renal function.
For the study, lead author Katherine Tucker, of the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, and her colleagues recruited more than 1,000 participants between the ages of 65 and 99 who were receiving home care.
The investigators did blood work to determine each respondent’s vitamin D levels, and then classified them as sufficient, deficient of insufficient.
The 35 percent of participants who had adequate nutrient levels performed remarkably better on cognitive performance tests than those in the other two groups. These examinations assessed a patient’s perceptual complexity, cognitive flexibility and reasoning.
After taking into account risk factors for cognitive decline, such as age and other mental health conditions, the link between sufficient vitamin D levels and superior neurological function remained.
DON CHERRY of Hockey Night in Canada
I’m sure my good American buddies share some of the same sentiments…

You gotta love this guy!
DON CHERRY of Hockey Night in Canada , was asked on a local live radio talk show,
just what he thought about the allegations of torture of suspected terrorists.
His reply prompted his ejection from the studio, but to thunderous applause from the audience.
"If hooking up one raghead terrorist prisoner's testicles to a car battery to get the truth out of the
lying little camel shagger will save just one Canadian life, then I have only three things to say:
Red is positive, black is negative, and make sure his nuts are wet.”
Sunday, July 4, 2010
The Dallas Solution
The Dallas Solution
I have a friend who is president of his homeowners association in the Dallas , Texas suburbs. They were having a terrible problem with litter near some of his association' s homes. The reason according to my friend is that six very large, luxurious new houses are being built right next to their community.
The trash was coming from the Mexican laborers working at the construction sites and included bags from McDonald's, Burger King and 7-11, plus coffee cups, napkins, cigarette butts, coke cans, empty bottles, etc. He went to see the site supervisor and even the general contractor, politely urging them to get their workers not to litter the neighborhood, to no avail. He called the city, county, and police and got no help there either.
So here's what his community did. They organized about twenty folks, named themselves The "Inner Neighborhood Services" group, and arranged to go out at lunch time and "police" the trash themselves. It is what they did while picking up the trash that is so hilarious.
They bought navy blue baseball caps and had the initials "INS" embroidered in gold on the caps.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand what they hoped people might mistakenly think the letters really stand for..
After the Inner Neighborhood Services group's first lunch time pickup detail, with all of them wearing their caps and some carrying cameras, 46 out of the total of 68 construction workers did not show up for work the next morning -- and haven't come back yet.
It has been ten days now.
The General Contractor, I'm told, is madder than hell, but can't say anything publicly because he could be busted for hiring illegal aliens. My friend and his bunch can't be accused of impersonating federal personnel, because they have the official name of the group recorded in their homeowner association minutes along with a notation about the vote to approve formation of the new subcommittee -- and besides, they informed the INS in advance of their plans, and according to my friend, the INS said basically, "Have at it!"
Reminder: Don't forget to pay your taxes....... 12 million illegal aliens are depending on you.
No apology for sending this! ! ! After hearing they want to sing the National Anthem in Spanish - enough is enough. Nowhere did they sing it in Italian, Polish, Irish (Celtic), German or any other language because of immigration. It was written by Francis Scott Key and should be sung word for word the way it was written. The news broadcasts even gave the translation -- not even close. I'm NOT sorry if this offends anyone because this is MY COUNTRY - IF IT IS YOUR COUNTRY SPEAK UP -- please pass this along. Come through like everyone else. APPLY FIRST - Get a sponsor; have a place to lay your head; have a job; pay your taxes, live by the rules AND LEARN THE LANGUAGE as all other immigrants have in the past -- and GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Think about this: If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone -- YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM! It is Time for America to Speak up. No wonder California is in such financial trouble!
"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society,
they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it
and a moral code that justifies it."
I have a friend who is president of his homeowners association in the Dallas , Texas suburbs. They were having a terrible problem with litter near some of his association' s homes. The reason according to my friend is that six very large, luxurious new houses are being built right next to their community.
The trash was coming from the Mexican laborers working at the construction sites and included bags from McDonald's, Burger King and 7-11, plus coffee cups, napkins, cigarette butts, coke cans, empty bottles, etc. He went to see the site supervisor and even the general contractor, politely urging them to get their workers not to litter the neighborhood, to no avail. He called the city, county, and police and got no help there either.
So here's what his community did. They organized about twenty folks, named themselves The "Inner Neighborhood Services" group, and arranged to go out at lunch time and "police" the trash themselves. It is what they did while picking up the trash that is so hilarious.
They bought navy blue baseball caps and had the initials "INS" embroidered in gold on the caps.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand what they hoped people might mistakenly think the letters really stand for..
After the Inner Neighborhood Services group's first lunch time pickup detail, with all of them wearing their caps and some carrying cameras, 46 out of the total of 68 construction workers did not show up for work the next morning -- and haven't come back yet.
It has been ten days now.
The General Contractor, I'm told, is madder than hell, but can't say anything publicly because he could be busted for hiring illegal aliens. My friend and his bunch can't be accused of impersonating federal personnel, because they have the official name of the group recorded in their homeowner association minutes along with a notation about the vote to approve formation of the new subcommittee -- and besides, they informed the INS in advance of their plans, and according to my friend, the INS said basically, "Have at it!"
Reminder: Don't forget to pay your taxes....... 12 million illegal aliens are depending on you.
No apology for sending this! ! ! After hearing they want to sing the National Anthem in Spanish - enough is enough. Nowhere did they sing it in Italian, Polish, Irish (Celtic), German or any other language because of immigration. It was written by Francis Scott Key and should be sung word for word the way it was written. The news broadcasts even gave the translation -- not even close. I'm NOT sorry if this offends anyone because this is MY COUNTRY - IF IT IS YOUR COUNTRY SPEAK UP -- please pass this along. Come through like everyone else. APPLY FIRST - Get a sponsor; have a place to lay your head; have a job; pay your taxes, live by the rules AND LEARN THE LANGUAGE as all other immigrants have in the past -- and GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Think about this: If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone -- YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM! It is Time for America to Speak up. No wonder California is in such financial trouble!
"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society,
they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it
and a moral code that justifies it."
Be Careful if you travel to Illinois!!!
Be Careful if you travel to Illinois!!!
Illinois will begin using photo radar in freeway work zones in July. One mile per hour over the speed limit and the machine will get you a nice$375.00 ticket in the mail. Beginning July 1st, the State of Illinois will begin using the speed cameras in areas designated as "Work Zones" on major freeways. Anyone caught by these devices will be mailed a $375.00 ticket for the FIRST offense. The SECOND offense will cost $1000.00 and comes with a 90-Day suspension. Drivers will also receive demerit points against their license, which allow insurance companies to raise Insurance rates.
This is the harshest penalty structure ever set for a governmental unit involving PHOTO speed enforcement. The State already has two camera vans on line issuing tickets 24/7 in work zones with speed limits lowered to 45 MPH. Photos of both the Driver's face and License plate are taken. Pass this on to everyone you know who might be affected!!!
Illinois will begin using photo radar in freeway work zones in July. One mile per hour over the speed limit and the machine will get you a nice$375.00 ticket in the mail. Beginning July 1st, the State of Illinois will begin using the speed cameras in areas designated as "Work Zones" on major freeways. Anyone caught by these devices will be mailed a $375.00 ticket for the FIRST offense. The SECOND offense will cost $1000.00 and comes with a 90-Day suspension. Drivers will also receive demerit points against their license, which allow insurance companies to raise Insurance rates.
This is the harshest penalty structure ever set for a governmental unit involving PHOTO speed enforcement. The State already has two camera vans on line issuing tickets 24/7 in work zones with speed limits lowered to 45 MPH. Photos of both the Driver's face and License plate are taken. Pass this on to everyone you know who might be affected!!!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
And some still say America isn't becoming communist....
And some still say America isn't becoming communist....
Why don't liberals get it? They don't even try to hide it anymore,
Why don't liberals get it? They don't even try to hide it anymore,
This quote came from the Czech Republic.
Some people have the vocabulary to sum up things in a way you can understand them. This quote came from the Czech Republic. Someone over there has it figured out. We have a lot of work to do.
"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency .It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president."
( well...I know I couldn't have said it any better!)
"When plunder becomes a way of life for
a group of men living together in society,
they create for themselves in the course
of time a legal system that authorizes it
and a moral code that justifies it."
"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency .It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president."
( well...I know I couldn't have said it any better!)
"When plunder becomes a way of life for
a group of men living together in society,
they create for themselves in the course
of time a legal system that authorizes it
and a moral code that justifies it."
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