Friday, July 31, 2009
Ted Nugent Talks that Texas Talk I like to Hear
Musician Ted Nugent was interviewed by an Austin liberal, EvanSmith, CEO of TX Monthly. Check the look on this guy's face during Ted's answer. PBS must be kicking their own butts that they let Ted have a forumon their people's party station.
Holster Safety and the Four Rules
Here is my answer:
The Four Rules
1. All guns are always loaded.
2. Never point the gun at anything you are not willing to destroy.
3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target (and you have made the decision to shoot).
4. Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.
The second of the Four Rules is the main focal point of this article: "Never point the gun at anything you are not willing to destroy."
This rule applies every time you pick up, hold, or put down a firearm. While you are holding the gun, you never deliberately or cluelessly let it point at stuff you don't want holes in.
But what about muzzle direction when you are not directly holding the gun?
I am of the opinion that a gun, by itself, is an inert object. There is no rational reason to fear a loaded gun lying on the kitchen table as long as no one is touching it. (See footnote1) Gun shop customers do not need to worry about a gun of unknown state (loaded? unloaded?) which is behind a gunshop counter, no matter which direction the gun is pointed, as long as no one is touching it. An untouched firearm is only a thing. It is not a living creature with a mind or a will of its own.
The risk comes when human beings enter the picture. Because human beings are prone to accidents and mistakes, the gun must be pointed in a safe direction whenever human hands touch it. If you cannot pick a firearm up without pointing it in an unsafe direction (or if it is already pointed in an unsafe direction), you should not put your hand on it. If you cannot put a firearm down without pointing it in an unsafe direction, you should not put it down. This is necessary because the mixture of human hand and unsafe direction can cause bad stuff to happen.
With me so far?
When considering whether a holster is "safe" or "not safe," I don't worry much about muzzle orientation while the user's hand is not on the gun. A gun held securely inside a trigger-covering holster, and which is not being handled by a human being, is as safe and as inert as one which is lying on the table untouched.
But notice the italics in the paragraph above. The real danger comes when the gun is being placed into, or withdrawn from, the holster, because that is the point at which human hands get involved in the process. With some holsters, this risk can be avoided entirely. For instance, with a dropped and offset OWB holster on the point of the hip, it takes a near-determined effort of will to cover oneself with the firearm (though I've seen it done!). Yet this sort of rig isn't easily concealed and thus isn't practical for those who want to carry a concealed firearm.
The risk of pointing the gun in an unsafe direction during the process of getting the gun into or out of its holster can be greatly minimized so that it is nearly avoided. This deliberate action takes a very conscious effort of will, and should never become a matter of complacency.
One example of minimizing the risk would be the careful process of safely holstering and unholstering with a shoulder holster. Most smart folks I know who carry with one of these rigs make a conscious effort to place the left elbow high into the air while drawing with the right hand. This moves the brachial artery far away from the risk of inadvertent discharge. (See footnote 2)
Any time you absolutely must come close to violating one of the Four Rules, it should be a red flag to slow down and pay special attention to all the other rules. The safety rules should be so engrained in your habits and thoughts that it should take a really conscious act of the will to do anything near the line.
Another example. Since I carry my IWB holster in the appendix carry position, I never reholster while sitting down. Ever. If I did so, the gun's muzzle would be pointed directly at my femoral artery while I handled the gun -- a very dangerous combination of circumstances! Even standing up, I'm always very conscious of where my trigger finger is while I am reholstering, and hold my trigger finger far outside the trigger guard at all times. And I don't simply stand up straight. Instead, I put my right leg slightly to the rear, suck my gut in as far as it will go, and lean back slightly while reholstering. This allows me to angle the muzzle away from me during the process. Doing it this way, if a shot were to fire it would most likely strike the ground in front of me rather than hitting any of my favorite body parts. Nevertheless, I'm always very conscious of the risk while reholstering, and never reholster in a hurry.
My point here is that the combination of human hand plus loaded gun is dangerous. Every carry method you might choose will probably allow the gun to point at stuff you don't want shot during the day, and there's simply no way around that fact. For safety's sake, remember that if the gun is pointed in an unsafe direction, you must never be the one doing the pointing.
If you are uncertain whether you have been using your holster safely, please be sure to read the "Safety Matters" article on the Cornered Cat website that corresponds to your holster type, and contact a qualified instructor to discuss any specific concerns you might have.
Safety Matters:
Using a Belt Holster -- Matters: Using a Shoulder Holster -- Matters: Using a Waist Pack Holster --
Stay Safe!
Footnotes 1. Please note the exception! If there is a possibility of children, the criminal, or the clueless picking the gun up, it's not safe just lying there. But as long as none of those pesky and unpredictable human beings come on the scene, the gun isn't going to do anything on its own. 2. It does not, however, reduce the danger to people standing behind or to the left side of the person wearing the shoulder holster. For this reason, these rigs are rarely allowed on crowded ranges -- though you may be able to find an instructor willing to work with you to learn safe drawing techniques under carefully-controlled conditions.
Kathy Jackson is the Managing Editor of Concealed Carry Magazine. This article is from her website. She has an incredible amount of information for those who carry concealed at Go check out her website and bookmark it. You will definitely want to revisit!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Government Run Pyramid Scam
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Thank God for Fox News
This evening I wanted to watch a 2nd hour of the news(yes, I am a news geek), but it was storming so do my dish went out. I couldn’t watch Fox News(damit!!!) By the way the #1 news network in every category every hour. But I regress. So anyway I decided to watch the local channel which had CBS World News with Kati Coric. Most of us know the #1 issue right now is the healthcare bill Obama is trying to shove up our !@#$%^&. Not only the uncontrollable costs, rationed care, limited care, the Government deciding life saving surgery & medication for the elderly by your life expectancy, in other words will you live long enough to repay for the procedure with your taxes. Don’t believe me, look it up. Having to wait 4 to 5 months to see a DR. This is just one more huge step towards total government control and taking away the rights of working Americans. And I could go on and on. Well, I’m waiting for her to report that story…waiting…waiting…In the middle of the news cast she reported only that there will be a severe shortage of DR’s, don’t get me wrong that’s scary enough. This was a 2 minute segment that said nothing of all that I mentioned above. How many people watch the ABC, CBS, & the dreaded NBC and have no clue what is about to happen to our country. Someone was telling me about a lady at her work whose mother at age 86 had just had surgery. This person told her she’s lucky she had the surgery now before Obama Care goes through. She replied you really don’t think he would be that mean do you. It’s sad but there are a lot of people out there that don’t have a clue. WAKE UP AMERICA, WE ARE LOSING OUR COUNTRY AND THEY ARE COUNTING ON UNINFORMED, NIEVE PEOPLE TO MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Shocking: Inside the Healthcare Bill
Please don’t depend on your Congressman to read a bill that you will be paying forShocking:
Inside the Healthcare Bill
Following the mad recommendations of Peter Singer made in NYT's Sunday magazine, it pays to take a look at what is actually in the healthcare bill.
It's worse than you can possibly imagine. Somehow, it manages to be Singer on steroids. Who wrote this bill. It has Singer's footprints all over it.
Peter Fleckstein (aka Fleckman) is reading it and has been posting on Twitter his findings. This is from his postings (Note: All comments are Fleckman's)
Pg 22 of the HC Bill MANDATES the Govt will audit books of ALL EMPLOYERS that self insure!!
Pg 30 Sec 123 of HC bill - THERE WILL BE A GOVT COMMITTEE that decides what treatments/benes u get
Pg 29 lines 4-16 in the HC bill - YOUR HEALTHCARE IS RATIONED!!!
Pg 42 of HC Bill - The Health Choices Commissioner will choose UR HC Benefits 4 you. U have no choice!
PG 50 Section 152 in HC bill - HC will be provided 2 ALL non US citizens, illegal or otherwise
Pg 58HC Bill - Govt will have real-time access 2 individs finances & a National ID Healthcard will be issued!
Pg 59 HC Bill lines 21-24 Govt will have direct access 2 ur banks accts 4 electronic funds transfers
PG 65 Sec 164 is a payoff subsidized plan 4 retirees and their families in Unions & community orgs (ACORN).
Pg 72 Lines 8-14 Govt is creating an HC Exchange 2 bring priv HC plans under Govt control.
PG 84 Sec 203 HC bill - Govt mandates ALL benefit pkgs 4 priv. HC plans in the Exchange
PG 85 Line 7 HC Bill - Specs for of Benefit Levels for Plans = The Govt will ration ur Healthcare!
PG 91 Lines 4-7 HC Bill - Govt mandates linguistic approp svcs. Example - Translation 4 illegal aliens
Pg 95 HC Bill Lines 8-18 The Govt will use groups i.e., ACORN & Americorps 2 sign up indiv. for Govt HC plan
PG 85 Line 7 HC Bill - Specs of Ben Levels 4 Plans. #AARP members - U Health care WILL b rationed
-PG 102 Lines 12-18 HC Bill - Medicaid Eligible Indiv. will be automat.enrolled in Medicaid. No choice
pg 124 lines 24-25 HC No company can sue GOVT on price fixing. No "judicial review" against Govt Monopoly
pg 127 Lines 1-16 HC Bill - Doctors/ #AMA - The Govt will tell YOU what u can make.
Pg 145 Line 15-17 An Employer MUST auto enroll employees into pub opt plan. NO CHOICE
Pg 126 Lines 22-25 Employers MUST pay 4 HC 4 part time employees AND their families.
Pg 149 Lines 16-24 ANY Employer w payroll 400k & above who does not prov. pub opt. pays 8% tax on all payroll
pg 150 Lines 9-13 Biz with payroll btw 251k & 400k who doesnt provide. pub. opt pays 2-6% tax on all payroll
Pg 167 Lines 18-23 ANY individual who doesnt have acceptable HC accrdng 2 Govt will be taxed 2.5% of inc
Pg 170 Lines 1-3 HC Bill Any NONRESIDENT Alien is exempt from indiv. taxes. (Americans will pay)
Pg 195 HC Bill -officers & employees of HC Admin (GOVT) will have access 2 ALL Americans finan/pers recs
PG 203 Line 14-15 HC - "The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax" Yes, it says that
Pg 239 Line 14-24 HC Bill Govt will reduce physician svcs 4 Medicaid. Seniors, low income, poor affected
Pg 241 Line 6-8 HC Bill - Doctors, doesnt matter what specialty u have, you'll all be paid the same
PG 253 Line 10-18 Govt sets value of Dr's time, prof judg, etc. Literally value of humans.
PG 265 Sec 1131Govt mandates & controls productivity for private HC industries
PG 268 Sec 1141 Fed Govt regulates rental & purchase of power driven wheelchairs
PG 272 SEC. 1145. TREATMENT OF CERTAIN CANCER HOSPITALS - Cancer patients - welcome to rationing!
Page 280 Sec 1151 The Govt will penalize hospitals 4 what Govt deems preventable readmissions.
Pg 298 Lines 9-11 Drs, treat a patient during initial admiss that results in a readmiss-Govt will penalize u.
Pg 317 L 13-20 OMG!! PROHIBITION on ownership/investment. Govt tells Drs. what/how much they can own.
Pg 317-318 lines 21-25,1-3 PROHIBITION on expansion- Govt is mandating hospitals cannot expand
pg 321 2-13 Hospitals have oppt to apply for exception BUT community input required. Can u say ACORN?!!
Pg335 L 16-25 Pg 336-339 - Govt mandates estab. of outcome based measures. HC the way they want. Rationing
Pg 341 Lines 3-9 Govt has authority 2 disqual Medicare Adv Plans, HMOs, etc. Forcing peeps in2 Govt plan
Pg 354 Sec 1177 - Govt will RESTRICT enrollment of Special needs ppl! (WTF. My sis has down syndrome!!)
Pg 379 Sec 1191 Govt creates more bureaucracy - Telehealth Advisory Cmtte. Can u say HC by phone?
PG 425 Lines 4-12 Govt mandates Advance Care Planning Consult. Think Senior Citizens end of life
Pg 425 Lines 17-19 Govt will instruct & consult regarding living wills, durable powers of atty. Mandatory!
PG 425 Lines 22-25, 426 Lines 1-3 Govt provides apprvd list of end of life resources, guiding u in death
PG 427 Lines 15-24 Govt mandates program 4 orders 4 end of life. The Govt has a say in how ur life ends
Pg 429 Lines 1-9 An "adv. care planning consult" will b used frequently as patients health deteriorates
PG 429 Lines 10-12 "adv. care consultation" may incl an ORDER 4 end of life plans. AN ORDER from GOV
Pg 429 Lines 13-25 - The govt will specify which Doctors can write an end of life order.
PG 430 Lines 11-15 The Govt will decide what level of treatment u will have at end of life
Pg 469 - Community Based Home Medical Services=Non profit orgs. Hello, ACORN Medical Svcs here!!?
Page 472 Lines 14-17 PAYMENT TO COMMUNITY-BASED ORG. 1 monthly payment 2 a community-based org. Like ACORN?
PG 489 Sec 1308 The Govt will cover Marriage & Family therapy. Which means they will insert Govt in2 ur marriage
Pg 494-498 Govt will cover Mental Health Svcs including defining, creating, rationing those svcs
Monday, July 27, 2009
"BAIL EM OUT! ????

Hell, back in 1990, the Government seized the Mustang Ranch brothel in Nevada for tax evasion and, as required by law, tried to run it. They failed and it closed. Now we are trusting the economy of our country, our banking system, our auto industry and possibly our health plans to the same nit-wits who couldn't make money running a whore house and selling whiskey!"
Preparing an Emergency Evacuation Plan
Gas Leaks
It is vitally important that you prepare for the possibility of evacuation. The terrible stories of Hurricane Katrina make it very clear that you should not rely solely on government or other entities for help. It is true that in most cases there will be help, but it is painfully obvious that this is not always the case.
Here are a few things you can do to prepare:
Your plan should be well rehearsed by everyone in your family so that there is no question as to who to call and what to do. This can help you and your loved ones with coping in an emergency situation. This will also allow for a quick head count as some family members may be gone during a disaster.
For instance, your spouse could be at work and you may need to rely on them to help you and the other family members as they may have access to resources you may need.
There may be times when communication devices will not function correctly. If you have agreed on a meeting place, each person can feel safe when they have met in the proper place without having to worry about coordinating with others that they were not able to contact.
This place could be different depending on the emergency. If the emergency is a house fire, it could be just to meet by the mail box in front of your home. If you are required to evacuate the area, it could be to meet at the home of a relative or friend that lives in a safer area.
Keep 72-Hour-Kits for each member of the family in a safe place that is easily accessible in the case of an emergency. You may want to also keep these in your car. The kits should have everything they need to survive for 72 hours. Including food, water, shelter, sanitary supplies, medications, and clothing.
Don’t forget to include a good first-aid kit in your 72-Hour kit. Most people remember to store food, but neglect a good, pure water supply. Remember that you can live longer without food than you can without water.
There may be cases where there won’t be a practical place to stay, locally. You will want to maintain an out of state emergency contact so that you can make arrangements with them to help you during a disaster.
An easy map can be posted in the main areas of your home or building. Most people understand how to get out of a home quickly but a high rise building can be another thing all together. The disaster could happen while you are at work or at school. Don’t neglect the need to be familiar with alternative exits in your place of work. You may not be able to use the usual ones.
There will likely be roads closed in an emergency in order to keep people from driving into the disaster area. This means you will probably need to use an alternate route out of the area. Make sure you are aware of at least three different ways out of your neighborhood or city.
The only way you will know which roads have been closed is by listening to the radio or some other media device. Many hand held devices include a navigation system, however, the power in these devises can be used up quickly. Also, the disaster could happen at night which means you will need to have access to light. I recommend a dynamo powered radio and light. (One that you can crank to charge.) These can range from the very powerful, to the simple. Dynamo power is useful as you will always have access to it. Some of these devices also have solar power which will make it easier to use during the day.
Whole world Needs A Leader Like This!
Prime Minister - Kevin Rudd - Australia
Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks..
Separately, Rudd angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote: 'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians. '
'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom'
'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Russian, or any other language.
Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!'
'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.'
'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'
'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.'
'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.'
Maybe if we circulate this amongst ourselves, WE will find the courage to start speaking and voicing the same truths.
If you agree please SEND THIS ON and ON to as many people as you know
We've Figured Him Out
Why is President Barack Obama in such a hurry to get his socialized medicine bill passed?
Because he and his cunning circle realize some basic truths:
The American people in their unimaginable kindness and trust voted for a pig in a poke in 2008. They wanted so much to believe Barack Obama was somehow better and different from other ultra-leftists that they simply took him on faith.
They ignored his anti-white writings in his books. They ignored his quiet acceptance of hysterical anti-American diatribes by his minister, Jeremiah Wright.
They ignored his refusal to explain years at a time of his life as a student. They ignored his ultra-left record as a "community organizer," Illinois state legislator, and Senator.
The American people ignored his total zero of an academic record as a student and teacher, his complete lack of scholarship when he was being touted as a scholar.
Now, the American people are starting to wake up to the truth. Barack Obama is a super likeable super leftist, not a fan of this country, way, way too cozy with the terrorist leaders in the Middle East, way beyond naïveté, all the way into active destruction of our interests and our allies and our future.
The American people have already awakened to the truth that the stimulus bill -- a great idea in theory -- was really an immense bribe to Democrat interest groups, and in no way an effort to help all Americans.
Now, Americans are waking up to the truth that ObamaCare basically means that every time you are sick or injured, you will have a clerk from the Department of Motor Vehicles telling your doctor what he can and cannot do.
The American people already know that Mr. Obama's plan to lower health costs while expanding coverage and bureaucracy is a myth, a promise of something that never was and never will be -- a bureaucracy lowering costs in a free society. Either the costs go up or the free society goes away.
These are perilous times. Mrs. Hillary Clinton, our Secretary of State, has given Iran the go-ahead to have nuclear weapons, an unqualified betrayal of the nation. Now, we face a devastating loss of freedom at home in health care. It will be joined by controls on our lives to "protect us" from global warming, itself largely a fraud if believed to be caused by man.
Mr. Obama knows Americans are getting wise and will stop him if he delays at all in taking away our freedoms.
There is his urgency and our opportunity. Once freedom is lost, America is lost. Wake up, beloved America.
Ben Stein is a writer, actor, economist, and lawyer living in Beverly Hills and Malibu. He writes "Ben Stein's Diary" for every issue of The American Spectator.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
A lady wrote the best letter in the Editorials in ages!!! It explains things better than all the baloney you hear on TV.
Her point:
Recently large demonstrations have taken place across the country protesting the fact that Congress is finally addressing the issue of illegal immigration.

Certain people are angry that the US might protect its own borders, might make it harder to sneak into this country and, once here, to stay indefinitely.
Let me see if I correctly understand the thinking behind these protests. Let's say I break into your house.Let's say that when you discover me in your house, you insist that I leave.
But I say, "I've made all the beds and washed the dishes and did the laundry and swept the floors. I've done all the things you don't like to do. I'm hard-working and honest (except for when I broke into your house).
According to the protesters:
You are Required to let me stay in your house
You are Required to add me to your family's insurance plan
You are Required to Educate my kids
You are Required to Provide other benefits to me & to my family
(my husband will do all of your yard work becausehe is also hard-working and honest, except for that breaking in part).
If you try to call the police or force me out, I will call my friends who will picket your house carrying signs that proclaim my RIGHT to be there.
It's only fair, after all, because you have a nicer house than I do, and I'm just trying to better myself. I'm a hard-working and honest, person, except for well, you know, I did break into your house
And what a deal it is for me!!!
I live in your house, contributing only a fraction of the cost of my keep, and there is nothing you can do about it without being accused of cold, uncaring, selfish, prejudiced, and bigoted behavior.
Oh yeah, I DEMAND that you to learn MY LANGUAGE!!! so you can communicate with me.
Why can't people see how ridiculous this is?! Only in America .if you agree, pass it on (in English). Share it if you see the value of it.
If not blow it off......... along with your future Social Security funds, and a lot of other things.
and now...the real story.
THIS answers some questions about the timing and execution of this operation....... specially the Obama strict guidance on HOW and WHEN ........ that was obviously intended to protect the Obama butt from criticism and lay the blame for a dead captain on the men on site.......
Having spoken to some SEAL pals here in Virginia Beach yesterday and asking why this thing dragged out for 4 days, I got the following:
1. BHO wouldn't authorize the DEVGRU/NSWC SEAL teams to the scene for 36 hours going against OSC (on scene commander) recommendation.
2. Once they arrived, BHO imposed restrictions on their ROE that they couldn't do anything unless the hostage's life was in "imminent" danger
3. The first time the hostage jumped, the SEALS had the raggies all sighted in, but could not fire due to ROE restriction
4. When the navy RIB came under fire as it approached with supplies, no fire was returned due to ROE restrictions. As the raggies were shooting at the RIB, they were exposed and the SEALS had them all dialed in.
5. BHO specifically denied two rescue plans developed by the Bainbridge CPN and SEAL teams
6. Bainbridge CPN and SEAL team CDR finally decide they have the OpArea and OSC authority to solely determine risk to hostage. 4 hours later, 3 dead raggies
7. BHO immediately claims credit for his "daring and decisive" behaviour. As usual with him, it's BS.So per our last email thread, I'm downgrading Oohbaby's performace to D-. Only reason it's not an F is that the hostage survived. Read the following accurate account.
Philips’ first leap into the warm, dark water of the Indian Ocean Bainbridge in range and a rescue by his country’s Navy possible, Philips threw himself off of his lifeboat prison, enabling Navy shooters onboard the destroyer a clear shot at his captors — and none was taken.
The guidance from National Command Authority — the president of the United States, Barack Obama — had been clear: a peaceful solution was the only acceptable outcome to this standoff unless the hostage’s life was in clear, extreme danger.
The next day, a small Navy boat approaching the floating raft was fired on by the Somali pirates — and again no fire was returned and no pirates killed. This was again due to the cautious stance assumed by Navy personnel thanks to the combination of a lack of clear guidance from Washington and a mandate from the commander in chief’s staff not to act until Obama, a man with no background of dealing with such issues and no track record of decisiveness, decided that any outcome other than a “peaceful solution” would be acceptable.
After taking fire from the Somali kidnappers again Saturday night, the onscenecommander decided he’d had enough.
Keeping his authority to act in the case of a clear and present danger to the hostage’s life and having heard nothing from Washington since yet another request to mount a rescue operation had been denied the day before, the Navy officer — unnamed in all media reports to date — decided the AK47 one captor had leveled at Philips’ back was a threat to the hostage’s life and ordered the NSWC team to take their shots.
Three rounds downrange later, all three brigands became enemy KIA and Philips was safe.
There is upside, downside, and spinside to the series of events over the last week that culminated in yesterday’s dramatic rescue of an American hostage.
Almost immediately following word of the rescue, the Obama administration and its supporters claimed victory against pirates in the Indian Ocean and [1] declared that the dramatic end to the standoff put paid to questions of the inexperienced president’s toughness and decisiveness.
Despite the Obama administration’s (and its sycophants’) attempt to spin yesterday’s success as a result of bold, decisive leadership by the inexperienced president, the reality is nothing of the sort.
What should have been a standoff lasting only hours — as long as it took the USS Bainbridge and its team of NSWC operators to steam to the location — became an embarrassing four day and counting standoff between a ragtag handful of criminals with rifles and a U.S. Navy warship.
Gun control

Friday, July 24, 2009
A Patriots Cry ~ Take Back Our Country
The following letter, read on Glenn Beck's show, is rapidly circulating around the country. Americans everywhere identify with this 53-year-old woman. She has given us a voice. Once you read this, you will want to forward it to all of your friends...
GLENN BECK: I got a letter from a woman in Arizona . She writes an open letter to our nation's leadership: I'm a home grown American citizen, 53, registered Democrat all my life. Before the last presidential election I registered as a Republican because I no longer felt the Democratic Party represents my views or works to pursue issues important to me. Now I no longer feel the Republican Party represents my views or works to pursue issues important to me. The fact is I no longer feel any political party or representative in Washington represents my views or works to pursue the issues important to me. There must be someone. Please tell me who you are. Please stand up and tell me that you are there and that you're willing to fight for our Constitution as it was written. Please stand up now. You might ask yourself what my views and issues a re that I would horribly feel so disenfranchised by both major political parties. What kind of nut job am I? Will you please tell me? Well, these are briefly my views and issues for which I seek representation:
One, illegal immigration. I want you to stop coddling illegal immigrants and secure our borders. Close the underground tunnels. Stop the violence and the trafficking in drugs and people. No amnesty, not again. Been there, done that, no resolution. P.S., I'm not a racist. This isn't to be confused with legal immigration.
Two, the TARP bill, I want it repealed and I want no further funding supplied to it. We told you no, but you did it anyway. I want the remaining unfunded 95% repealed. Freeze, repeal.
Three: Czars, I want the circumvention of our checks and balances stopped immediately. Fire the czars. No more czars. Government officials answer to the process, not to the president. Stop trampling on our Constitution and honor it.
Four, cap and trade. The debate on global warming is not over. There is more to say.
Five, universal healthcare. I will not be rushed into another expensive decision. Don't you dare try to pass this in the middle of the night and then go on break. Slow down!
Six, growing government control. I want states rights and sovereignty fully restored. I want less government in my life, not more. Shrink it down. Mind your own business. You have enough to take care of with your real obligations. Why don't you start there.
Seven, ACORN. I do not want ACORN and its affiliates in charge of our 2010 census. I want them investigated. I also do not want mandatory escrow fees contributed to them every time on every real estate deal that closes. Stop the funding to ACORN and its affiliates pending impartial audits and investigations. I do not trust them with taking the census over with our taxpayer money. I don't trust them with our taxpayer money. Face up to the allegations against them and get it resolved before taxpayers get any more involved with them. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, hello. Stop protecting your political buddies. You work for us, the people. Investigate.
Eight, redistribution of wealth. No, no, no. I work for my money. It is mine. I have always worked for people with more money than I have because they gave me jobs. That is the only redistribution of wealth that I will support. I never got a job from a poor person. Why do you want me to hate my employers? Why -- what do you have against shareholders making a profit?
Nine, charitable contributions. Although I never got a job from a poor person, I have helped many in need. Charity belongs in our local communities, where we know our needs best and can use our local talent and our local resources. Butt out, please. We want to do it ourselves.
Ten, corporate bailouts. Knock it off. Sink or swim like the rest of us. If there are hard times ahead, we'll be better off just getting into it and letting the strong survive. Quick and painful. Have you ever ripped off a Band-Aid? We will pull together. Great things happen in America under great hardship. Give us the chance to innovate. We cannot disappoint you more than you have disappointed us.
Eleven, transparency and accountability. How about it? No, really, how about it? Let's have it. Let's say we give the buzzwords a rest and have some straight honest talk. Please try -- please stop manipulating and trying to appease me with clever wording. I am not the idiot you obviously take me for. Stop sneaking around and meeting in back rooms making deals with your friends. It will only be a prelude to your criminal investigation. Stop hiding things from me.
Twelve, unprecedented quick spending. Stop it now. Take a breath. Listen to the people. Let's just slow down and get some input from some nonpoliticians on the subject. Stop making everything an emergency. Stop speed reading our bills into law. I am not an activist. I am not a community organizer. Nor am I a terrorist, a militant or a violent person. I am a parent and a grandparent. I work. I'm busy. I'm busy. I am busy, and I am tired. I thought we elected competent people to take care of the business s of government so that we could work, raise our families, pay our bills, have a little recreation, complain about taxes, endure our hardships, pursue our personal goals, cut our lawn, wash our cars on the weekends and be responsible contributing members of society and teach our children to be the same all while living in the home of the free and land of the brave.
I entrusted you with upholding the Constitution. I believed in the checks and balances to keep from getting far off course. What happened? You are very far off course. Do you really think I find humor in the hiring of a speed reader to unintelligently ramble all through a bill that you signed into law without knowing what it contained? I do not. It is a mockery of the responsibility I have entrusted to you. It is a slap in the face. I am not laughing at your arrogance. Why is it that I feel as if you would not trust me to make a single decision about my own life and how I would live it but you should expect that I should trust you with the debt that you have laid on all of us and our children. We did not want the TARP bill. We said no. We would repeal it if we could. I am sure that we still cannot. There is such urgency and recklessness in all of the recent spending.
From my perspective, it seems that all of you have gone insane. I also know that I am far from alone in these feelings. Do you honestly feel that your current pursuits have merit to patriotic Americans? We want it to stop. We want to put the brakes on everything that is being rushed by us and forced upon us. We want our voice back. You have forced us to put our lives on hold to straighten out the mess that you are making. We will have to give up our vacations, our time spent with our children, any relaxation time we may have had and money we cannot afford to spend on you to bring our concerns to Washington . Our president often knows all the right buzzword is unsustainable. Well, no kidding. How many tens of thousands of dollars did the focus group cost to come up with that word? We don't want your overpriced words. Stop treating us like we're morons.
We want all of you to stop focusing on your reelection and do the job we want done, not the job you want done or the job your party wants done. You work for us and at this rate I guarantee you not for long because we are coming. We will be heard and we will be represented. You think we're so busy with our lives that we will never come for you? We are the formerly silent majority, all of us who quietly work , pay taxes, obey the law, vote, save money, keep our noses to the grindstone and we are now looking up at you. You have awakened us, the patriotic spirit so strong and so powerful that it had been sleeping too long. You have pushed us too far. Our numbers are great. They may surprise you. For every one of us who will be there, there will be hundreds more that could not come. Unlike you, we have their trust. We will represent them honestly, rest assured. They will be at the polls on voting day to usher you out of office. We have cancelled vacations. We will use our last few dollars saved. We will find the representation among us and a grassroots campaign will flourish. We didn't ask for this fight. But the gloves are coming off. We do not come in violence, but we are angry. You will represent us or you will be replaced with someone who will. There are candidates among us when he will rise like a Phoenix from the ashes that you have made of our constitution.
Democrat, Republican, independent, libertarian. Understand this. We don't care. Political parties are meaningless to us. Patriotic Americans are willing to do right by us and our Constitution and that is all that matters to us now. We are going to fire all of you who abuse power and seek more. It is not your power. It is ours and we want it back. We entrusted you with it and you abused it. You are dishonorable. You are dishonest. As Americans we are ashamed of you. You have brought shame to us. If you are not representing the wants and needs of your constituency loudly and consistently, in spite of the objections of your party, you will be fired. Did you hear? We no longer care about your political parties. You need to be loyal to us, not to them. Because we will get you fired and they will not save you. If you do or can represent me, my issues, my views, please stand up. Make your identity known. You need to make some noise about it. Speak up. I need to know who you are. If you do not speak up, you will be herded out with the rest of the sheep and we will replace the whole damn congress if need be one by one. We are coming. Are we coming for you? Who do you represent? What do you represent? Listen. Because we are coming. We the people are coming.
INFORMATION EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW...........................

My nurse friend sent this and encouraged me to post it and spread the word.I agree.
If everyone can remember something this simple, we could save some folks.Seriously..
Please read:
During a BBQ, a friend stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics) .she said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes.
Ingrid's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00 pm Ingrid passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Ingrid would be with us today. Some don't die. they end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead.
It only takes a minute to read this...
Thank God for the sense to remember the '3' steps, STR . Read and Learn!
Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke..
I have done my part. Will you?
Democrats Health Plan

It is apparent that my message sent yesterday must have riled the King and his noble lords. Afraid of a peasant uprising they developed a simple map for our simple dirt farming minds to understand their masterful health plan. I could not fathom a possibility of summing up a 1000+ page doctrine in just 1 simple diagram. I beseech you to never again doubt our feudalistic system or our brilliant king. You will understand what I speak of once you view, first hand, the wizardry of this simple diagram. When explained in such clear and easy to follow format I could not see how such a simply laid plan could go wrong. I will rest easy tonight knowing that this is type of brilliant programs that are implemented with over half the earnings I get from toiling in the fields.
A Practice Regimen to Hit Where You Aim
by Gary Hoff
Those of us who have a license to carry a concealed handgun should understand that it is our responsibility to be proficient with the handgun and have the ability to deploy the handgun when it is required. Merriam - Webster's online dictionary defines proficient as "(implying) a thorough competence derived from training and practice". That means that we are competent in employing the handgun and hitting the target.
Training is acquired from reliable organizations employing experienced instructors, usually with a background in law enforcement, military or extensive civilian experience. You are encouraged to seek this professional training. Practice is what you do to maintain the skills that you acquired from the professional trainers. Of all these skills the ability to efficiently draw the handgun and to hit what you aim at are paramount. Without these two skills everything else that you learned in professional training is worthless. Who cares if you can "slice the pie" around a corner or shoot from a car if you can't hit what you aim at.
What follows is a practice regimen that has helped me. It is not expensive, laborious, nor boring and it helps me maintain my "trigger time". Hopefully you can use this regimen as well.
Where to Practice?
There are three answers to this question: at home, at an outdoor range, or at an indoor range. Many ranges today now employ "safe range rules" which limits what you can do in the way of practice. For example, drawing from the holster is pretty much out of the question at many ranges. Practice at home usually involves only dry fire practice where no live ammo is involved (holes in that new plasma TV set are frowned upon).
So what's best? It depends on where you live and the facilities available to you. Routine dry fire practice at home is strongly encouraged and helps maintain grip/sight/trigger control. As far as the live fire range is concerned, I prefer the indoor range. It's convenient, targets can be changed at will, range can be varied, warmer in the winter, etc. When I go to practice, I go to concentrate on that practice, not stand around during the practice time and wait for the "line safe" command so that I can change targets.
Hit What You Aim At
Two important components of a handgun that determine whether or not you will hit what you aim at are the sights and the trigger.
As the distance to the target increases, sights become more important. However, at less than seven yards, the common self defense distances, sights have less importance and may not be possible to bring into action or they may have magically disappeared. In one training class that I attended, the front sight on my Glock 30 was knocked off and lost. You won't have time to fix the problem in a real gun fight so I didn't take the time in the course. After a few minutes of shooting, I learned how to shoot my G30 without a front sight and get hits. I finished the day without the sight.
The trigger is another matter altogether. Any trainer will tell you that trigger control is central to getting hits at all ranges. If you are shooting at less than seven yards and you are missing the target, it is your trigger control that is at fault. Special ammo, special sights, "sticky grips" won't help you. You are jerking the trigger, pushing the trigger sideways, slapping the trigger or over gripping the gun with the strong hand rather than simply pressing the trigger straight back along the axis of the bore. Spend your money on practice ammo and professional training.

Pressing the trigger straight back requires the proper finger position on the trigger and moving only the trigger finger. This in turn depends on the size of the gun, the size of your hand and fingers, and the design of the grip. Picture 1 shows the "pad" and the "first joint" of the finger on the trigger (thumb is down to show the trigger finger). Generally you will be instructed to use the pad of the finger for most semi-automatic handguns and the first joint for most revolvers. Good info as far as it goes but it doesn't take into account the relative size of the hand and the gun.
In my case, I shoot my carry guns, the Glock 26 and the Glock 30, exclusively. These are small guns and I have large hands with long fingers. I found that when I use the pad of the finger, I will invariably throw the shot low and left (shooting right handed). When I move the first joint to the trigger my shots hit point of aim. Thus, I shoot with the first joint of the finger on the trigger.
The point is to find out where you have to place your finger to manipulate the trigger straight back along the axis of the bore. To do this, start with dry fire practice (NO AMMO and the gun double checked to be sure that it is empty, including the chamber, every time you pick it up). With the gun pointed in a safe direction and an aiming point established, slowly press the trigger until the firing pin is released. The sights should stay on the aiming point (make the aiming point very small so that it is easier to see the muzzle moving off the point of aim). If the trigger press doesn't feel comfortable and relaxed adjust your finger position until you achieve success. Make sure the last three fingers of the strong hand do not over grip the gun.
Make your practice slow, deliberate and concentrated. When you begin to speed up, or your concentration wanders, quit for the day. Remember that perfect practice makes permanent. Once you achieve repeatability in dry fire practice, move to the live fire range.
Firing live ammo at the range adds the dimension of recoil to your practice. Recoil will move the gun off the aiming point on each shot. This will require you to reset the aim of the gun each time. A common reaction to this is to grip the gun tighter. This will cause the gun to waver more as you try to line up the shot, causing more problems in hitting your target. Keep your hand/grip uniform from shot to shot. I like to use the full size silhouette paper targets. Shots off the aiming point are more likely to be on paper and you will then know where they are going. I add a 3" orange sticker to the target as an aiming point. This ensures that each shot fired is at the same aim point. If you can't see where your shots are going, the practice is nothing more than throwing lead down range.

My practice regimen is simple: 200 rounds over a one hour period shot in the following manner. Start at 25 yards, fire 100 rounds in 10 round strings, 50 rounds per target. Then move to 15 yards, fire 50 rounds in 10 round strings. Finally, move to 7 yards and fire 50 rounds in 10 round strings. Evaluate the shots after every 10 round string.
All shots should be centered on the aiming point. If the shots are strung out low and left [right-handed shooter] you are probably jerking or slapping the trigger. If the shots are high or low, the problem may be your sight alignment. Remember that to get center hits the trigger must come straight back along the axis of the bore. Mark the shots with a marker, reset the target at distance, and shoot another string of 10 and evaluate.
What accuracy should you strive for? All shots in one hole at 25 yards, of course! Well that's not going to happen so let's be practical. The distance between the nipples on a human's chest is about 9". That is my goal at 25 yards; all 50 shots per target within a 9" circle. Simple mathematics will show that 9" at 25 yards is about 5.5" at 15 yards and about 2.5 - 3" at seven yards. So now each target can be evaluated against accuracy goals. Certainly shot spreads smaller than this are desired and easily achievable. Live fire practice will reduce this spread but under no circumstances should the spread be larger.

Drawing Practice
Now that you can hit what you aim at, you must learn to efficiently draw the gun from the holster. I will not cover clearing a concealment garment so that you can get to the holster. That is a topic for a whole other article. I want to concentrate on practice to make the draw smooth and efficient. The draw stroke that I use is a four step process (adapted from the noted firearms instructor Dave Spaulding). It has been covered in many magazine articles and book chapters. The four step process is to bring the hand to the gun and get a firing grip on the gun. Pull straight up to clear the holster (this will raise the elbow). Drop the elbow orienting the gun to the target. Push the gun straight to the target, acquiring sights and a support hand grip as you go. If you are going to shoot, then the "shot" should break just as you reach full extension and are on target.
During drawing practice, you must develop the ability to draw the gun, get on target and reholster without looking at the gun and holster. That is, do the practice without taking your eye off the target. Remember, you have to pay attention to the bad guys and you can't do that watching yourself draw or reholster the gun. Another point: if you can't reholster the gun without holding the holster open with your support hand get another holster! Saving money by buying a cheap holster is a waste of money. Never, ever muzzle yourself; not even your fingers! You may have ten fingers but there is no reason to sacrifice them.
This same draw practice should also be used to practice magazine changes. Pull the slide back to slide lock. At the start beep, drop the magazine, get a fresh one from your magazine pouch and insert it into the gun. Use the slide stop lever to release the slide. Get on target and "sights on" before the stop beep. Start with a par time of three seconds and work your way down. Again a 1 - 1.5 second time is admirable.
In Conclusion....
Whether or not you seek professional training (and I strongly encourage you to do so), you still need to practice hitting what you aim at and deploying the gun when necessary. Carrying a concealed handgun for your defense is a grave responsibility. You must be proficient with that gun. The practice regimen that I have presented isn't very expensive nor is it very time consuming. Feel free to use it as is or modify it to suit your own needs. But remember, sloppy practice results in sloppy, period. Stay safe, and check 360.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Pastor Herb Flanders of the United Methodist Church.
Dear President Obama,
As I gather the Sunday before Memorial Day to worship with two United Methodist congregations I pastor in Griffin, Ga., I'll think about some of your recent comments. I'll be thinking of what you told a crowd of about 2,000 in Strasbourg, Germany, as you spoke of our nation's views of Europe - "Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive."
The gray, balding heads on the people who worship with me attest to their years of toil and labor on this Earth. They are, as Jesus said, the 'salt of the Earth.' They are grandmamas and granddaddies, blue-collar folks who worked hard to build a community and raise families, to give to others when they had precious little for themselves. They continue to do these things today.
'Salt of the Earth' they are and heroes to boot. When this nation called, they answered with a resounding 'yes' and went where Uncle Sam asked them. A couple of months ago, we laid John Busbin to rest.
Like you, he visited Europe on behalf of the U.S. He beat you there by 65 years and spent his time marking and clearing mine fields, not giving speeches. Rather than being arrogant, dismissive or derisive, John partnered with the French and others to meet a common challenge. Others did the same, sailing on ships, slogging through mud, or soaring through the air because evil and tyranny were well on their way to taking over the world.
I wish you'd come May 24th and sit with these folks as we sing America the Beautiful and America. I'd like it if you could sit up front with me when Maxine Bunn and Jerry Turner do a medley of military service hymns and the veterans or spouses of deceased veterans stand when their branch's hymn is played. They grab hold of the pew in front of them to pull themselves to their feet. I know I'm in the company of giants.
I'd love for you to meet Janie Worthy and understand those tears that still glisten on her cheeks each Memorial Day Sunday.
Janie married John Pershing Botkin in August 1943. Their daughter Gail was born Aug. 10, 1944, three or four months after John shipped out to Europe. Janie, 19, went to St. Mary's, Ohio, to stay with her in-laws after Gail was born. One Sunday afternoon in early December, farm families began to call each other as the postmaster's Model A made its way down the country roads. They knew that car carried news that would shatter a family and were trying to figure out where he was headed. He stopped in front of Janie's in-laws' farmhouse. Her daddy-in-law walked out to meet him and learned that John was killed in action Nov. 11, 1944, serving with the Army in Alsace. Cpl. Botkin never saw, held, or kissed his little girl. As a father, you can empathize with Janie's salty tears.
Perhaps if you could come, you'd see why your words hurt so many so much. America may be many things, and she certainly isn't perfect, but heroes with whom I share my life have hardly been arrogant, dismissive, or derisive of Europe. They've given themselves to save Europe when Europe couldn't save itself.
So, Mr. President, get out of Washington for a weekend and take a trip down to Georgia. We'll feed you some barbecue over in Williamson, and I'll introduce you to some friends of mine, some everyday giants and ordinary heroes.
God bless,
Herb Flanders
Proposed Healthcare Reform Legislation
They should abide by the laws they pass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jury Duty Scam
Pass this onto your grown children.
This has been verified by the FBI (their link is also included below). Please pass this on to everyone in your e-mail address book. It is spreading fast so be prepared should you get this call. Most of us take those summonses for jury duty seriously, but enough people skip out on their civic duty, that a new and ominous kind of fraud has surfaced.
The caller claims to be a jury coordinator. If you protest that you never received a summons for jury duty, the scammer asks you for your Social Security number and date of birth so he or she can verify the information and cancel the arrest warrant. Give out any of this information and bingo; your identity was just stolen.
The fraud has been reported so far in 11 states, including Oklahoma , Illinois , and Colorado . This (swindle) is particularly insidious because they use intimidation over the phone to try to bully people into giving information by pretending they are with the court system.
The FBI and the federal court system have issued nationwide alerts on their web sites, warning consumers about the fraud.
Check it out here:
And here:
Please make sure and pass this on!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Action Alert: Guns, Taxes, Health Care and Government Gangsters
This isn’t really a call to a specific action, but rather a general call to readiness and awareness. There is a lot going on with our government that is bound to hurt us all in the long and short run.
1.Sotomayor is under consideration for the Supreme Court. In Maloney v. Cuomo she signed the opinion that state governments do not have to follow the mandates of the Second Amendment. She is NOT a friend of the Constitution and specifically the Second Amendment.
2.Obama is "rahming" a health care bill down the throats of the American public. What a joke! Part of this bill would penalize small businesses by fining them up to 8% of their payroll if they didn’t give healthcare to their employees. With nearly 10% unemployment, they now want to stick it to one of the few bright spots in this economy (small business and entrepreneurs) by forcing more layoffs and raising consumer prices on goods. LEAVE US THE HELL ALONE!3.Over one trillion dollars ($1,000,000,000,0000.00) has been made up out of thin air, squandered on BS and given to those that don’t deserve even one penny. A jet flying at the speed of sound reeling a giant roll of one dollar bills would have a 14 year flight before it ran out of dollars. Just in this last round of bailouts, the cost for every man, woman and child to pay back (novel concept) this money is $3288.83 (based off of 2008 census estimates). Consider that most people don’t pay taxes and get a free ride. That is on your shoulders now and your children’s shoulders in the future.
There has been some news lately of a man flying an American flag with the union down due to personal reasons, but I think that maybe it is time to consider that our country is in extreme distress.
4 U.S.C. § 8(a) (2008).
(a) The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.
On the front of our building, we proudly display two types of flags. Side note: Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, defended an intelligence report classifying those that have the below types of flags as “domestic extremists”.
1.The Gadsden Flag. This was one of the earliest flags of the American Revolution.
2.The Sons of Liberty Flag. This was the flag of the organization that carried out the Boston Tea Party and also gave us the term Liberty Tree.
America is strong and so are the people. We need to start showing it, demand that our rights are not infringed upon anymore. It is our country, our money and our rights. Not theirs.
Work harder. Millions more on welfare, unemployment, government jobs, Wall Street, GM, AIG,etc… depend on you. By the way, train your kids to do the same too, because we’ve already spent their tax burden as well.
As the owner of a nationally recognized gun company, I sometimes take the liberty of speaking my mind. I take a lot of heat from media and others for some of my positions, but this is America and I feel a duty to stand up to the tyrannical and socialistic tendencies of our current administration. Call your representatives, demand action and remind everyone that you meet that these actions by the government are not acceptable.
"...a wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government." -- Thomas Jefferson
Eric R. ThompsonPresidentTGSCOM Inc.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
The Communist are using labor unions to promote there Communist agenda
SECTION 5. All Party members who are eligible must belong to their respective labor unions. If no union exists at a Party member’s place of employment, he or she shall strive to organize, or help to organize, a labor union whenever possible.
For proof go to there web site and read how thay will do it.
Prophetic? Yes, but how many Americans today will see it as something alien?
Send this to everyone you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
He wanted to be a Marine fighter pilot. The US was building up their military force, but they were not at war yet and the Navy required all its potential Navy and Marine pilots to have two years of college. So Ed started classes at BostonCollege. When Pearl Harbor was attacked the Army and the Navy both dropped the college requirement and Ed applied to the Marines. His primary flight training was in Dallas and then he went to Pensacola , Florida . He was carrier qualified, which means he knew how to perform a controlled crash of his single engine fighter, onto the rolling deck of a Navy floating runway. It took Ed almost two years to get through all the Navy flight training. His problem was he was a very good pilot and the Marines needed flight instructors. He had a great command presence and public speaking ability, which landed him in the classroom, training new baby Marine pilots.
His orders to the Pacific fleet and the chance to fly combat missions off a carrier came in the spring of 1945, on the same day the Atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima . Of course his orders where changed. He never went to sea and he was out of the Marines in 1946.
Ed stayed in the USMC as a reserve officer. He became a successful personality in the new TV medium, after the war. His Marine command presence helped. He was recalled to active duty during the Korean War. He never got to fly his figh ter aircraft, but he saw his share of raw combat. He flew the Cessna O-1E Bird Dog, which is a single engine slow-moving unarmed plane.. He functioned as an artillery spotter for the Marine batteries on the ground and as a forward controller for the Navy & Marine fighter / bombers who flew in on fast moving jet engines, bombed the area and were gone in seconds. Captain Ed was still circling the enemy looking for more targets, all the time taking North Korean and Chinese ground fire.
He stayed with the Marines as a reserve officer and retired in 1966 as a Colonel.
The world knows Ed as Ed McMahon of the Johnny Carson, Tonight Show. One night I was watching the show when the subject of Colonel McMahon earning a number of Navy Air Medals came up & Carson, a former Navy officer, understood the significance of these medals, but McMahon shrugged it off, saying that if you flew enough combat missions they just sort of gave them to you. McMahon flew 85 combat missions over North Korea ; he earned every one of those Air Medals. The casualty rate, for flying forward air controllers in Korea sometimes exceeded 50% of a squadron's manpower. McMahon was lucky to have gotten home from that war.
Once a Marine, always a Marine. When the public was spitting (taking their personal safety into their own hands) at Marines on the streets of Southern California during Vietnam , Colonel McMahon was taking Marines off the streets and into his posh Beverley Hills home. I spoke to a retired Marine aircrew member the day Colonel McMahon died and he personally remembered seeing McMahon at numerous Marine Air Bases in California in the 1960s. He was known for going to the Navy hospitals and visiting the wounded Marines and Sailors from this country's conflicts, even in the last years of his life. Colonel McMahon presented awards and decorations to fellow Marines and attended many a Marine ceremony and the annual Marine Corps Birthday Ball. He stayed true to his Corps as a board member of the Marine Corps Scholarship Fund and as the honorary chairman of the National Marine Corps Aviation Museum. After retiring from the Marine Reserve, one night on the Johnny Carson show, members of the California Air National Guard came on stage. Colonel McMahon was commissioned a Brigadier General in the Air Guard in front of millions of Americans who watched it happen live. You will not see anything like that on TV anymore. The three core values of a United States Marine are; honor, courage and commitment. This is what a Marine is taught from the first day of training and this is what that Marine believes... That was Colonel Edward P. McMahon Jr. USMCR Retired. Before he was a national figure he was a true combat hero and a patriot the nation needed then and this country needs now. Your war is over.
Thank you Colonel McMahon. Semper Fi sir.
23 June 2009
Major Van Harl USAF Ret.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Gun Confiscation is Beginning
Gun Confiscation is Beginning--Senate Bill SB-2099]
I don't know about you but I am really getting sick of this crap in Washington. I am sending an issue message to the A-holes who represent us in FL and see what they say.
They can pass all the laws like that they want to but I ain't listing any of my firearms on my income tax returns. If they want an inventory, they can come to my house and try to get one. Artie Lee
Tracey Vige wrote:
This is total BS! And scary to think where could lead. (like confiscating said documented guns!)
If you own a gun, or not, please read this all the way through.
HR45 Gun Owners Watch Out Concerning the Blair-Holt proposed legislation: Senate Bill SB-2099 will require us to put on our 2009 1040 federal tax form all guns that you have or own. It may require fingerprints and a tax of $50 per gun.
In November, our lying president promised he was not going after our Second Amendment rights. This bill was introduced on Feb. 24. This bill will become public knowledge 30 days after it is voted into law. This is an amendment to the Internal Revenue Act of 1986. This means that the Finance Committee can pass this without the Senate voting on it at all.
The full text of the proposed amendment is on the U.S. Senate homepage, You can find the bill by doing a search by the bill number, SB-2099.
You know who to call; I strongly suggest you do. Please send a copy of this e-mail to every gun owner you know.
Congress is now starting on the firearms confiscation bill. If it passes, gun owners will
become criminals if you don't fully comply. It has started. Very Important for you to be aware of a new bill HR 45 introduced into the House. This is the Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sale Act of 2009. Even gun shop owners didn't know about this because the government is trying to fly it under the radar. To find out about this - go to any government website and type in HR 45 or Google HR 45 Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sales Act of 2009. You will get all the information.
Basically this would make it illegal to own a firearm - any rifle with a clip or ANY pistol
unless: It is registered -You are fingerprinted -You supply a current Driver's License -You supply yourSocial Security # -You will submit to a physical & mental evaluation at any time of their choosing -Each update change or ownership through private or public sale must be reported and costs $25 - Failure to do so you automatically lose the
right to own a firearm and are subject up to a year in jail. -There is a child provision clause on page 16 section 305 stating a child-access provision. Gun must be locked and inaccessible to any child under 18. -They would have the right to come and inspect that you are storing your gun safely away from accessibility to children and fine is punishable for up to 5 yrs. in prison. If you think this is a joke - go to the website and take your pick of many options to read this. It is long and lengthy. But, more and more
people are becoming aware of this. Pass the word along. Any hunters in your family pass this along. This is just a "termite" approach to complete confiscation of guns
and disarming of our society to the point we have no defense - chip away a little here and there until the goal is accomplished before anyone realizes it. This is one to act on whether you own a gun or not. If you take my gun, only the criminal will have one to use
against me. HR 45 only makes me/us less safe.
copy and send this out to EVERYONE in the USA, whether you support the
Right to Bear Arms or not. YOUR rights are next. Government is
taking away our right to choose, as well as the right to defend ourselves from intruders.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Joe Legal vs. Jose Illegal
Here is an example of why hiring illegal aliens is not economically productive for the State of California ...or the US!
You have 2 families..."Joe Legal" and "Jose Illegal". Both families have 2 parents, 2 children and live in California.
"Joe Legal" works in construction, has a Social Security Number, and makes $25.00 per hour with payroll taxes deducted...."Jose Illegal" also works in construction, has "NO" Social Security Number, and gets paid $15.00 cash "under the table".
Joe Legal...$25.00 per hour x 40 hours = $1000.00 per week, ($52,000 per year). Now take 30% away for state & federal tax Joe Legal now has $31,231.00
Jose Illegal...$15.00 per hour x 40 hours $600.00 per week, ($31,200.00per year). Jose Illegal pays no taxes... Jose Illegal now has $31,200.00
Joe Legal pays Medical and Dental Insurance with limited coverage$1000.00 per month ($12,000.00 per year.) Joe Legal now has $19,231.00
Jose Illegal has full Medical and Dental coverage through the state and local clinics at a cost of $0.00 per year Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00
Joe Legal makes too much money and is not eligible for Food Stamps or welfare. Joe Legal pays for food $1,000.00 per month ($12,000.00 per year)Joe Legal now has $ 7,231.00
Jose Illegal has no documented income and is eligible for Food Stamps and Welfare. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00
Joe Legal pays rent of $1,000.00 per month ($12,000.00 per year).
Joe Legal is now in the hole minus (-) $4,769.00
Jose Illegal receives a $500 per month Federal rent subsidyJose Illegal pays rent $500.00 per month $6,000.00 per yearJose Illegal still has $25,200.00
Joe Legal now works overtime on Saturdays or gets a part time job
after work. Or, his wife has to go to work to make ends meet.
Jose Illegal has nights and weekends off to enjoy with his family.
Joe Legal's and Jose Illegal's children both attend the same school. Joe Legal pays for his children's lunches while Jose Illegal's children get a government sponsored lunch. Jose Illegal's children have an after school ESL program. Joe Legal's children go home.
Joe Legal and Jose Illegal both enjoy the same Police, Fire, Parks and
Highway Services, but Joe paid for them and Jose did not pay!
Don't vote/support any politician that supports illegal aliens.. Its time to take a stand for America and Americans!
Friday, July 3, 2009
'Not I,' said the cow.
'Not I,' said the duck.
'Not I,' said the pig.
'Not I,' said the goose.
'Then I will do it by myself,' said the little red hen, and so she did. The wheat grew very tall and ripened into golden grain.
'Who will help me reap my wheat?' asked the little red hen.
'Not I,' said the duck...
'Out of my classification,' said the pig.
'I'd lose my seniority,' said the cow.
'I'd lose my unemployment compensation,' said the goose.
'Then I will do it by myself,' said the little red hen, and so she did.
At last it came time to bake the bread.
'Who will help me bake the bread?' asked the little red hen.
'That would be overtime for me,' said the cow.
'I'd lose my welfare benefits,' said the duck.
'I'm a dropout and never learned how,' said the pig.
'If I'm to be the only helper, that's discrimination,' said the goose.
'Then I will do it by myself,' said the little red hen.
She baked five loaves and held them up for all of her neighbors to see. They wanted some and, in fact, demanded a share. But the little red hen said, 'No, I shall eat all five loaves.'
'Excess profits!' cried the cow. (Nancy Pelosi)
'Capitalist leech!' screamed the duck. (Barbara Boxer)
'I demand equal rights!' yelled the goose. (Jesse Jackson)
The pig just grunted in disdain. (Ted Kennedy)
And they all painted 'Unfair!' picket signs and marched around and around the little red hen, shouting obscenities.
Then the farmer (Obama) came. He said to the little red hen, 'You must not be so greedy.'
'But I earned the bread,' said the little red hen.
'Exactly,' said Barack the farmer. 'That is what makes our free enterprise system so wonderful. Anyone in the barnyard can earn as much as he wants. But under our modern government regulations, the productive workers must divide the fruits of their labor with those who are lazy and idle.'
And they all lived happily ever after, including the little red hen, who smiled and clucked, 'I am grateful, for now I truly understand.'
But her neighbors became quite disappointed in her. She never again baked bread because she joined the 'party' and got her bread free. And all the Democrats smiled. 'Fairness' had been established.(Bread became scarce and the price tripled)
Individual initiative had died, but nobody noticed; perhaps no one long as there was free bread that 'the rich' were paying for.
Bill Clinton is getting $12 million for his memoirs.
Hillary got $8 million for hers.
That's $20 million for the memories from two people, who for eight years, repeatedly testified, under oath, that they couldn't remember anything.