Action Alert: Guns, Taxes, Health Care and Government Gangsters
This isn’t really a call to a specific action, but rather a general call to readiness and awareness. There is a lot going on with our government that is bound to hurt us all in the long and short run.
1.Sotomayor is under consideration for the Supreme Court. In Maloney v. Cuomo she signed the opinion that state governments do not have to follow the mandates of the Second Amendment. She is NOT a friend of the Constitution and specifically the Second Amendment.
2.Obama is "rahming" a health care bill down the throats of the American public. What a joke! Part of this bill would penalize small businesses by fining them up to 8% of their payroll if they didn’t give healthcare to their employees. With nearly 10% unemployment, they now want to stick it to one of the few bright spots in this economy (small business and entrepreneurs) by forcing more layoffs and raising consumer prices on goods. LEAVE US THE HELL ALONE!3.Over one trillion dollars ($1,000,000,000,0000.00) has been made up out of thin air, squandered on BS and given to those that don’t deserve even one penny. A jet flying at the speed of sound reeling a giant roll of one dollar bills would have a 14 year flight before it ran out of dollars. Just in this last round of bailouts, the cost for every man, woman and child to pay back (novel concept) this money is $3288.83 (based off of 2008 census estimates). Consider that most people don’t pay taxes and get a free ride. That is on your shoulders now and your children’s shoulders in the future.
There has been some news lately of a man flying an American flag with the union down due to personal reasons, but I think that maybe it is time to consider that our country is in extreme distress.
4 U.S.C. § 8(a) (2008).
(a) The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.
On the front of our building, we proudly display two types of flags. Side note: Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, defended an intelligence report classifying those that have the below types of flags as “domestic extremists”.
1.The Gadsden Flag. This was one of the earliest flags of the American Revolution.
2.The Sons of Liberty Flag. This was the flag of the organization that carried out the Boston Tea Party and also gave us the term Liberty Tree.
America is strong and so are the people. We need to start showing it, demand that our rights are not infringed upon anymore. It is our country, our money and our rights. Not theirs.
Work harder. Millions more on welfare, unemployment, government jobs, Wall Street, GM, AIG,etc… depend on you. By the way, train your kids to do the same too, because we’ve already spent their tax burden as well.
As the owner of a nationally recognized gun company, I sometimes take the liberty of speaking my mind. I take a lot of heat from media and others for some of my positions, but this is America and I feel a duty to stand up to the tyrannical and socialistic tendencies of our current administration. Call your representatives, demand action and remind everyone that you meet that these actions by the government are not acceptable.
"...a wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government." -- Thomas Jefferson
Eric R. ThompsonPresidentTGSCOM Inc.
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