Saturday, September 24, 2011
Shooting Advice:
Shooting Advice:
Cops carry guns to protect themselves, not to protect you.
Never let someone or thing that threatens you get inside arm's length and never say "I've got a gun". If you feel you need to use deadly force for heaven's sake let the first sound they hear be the safety clicking off, and they shouldn't have time to hear anything after that if you are doing your job.
'The average response time of a 911 call is over 23 minutes the response time of a ..44 magnum is 1400 feet per second.'
Clint Smith, Director of Thunder Ranch, is a drill instructor (Thunder Ranch is a firearms training facility in Arizona ). Here are a few of his observations on tactics, firearms, self-defense and life as we know it in the civilized world.
"The most important rule in a gunfight is: Always win - and cheat if necessary."
"Don't forget, incoming fire has the right of way."
"Make your attacker advance through a wall of bullets. You may get killed with your own gun, but he'll have to beat you to death with it, cause it's going to be empty."
"If you're not shooting', you should be loading'. If you're not loading', you should be moving', if you're not moving', someone's going to cut your head off and put it on a stick."
"When you reload in low light encounters, don't put your flashlight in your back pocket.. If you light yourself up, you'll look like an angel or the tooth fairy... and you're going to be one of 'em pretty soon."
"Do something. It may be wrong, but do something."
"Shoot what's available, as long as it's available, until something else becomes available."
"If you carry a gun, people will call you paranoid. That's ridiculous. If you have a gun, what in the hell do you have to be paranoid for?"
"Don't shoot fast, unless you also shoot well."
"You can say 'stop' or 'alto' or use any other word you think will work, but I've found that a large bore muzzle pointed at someone's head is pretty much the universal language."
"You have the rest of your life to solve your problems. How long you live depends on how well you do it."
"You cannot save the planet, but you may be able to save yourself and your family.
" It is always better to be judged by 12 than carried by six. And you can take that to the bank...
Monday, September 12, 2011
The lifespan of democracy
Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some
2,000 years prior:
"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a
permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until
the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts
from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for
the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with
the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal
policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship."
"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of
history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations
always progressed through the following sequence:
From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage."
The Obituary follows:
Born 1776, Died 2008
It doesn't hurt to read this several times.
Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul ,
Minnesota , points out some interesting facts concerning the last
Presidential election:
Number of States won by: Obama:
19 McCain: 29
Square miles of land won by: Obama:
580,000 McCain: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by: Obama:
127 million McCain: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Obama: 13.2
McCain: 2.1
Professor Olson adds: "In aggregate, the map of the territory McCain won was
mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.
Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low income
tenements and living off various forms of government welfare..."(The figure
in SA is already over 15 million!!! and who will have the guts to stop
paying 15 million?)
Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the "complacency
and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some
forty percent of the nation's population already having reached the
"governmental dependency" phase.
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million
criminal invaders called illegal's - and they vote - then we can say goodbye
to the USA in fewer than five years.
Do not argue with an idiot.
He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
America's Unsung Heroes
On the 10th anniversary of 9/11 we are reminded of this famous quote:
"We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit
violence on those who would do us harm." - George Orwell
May I also add my thanks to the "rough" women who also protect and serve
America on a daily basis. Like most Americans I am profoundly grateful to all
our Military, Law Enforcement, Fire, and EMT personnel who labor to keep us
safe and free not just on 9/11, but on the other 364 days a year. Bless each of
you for the often thankless, dangerous, and difficult job that you do so well.
Because of you we live safe in the last best hope of humanity, America.
Friday, September 9, 2011
This is pathetic, but darn funny when you think about it for a moment.
Two magazines, Country Living (95.99% white readership) and Ebony /Jet (99.99% black readership) did surveys on "WHAT DO PEOPLE FEAR MOST?"
The results were interesting, to say the least...
Country Living magazine's top three answers were:
1. Nuclear war/terrorist attack in U.S
2. Child/spouse dying
3. Terminal illness
Ebony / Jet magazine's top three answers were:
1. Ghosts
2. Dogs
3. Registered mail
No Kidding... And these are the people who put Obama over the top; what would you expect?
"My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me, as we change it."-- Barack Obama
''Life's tough, pilgrim, and it's even tougher if you're stupid.''-- John Wayne
Monday, August 29, 2011
Shooting Advice: Cops carry guns to protect themselves, not to protect you.
Never let someone or thing that threatens you get inside arm's length and never say "I've got a gun". If you feel you need to use deadly force for heaven's sake let the first sound they hear be the safety clicking off, and they shouldn't have time to hear anything after that if you are doing your job.
'The average response time of a 911 call is over 23 minutes, the response time of a .44 magnum is 1400 feet per second.'
Clint Smith, Director of Thunder Ranch, is a drill instructor (Thunder Ranch is a firearms training facility in Arizona ). Here are a few of his observations on tactics, firearms, self-defense and life as we know it in the civilized world.
"The most important rule in a gunfight is: Always win - and cheat if necessary."
"Don't forget, incoming fire has the right of way."
"Make your attacker advance through a wall of bullets. You may get killed with your own gun, but he'll have to beat you to death with it, cause it's going to be empty."
"If you're not shooting', you should be loading'. If you're not loading', you should be moving', if you're not moving', someone's going to cut your head off and put it on a stick."
"When you reload in low light encounters, don't put your flashlight in your back pocket.. If you light yourself up, you'll look like an angel or the tooth fairy... and you're going to be one of 'em pretty soon."
"Do something. It may be wrong, but do something."
"Shoot what's available, as long as it's available, until something else becomes available."
"If you carry a gun, people will call you paranoid. That's ridiculous. If you have a gun, what in the hell do you have to be paranoid for?"
"Don't shoot fast, unless you also shoot good."
"You can say 'stop' or 'alto' or use any other word you think will work, but I've found that a large bore muzzle pointed at someone's head is pretty much the universal language."
"You have the rest of your life to solve your problems. How long you live depends on how well you do it."
"You cannot save the planet, but you may be able to save yourself and your family."
If you believe in the 2nd Amendment, please forward...
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Wisconsin deer hunters: "eighth-largest army in the world"
Deer Season By the Numbers
6.2 million: number of deer killed by hunters in 2008
30 million: number of deer estimated to exist in the United States
15: average number of days each deer hunter spends in the woods
132 million: total number of days all hunters spend in the woods each year
10.1 million: number of deer hunters in the United States
December 2nd, 2010
Why the Terrorists Can Never Win
The state of Wisconsin has gone an entire deer hunting season without someone getting killed. That’s great. There were over 600,000 hunters.
Allow me to restate that number. Over the last two months, the eighth largest army in the world – more men under arms than Iran; more than France and Germany combined – deployed to the woods of a single American state to help keep the deer menace at bay.
But that pales in comparison to the 750,000 who are in the woods of Pennsylvania this week. Michigan’s 700,000 hunters have now returned home. Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia, and it is literally the case that the hunters of those four states alone would comprise the largest army in the world.
These numbers are part of why those of us who grew up in rural parts of the country simply don’t comprehend the gun-grabbing impulses of some. Every single year, millions of Americans carry high power rifles into the woods and more or less do as they please – some shoot at deer, some just drink a lot – and it is a complete non-story. The number of people injured and killed by these guns will pale in comparison to those injured and killed in driving accidents during the same time period.
But however well or badly we handle our guns, woe will befall he who thinks he can conquer America. 500 years ago, Machiavelli compared ancient Persia with then-modern France. Persia was highly centralized, so the emperor was firmly in control of all parts of his realm, and could muster enormous numbers of men to any part of the country. But if you could defeat that army and the central authority that raised it, then you would almost immediately control the whole nation, as Alexander showed. Medieval France, on the other hand, was very decentralized, with petty dukes controlling small centers of power throughout the country. Because of this, the king of France had only marginal control over vast swaths of his country , but no invader could stand a chance at conquering France because of all the small bands of local opposition.
I wish N.M. was around today, if only to hear the praise he would have for a nation that every year assembles and then disbands the world’s largest army purely for the purpose of managing its deer population. For millenia, philosophers have pondered how one can maintain a well-armed population that can fend off all attackers, while simultaneously maintaining ordered governance. In America, we’ve fulfilled this dream, and we’ve done it so well and so effortlessly that no one seems to have noticed.
Posted by Apollo in Amer-I-Can!, Politics
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Why do YOU carry a gun?
If you're anything like me, you carry for one of three reasons (I carry for ALL three of these reasons).
Reason #1: Because if push comes to shove, I will NOT permit some low-life puke to steal my life away from me. No way.
Reason #2: My handgun is my safety net. It's my 'final resort', and it's my guarantee that I'll ALWAYS have control.
Reason #3: Most importantly, I don't want to EVER leave my family defenseless or 'up the creek' without a paddle. I am their provider and protector, and I see it as my DUTY to do so. If that means I work my tail off, I do it. If that means I carry a GLOCK , I do it.

"Self Defense Insurance" Self-Defense SHIELD powered USCCA Membership. If you're anything like me, you'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6... But now you can carry your gun confidently, knowing that even if you have to use it, you aren't going to lose EVERYTHING in court.
Why Whites are Racists
He makes some very interesting points...
Someone finally said it. How many are actually paying attention to this?
There are African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Arab
Americans, etc.
And then there are just Americans.. You pass me on the street and
sneer in my direction.
You call me 'White boy,' 'Cracker,' 'Honkey,' 'Whitey,' 'Caveman'...
And that's OK...
But when I call you, Nigger, Kike, Towel head, Sand-nigger, Camel
Jockey, Beaner, Gook, or Chink .. You call me a racist.
You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you....
So why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?
You have the United Negro College Fund.
You have Martin Luther King Day.
You have Black History Month.
You have Cesar Chavez Day.
You have Yom Hashoah.
You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi.
You have the NAACP.
You have BET....
If we had WET (White Entertainment Television), we'd be racists.
If we had a White Pride Day, you would call us racists.
If we had White History Month, we'd be racists.
If we had any organization for only whites to 'advance' OUR lives,
we'd be racists.
We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber of Commerce,
and then we just have the plain Chamber of Commerce.
Wonder who pays for that??
A white woman could not be in the Miss Black American pageant, but any
color can be in the Miss America pageant.
If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships...
You know we'd be racists.
There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the US ..
Yet if there were 'White colleges', that would be a racist college.
In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your
race and rights.
If we marched for our race and rights, you would call us racists.
You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not
afraid to announce it.
But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.
You rob us, car jack us, and shoot at us.
But, when a white police officer shoots a black gang member or beats
up a black drug dealer running from the law and posing a threat to
society, you call him a racist.
I am proud...... But you call me a racist.
Why is it that only whites can be racists??
There is nothing improper about this e-mail..
Let's see which of you are proud enough to send it on.
I sadly don't think many will.
That's why we have LOST most of OUR RIGHTS in this country.
We won't stand up for ourselves!
It's not a crime YET.... But getting very close!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Warning -- Anti-Gun Survey of Firearms Dealers Under Way!
Dear Gun Shop Owner
If you are a federally licensed dealer in firearms, you may recently have received a survey questionnaire from gun control supporter Dr. Garen Wintemute, of the University of California, Davis.
The survey asks dealers questions about their business, their reasons for being in the business, their support for gun control, and their customers.
Why is Dr.Wintemute sending the survey? Consider the source. Over the years, he has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from anti-gun organizations to conduct “studies” designed to promote gun control. Several of these so-called “studies” have tried to blame legal firearms dealers for the illegal use of guns, and proposed further restrictions on dealers' ability to conduct business. (You can see a list of past studies on his website, at
We recommend that you do not respond to the survey, for two reasons. First, many of the questions in the survey are written so that Dr. Wintemute will be able to claim that at least some dealers support one or another form of gun control, or that they report the occurrence of situations that, Dr. Wintemute will likely claim, prove the need for restrictions on dealers and their customers. Second, participating in the survey in any way would give Dr. Wintemute credibility in the eyes of the anti-gun organizations that fund his efforts, which would only increase his chance of obtaining more money for more anti-gun research.
Thank you for your support of the right to keep and bear arms.
National Rifle Association -- Institute for Legislative Action
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Allah or Jesus?
By Rick Mathes
I attended my annual training session that's required for maintaining my state prison security clearance. During the training session there was a presentation by three speakers who represented the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Muslim faiths who explained their belief systems. I was particularly interested in what the Islamic Imam had to say.
The Imam gave a great presentation of the basics of Islam complete with a video. After the presentations time was provided for questions and answers. When it was my turn I directed my question to the Imam and asked: "Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand that all of the Imams and clerics of Islam have declared a holy jihad [Holy war] against the infidels of the world. And, that by killing an infidel, which is a command to all Muslims, they are assured of a place in heaven. If that's the case, can you give me the definition of an infidel?"
There was no disagreement with my statements and without hesitation he replied, "Non-believers!"
I responded, "So, let me make sure I have this straight. All followers of Allah have been commanded to kill everyone who is not of your faith so they can go to heaven. Is that correct?"
The expression on his face changed from one of authority and command to that of a little boy who had just gotten caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He sheepishly replied, "Yes."
I then said, "Well, sir, I have a real problem trying to imagine Pope John Paul commanding all Catholics to kill those of your faith or Pat Robertson or Dr. Stanley ordering Protestants to do the same in order to go to heaven."
The Imam was speechless.
I continued, "I also have problem with being your friend when you and your brother clerics are telling your followers to kill me. Let me ask you a question...would you rather have your Allah who tell you to kill me in order to go to heaven or my Jesus who tells me to love you because I am going to heaven and wants you to be with me?"
You could have heard a pin drop as the Imam hung his head in shame.
Chuck Colson once told me something that has sustained me these 20 years of prison ministry. He said to me, "Rick, remember that the truth will prevail."
And it will!
Mission Gate Prison Ministry
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Find out where crime happens
It's a sad fact that crime can happen anywhere. You never want to assume any area is perfectly safe. However, some areas are safer than others.
An area's crime rate is linked to a number of factors. That makes it hard to predict exactly where crime will happen. Fortunately, looking at historical data can help.
That's where Trulia's Crime Maps comes in. It provides a heat map of crime in your area. You can quickly see which blocks have the most incidents per year. It's also handy if you're planning to move.
You can filter the maps by the type of crime. Black dots on the page represent crimes. Clicking a black dot brings up more detailed information.
Right now, most of the information is confined to major cities and metro centers. Many police departments still don't share their crime data online. Hopefully, this will change in the future.
Click the link to give it a try
Thursday, May 5, 2011
11 Tornado Preparedness Tips
This is the time to get to make sure your policy will cover what you need it to cover in the case of a tornado. I’ve been into an area struck by a tornado in Alabama and I’ve seen the extreme damage. Please make sure you don’t take for granted just how powerful these storms are, and the damage they can do to your home.
2. Run drills.
It’s always better to practice your plan before the event of an emergency so that when the time comes you know exactly what to do, and exactly where to go. Don’t assume you will automatically do the right thing. Practice make perfect.
3. Pick the lowest place in your house.
Basements are great, but if you don’t have a basement, choose an interior doorway or hallway. The lower you are, the more likely you are to be safe.
4. Cover your head.
Protecting your head is extremely important other area’s of the body can sustain injuries that are not life threatening. But your head needs extra protection. Use a pillow or get underneath a mattress or other furniture.
5. Stay away from windows and other glass.
Remember that when you are in a tornado, the power of the wind can blow all kinds of debris. Glass can kill you very quickly. Stay away from fish tanks or any other glass items in your home.
6. Keep a wrench near the gas meter and be sure you know how to turn off the gas.
Gas leaks can have a devastating affect on in the situation. Homes can literally blow up. The time to turn off the gas is before the storm hits. Make sure you understand how to take care of this.
7. Store a grab n go survival kit
Make sure you have food, water, clothing, shelter and hygiene products stored in a easy to carry and go bag. You will need at least enough for 3 days, but you may want to have more in your kit.
8. Stay inside, unless you are in your car.
Pull to the side of the road and get out of the car (get in a ditch of possible) You cannot out run a tornado.
9. Keep an Emergency Radio.
A good Emergency Radio that is solar or dynamo powered can get you the information you need before and after a Tornado has struck. Make sure you have one.
10. Sirens.
Don’t wait until you hear the sirens to take cover. Many times, the sirens don’t ring until it’s too late.
11. Mobile Homes.
If you live in a mobile home, leave it and go somewhere else when there is a tornado watch. It is a myth that open windows will lessen the effects of a tornado. It is best to keep them closed.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Top 5 Tips for Household Pet Emergency Preparedness
For those of us that are pet lovers and wouldn’t leave home without Sparky there are certain tips we recommend for dealing with pet emergency preparations. Feel free to add your thoughts and suggestions below.
1. Get a FREE Pet Rescue Alert Sticker. The ASPCA offers a sticker that alerts people that pets are inside your home or in the general premise. Make sure it is placed in an area where rescue workers could see it. There is space to include the types and number of pets and the name and contact info of your animal’s veterinarian. If you are able to evacuate your pets write “EVACUATED” across the sticker.
2. Arrange a Safe Place Post-Rescue
You might need to find a place for your pet to stay, you can do this by contacting your local veterinarians for a list of boarding kennels and facilities. See if your local animal shelter provides emergency shelter or foster care for pets. You can also identify hotels outside of your immediate area that accept pets so you have an action plan. Maybe you have a friend or relative outside of the area that would be willing to take in your pet in case of an emergency.
3. Emergency Grab N Go Kits
While we don’t sell animal emergency products at The Ready Store there are some components of our kits that could be beneficial to helping your household pet. For the other items you are going to need to collect them on your own (not aware of a company that sells animal emergency kits). Anyways this is the list from the ASPCA along with some of our suggestions:
- Pet first-aid kit and guide book (ask your vet what to include)
- 3-7 days’ worth of canned (pop-top) or dry food (be sure to rotate every two months)
- Disposable litter trays (aluminum roasting pans are perfect)
- Litter or paper toweling
- Liquid dish soap and disinfectant
- Disposable garbage bags for clean-up
- Pet feeding dishes
- Extra harness and leash (Note: harnesses are recommended for safety and security)
- Photocopies of medical records and a waterproof container with a two-week supply of any medicine your pet requires (Remember some medications need to be rotated otherwise they may go bad or become useless.)
- Water, at least 7 days’ worth for each person and pet
- A traveling bag, crate or sturdy carrier, ideally one for each pet
- Blanket
- Recent photos of your pets (in case you are separated and need to make “Lost” posters)
- Especially for cats: Pillowcase or EvackSack, toys, scoopable litter
- Especially for dogs: Long leash and yard stake, toys and chew toys, a week’s worth of cage liner.
4. Make Sure Tags are Current and In Place
Make sure identification is on the per, namely: name, telephone number, and any urgent medical needs. Be sure to write your pet’s name, your name and contact information on your pet’s carrier as well. Microchipping is also a nice option as well for tracking purposes.
5. Make and Evacuation Plan
You should already have one for you and your family, if not check out our ReadySteps resource, but you should also think about how your pet fits into the overall plan. Have items near your other grab-n-go kits so you can save time and get out as quickly as possible. Most importantly think through the “what ifs” and be prepared for the different scenarios that might come your way given your location’s unique geographic and climate considerations.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Why is the Government Stockpiling Survival Food?
One of the nation's largest suppliers of dehydrated food has cut loose 99% of their dealers and distributors. And it's not because of the poor economy. It's because this particular industry leader can no longer supply their regular distribution channels. Why not? Because they're using every bit of manufacturing capacity they have to fulfill massive new government contracts. Look, the government has always been a customer of the industry to some extent. But according to our sources, this latest development doesn't represent simply a change of vendor on the government's part. It's a whole new magnitude of business.
And that's not all.
Apparently, even though they've cut off their regular consumer markets, the industry leader I've just mentioned still can't produce enough survival food to meet the government's vast requirements. How do we know? Earlier this month, FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) put out a Request for Proposal, or RFP, for even more dehydrated food. The RFP called for a 10-day supply of meals - for 14 million people. That's 420 million meals. Typically, FEMA maintains a stockpile of about 6 million meals. Why the sudden need to increase the stockpile by 420 million more? (And that's in addition to whatever our aforementioned industry leader is supplying.) It almost seems like they're trying to stock a modern day "Noah's Ark," doesn't it?
By the way, just days after the RFP went online, it suddenly went "poof" ... vanished. Could it be that some high level official suddenly realized he was letting the cat out of the bag? That people aren't stupid, and would recognize the implications of 420 million emergency meals? Has the government removed the RFP from the public process and approached potential suppliers privately instead? We may never know.
But here's what we do know. This kind of spending by a minor government agency in this economy just doesn't make sense ... unless there are extraordinary circumstances behind it, circumstances we aren't privy to. Because Congress has failed to pass a budget, the government is now operating under what's called a continuing resolution. The practical effect of this continuing resolution is that the government stays in business, but all extras are curtailed. Agencies spend far less on travel and training expenses, for instance. And they certainly don't start stockpiling supplies.
In this economic climate, you would expect FEMA also to be minimizing expenses. But clearly, they're not. If you do the math, the approximate tab for 420 million meals comes to about a billion dollars.
What is so urgent that FEMA is spending a billion dollars on survival food?
Could officials be worried about extensive power grid damage from solar flares? (A big one hit last week and took out communications in China.) Are they worried about riots and demonstrations causing gridlock in communities? (The demonstrations in Wisconsin and Ohio have been peaceful so far ... but look what happened in Egypt.) Are they worried about terrorist attacks? (Some reports say that there's been more "chatter" lately on terrorist communication networks.)
But here's the most important question. No matter what it is - are you ready for it?
Are the cans of soup and the extra jar of peanut butter in your pantry going to be enough? How long will it last you? Because let's face it, in a true emergency, forget about finding what you need at the store. You know what it's like when there's even a moderate snowstorm in the forecast - no bottled water, no toilet paper, no bread to be found anywhere. The shelves are stripped bare in hours. Most people simply don't realize how fragile the food distribution system is in this country. In order to squeeze out every penny of profits, most stores now use just-in-time inventory systems, which leave no margin for error. Any kind of natural or manmade catastrophe would cut supply lines to the stores and leave millions of people with no way of getting food. And it could be anything. Power outages. Riots. A terrorist attack. Flooding. Blizzards. Hurricanes.
If you've never gotten around to buying an emergency food supply,now is the time.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Another Great Sheriff
An illegal alien in Polk County Florida who got pulled over in a routine traffic stop ended up 'executing' the deputy who stopped him. The deputy was shot eight times, including once behind his right ear at close range.
Another deputy was wounded and a police dog killed.
A state-wide manhunt ensued.
The murderer was found hiding in a wooded area and as soon as he took a shot at the SWAT team, officers opened fire on him. They hit the guy 68 times.
Naturally, the liberal media went nuts and asked why they had
to shoot the poor undocumented immigrant 68 times.
Sheriff Grady Judd told the Orlando Sentinel: 'Because that's all the ammunition we had.. ' Now, is that just about the all-time greatest answer or what!
The Coroner also reported that the illegal alien died of natural causes...
When asked by a reporter how that could be since there were
68 bullet wounds in his body,
he simply replied: (BEST QUOTE of 2009) ...
"when you are shot 68 times you are naturally gonna die."
Friday, January 7, 2011
Hoe Obama's stimulus package works
streets are deserted. Times are tough, everybody is in debt, and
everybody is living on credit.
A tourist visiting the area drives through town, stops at the motel, and
lays a $100 bill on the desk saying he wants to inspect the rooms
upstairs to pick one for the night.
As soon as he walks upstairs, the motel owner grabs the bill and runs
next door to pay his debt to the butcher.
The butcher takes the $100 and runs down the street to retire his debt
to the pig farmer.
The pig farmer takes the $100 and heads off to pay his bill to his
supplier, the Co-op.
The guy at the Co-op takes the $100 and runs to pay his debt to the
local prostitute, who has also been facing hard times and has had to
offer her "services" on credit.
The hooker rushes to the hotel and pays off her room bill with the hotel owner.
The hotel proprietor then places the $100 back on the counter so the traveler will not suspect anything.
At that moment the traveler comes down the stairs, states that the rooms
are not satisfactory, picks up the $100 bill and leaves.
No one produced anything. No one earned anything... However, the whole
town thinks that they are now out of debt and there is a false atmosphere of optimism.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how an Obama stimulus package works.