Sunday, January 31, 2010

Prohibit Property Transfer Tax in Missouri

Prohibit Property Transfer Tax in Missouri

Dear Friend,

It may have been a while since you have heard from me. But this is so important to me and you, that I reviewed all my email contacts and have chosen to send this to you under a ‘bcc’, because I am sure you would want to know.

It is about, a proactive initiative to mobilize Missouri residents across the state for a ballot initiative in 2010 to constitutionally protect real estate property from a real estate transfer tax. This basically means that when you soldl a real estate property you would be charged a ‘tax,” possibly by the county, city, and/or state.

Several states on our borders, do have property transfer taxes in place, and with the current economic condition, the state of Missouri may decide this would be a good idea for generating revenue. It seems to be a current trend across the nation. Their average tax is 4% of the sale price! Once a real estate transfer tax is put into place, it can be increased without additional voter input.

Please educate yourself by taking a few minutes to see the short video about this initiative. Just press ‘ctrl’ and click on the link below. Please forward to as many people as possible. If you choose not to forward, nothing bad will happen to you now. . . But something bad may happen to all of us later, if you don’t ! !

(The opinions stated in this email are mine and should not be construed otherwise.)

Thanks for your time!

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