Jedi Survival Tips - May the Force be With You…
Is it just me or has anyone else found the Star Wars Saga to be deeply profound and insightful? Who knew that this movie was all about Emergency Preparedness. Here’s some great tips to help you get ready…oh and “May the Force be With You!”
Do or do not… there is no try. -Yoda
When it comes to getting prepared for an emergency you either do or do not, there is no try. When we say that we’ll try what we’re actually saying is, I’ll do it if I get around to it and that type of mind set will not get you ready ahead of the proverbial storm. You either do it (Get Ready) or you do not (Don’t Get Ready).
In my experience, there’s no such thing as luck. - Obi-Wan
When a disaster strikes, and it will, those that weather the storm are those that took the time to get educated and prepared. When I say prepared I’m referring to not only physical preparations like food, water and emergency supplies. I’m referring to getting emotionally, mentally and physically prepared. A lot of the emotional and mental preparation will come from the peace of mind that you get when you know you have a plan in place and the necessary tools and supplies to execute the plan.
One thing’s for sure, we’re all gonna be a lot thinner. - Hans Solo
Ok, sure Hans was actually referring to being crushed by a futuristic trash compactor, but that was just a metaphor for any emergency situation. And whether you’re not prepared to stop a trash compactor or to get past the next disaster you’re gonna be a lot thinner.
Luke: What’s in there?
Yoda: Only what you take with you.
Clearly the dialogue between Luke and Yoda as Luke is going into the cave on Dagobah to fight Darth Vader to complete his Jedi training is a metaphor for getting prepared for an emergency. I mean sure on the surface it appears to be a metaphor about Luke facing his darkest fears, yada, yada, but if you pull back the layers at it’s core it’s all about the importance of getting ready for an emergency. *I’m arcing my hand in front of your face -Jedi Mind Trick* As I say, “You see this clearly now”.
Anyway, back to the quote, Luke says, “What’s in there?” (metaphorically) So what’s in your 72-Hour Kit? And of course Yoda in all his profoundness replies, “Only what you take with you.” So what are you taking with you in your kit?
If you won’t follow my advice, at least consider Yoda’s.
Is it just me or has anyone else found the Star Wars Saga to be deeply profound and insightful? Who knew that this movie was all about Emergency Preparedness. Here’s some great tips to help you get ready…oh and “May the Force be With You!”

When it comes to getting prepared for an emergency you either do or do not, there is no try. When we say that we’ll try what we’re actually saying is, I’ll do it if I get around to it and that type of mind set will not get you ready ahead of the proverbial storm. You either do it (Get Ready) or you do not (Don’t Get Ready).
In my experience, there’s no such thing as luck. - Obi-Wan
When a disaster strikes, and it will, those that weather the storm are those that took the time to get educated and prepared. When I say prepared I’m referring to not only physical preparations like food, water and emergency supplies. I’m referring to getting emotionally, mentally and physically prepared. A lot of the emotional and mental preparation will come from the peace of mind that you get when you know you have a plan in place and the necessary tools and supplies to execute the plan.
One thing’s for sure, we’re all gonna be a lot thinner. - Hans Solo
Ok, sure Hans was actually referring to being crushed by a futuristic trash compactor, but that was just a metaphor for any emergency situation. And whether you’re not prepared to stop a trash compactor or to get past the next disaster you’re gonna be a lot thinner.
Luke: What’s in there?
Yoda: Only what you take with you.
Clearly the dialogue between Luke and Yoda as Luke is going into the cave on Dagobah to fight Darth Vader to complete his Jedi training is a metaphor for getting prepared for an emergency. I mean sure on the surface it appears to be a metaphor about Luke facing his darkest fears, yada, yada, but if you pull back the layers at it’s core it’s all about the importance of getting ready for an emergency. *I’m arcing my hand in front of your face -Jedi Mind Trick* As I say, “You see this clearly now”.
Anyway, back to the quote, Luke says, “What’s in there?” (metaphorically) So what’s in your 72-Hour Kit? And of course Yoda in all his profoundness replies, “Only what you take with you.” So what are you taking with you in your kit?
If you won’t follow my advice, at least consider Yoda’s.
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