Monday, October 12, 2009

The Land of MREs and Honey

The Land of MREs and Honey
In a perfect world, nothing would ever go wrong. No one would ever get hurt. Everyone would have everything they need and want and would all get along. Unfortunately, that's not the world we live in. There is fighting over resources, greed, and just plain evil. In addition to that, there are natural disasters that can threaten and even kill.

There are different ways of dealing with this not so perfect world. Some people choose to join in on the fighting. Some choose to stick their heads in the sand out of fear. Others choose to live day to day without a thought of what might be coming around the corner.
Then there are the people who choose to just talk about how good things used to be. "Preparedness People" take an altogether different approach. We love this world. We have figured out that we don't need to create problems, nor do we need to avoid them all together.

We are realistic enough to understand that problems will come. Disasters will happen, but we don't spend our time wishing for yesterday. Instead, we are able to enjoy today to the fullest and not have anxiety about the future because we are prepared!
We can hold our heads up high and not only know that we will be okay when a disaster strikes, but we will be able to help those around us. One of my great mentors in life always said to me..."Preparation is the mother of self-reliance." I believe that is true.

I know we can't fix everything in this world, but can you imagine a world where everyone thought this way? Everyone took the time to prepare for tomorrow so that they can enjoy today? It would be the land of MREs, Freeze Dried Food, and Honey!
The level of trust between nations and people would skyrocket because there would persist an attitude of reaching out and helping each other. Now I'm not saying we all need to hold hands and sing Kumbaya, but I do believe we can all do much better.

One of our goals here at The Ready Store is to help America get ready, but we are not so naive to think we can do it all by ourselves. We need your help! Here are a few ways you can help us create the "Land of MREs and Honey.":

1. Make sure you are personally ready.
2. Make sure your family and extended family members are ready.
3. Make sure your neighborhood is ready.

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