Department of Military Correctness: No Flag for You

U.S. troops storm Haiti; raise Old Glory to mark their triumphant occupation! This is, apparently, the twisted view of the Obama administration, which has now banned flying the American flag at U.S. military relief compounds in Haiti. When asked for an explanation, the U.S. government's Haiti Joint Information Center said, "We are not here as an occupation force, but as an international partner committed to supporting the government of Haiti on the road to recovery." Never a truer statement was spoken.
However, that merely obscures the real reasons for the flag ban. Every other military compound in Haiti flies the flag of its nation, as it should. So why is the flag of the United States of America, a nation which has donated far more in money and man-hours to assist Haiti in earthquake recovery than any other nation on earth, the only flag banned from flying in Haiti? The answer, of course, is that our Apologist-in-Chief is ashamed of America, its history, its exceptionalism, and especially its military. November 2012 can't arrive fast enough.
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