Dear Vigilant Gun Owner,
What is it again the anti-gun politicians say would be “all ours” if we’d just give up our guns?
“Safety,” right? “Security?”
That’s the gun grabbers’ Big Lie.
And it’s the same Big Lie the anti-gunners are using to try to ram through a new “REAL ID” Bill (more appropriately named, DANGEROUS ID).
That’s why I hope you’ll agree to help me fight back TODAY.
You see, President Obama and the rest of his anti-gun administration are upset.
Thanks to your help -- and help from folks just like you from all over the country -- 23 states have come to their senses and REFUSED to comply with the original DANGEROUS ID Bill!
But Barack Obama and the gun grabbers aren’t giving up.
In fact, they’re going all out to ram “PASS ID” -- the new DANGEROUS ID Bill -- into law.
That’s the LAST thing we need.
In fact, we should do everything we can to repeal DANGEROUS ID altogether!
But that can’t happen unless you act TODAY.
The fact is, the Obama Administration is trying to sell the new “PASS ID” bill introduced by Senator Daniel Akaka (D-HI) as a “softer, more palatable” version of the original DANGEROUS ID Bill.
Not surprisingly, it’s anything but.
Just like the old bill, the new DANGEROUS ID Bill is nothing more than a transparent attempt to establish a National ID System.
And since drivers’ licenses are required to buy firearms, DANGEROUS ID will almost certainly be used to create a national gun registry.
Have a concealed carry permit? Well, concealed carry information is commonly included in state police databases...
...so you can bet your permit would be “registered” in the Federal Government’s new National ID system as well.
And just consider the incredible authority Congress would transfer to Barack Obama’s Surveillance Czar Janet Napolitano should the new DANGEROUS ID Bill pass.
If passed, she could establish virtually any standards she wants!
Retinal scans. Fingerprints. DNA data. RFID tracking chips so anti-gun government goons can watch your every movement. You name it.
Are you feeling “safe” and “secure” yet?
I know I’m not.
In fact, after reading all those Homeland Security “memos” and “directives” calling patriotic Americans like you and me “terrorists,” all this sends shivers down my spine.
If you agree, please act today: Click here to sign the petition urging your Congressman and Senators to stop PASS ID, and instead repeal DANGEROUS ID altogether.
But as bad as all this is, it gets way worse.
You see, the anti-gunners tipped their hand during the debate over the original DANGEROUS ID Bill.
In the original draft of the legislation, the proposed National ID database would have been linked to Mexican and Canadian ID databases.
And the photograph requirements in the current “PASS ID” act follow the United Nations’ biometric formatting standards to a tee.
Under these standards, government software can analyze facial characteristics and generate a unique identification number that includes not only your identity...
...but virtually any other information an international bureaucrat might want to know about you as well...
...like gun ownership, for example.
You and I both know the anti-gunners ultimate goal is to strip EVERY private citizen of the right to own ANY gun.
And if they have to use the UN or another world government body to succeed, so be it.
Need I remind you that right outside United Nations headquarters in New York City stands a sculpture of a handgun with a knotted barrel?
The fact is, you and I MUST do everything we can not only to defeat the new “PASS ID” act, but to repeal DANGEROUS ID altogether.
The good news is the National Association for Gun Rights has a plan to do exactly that.
First, I’ve planned a massive take-no-prisoners grassroots mailing to really turn up the heat on targeted U.S. Senators.
With any luck, this will slow “PASS ID” down, and -- just as importantly -- begin building the support for a total repeal.
But that’s far from all I have planned.
You see, if we’re going to win, you and I are going to have to go toe-to-toe with the gun grabbers with a full-scale media campaign.
You know the deal.
Targeted leafleting. Guest editorials. Blogging. Media interviews. Even newspaper, radio and TV ads if possible.
And just in case the U.S. Senate doesn’t get the message right off the bat, we’re going to be ready to hammer them with mailing after grassroots mailing until they finally “see the light.”
But none of this is cheap.
In fact, a massive program like this will be very expensive.
Trust me, I know how tough things are for many folks right now, and I didn’t make the decision to launch a fight to stop “PASS ID” and repeal DANGEROUS ID altogether lightly.
At the same time, the decision to fight DANGEROUS ID wasn’t hard.
You and I don’t have a choice. We simply must win this fight.
If you agree, please click here to sign NAGR's petitions to your Congressman and Senators.
In addition to your signed petitions, I hope you’ll also rush me a generous contribution of $250.
I know that’s a lot to ask. But I wouldn’t even consider asking for $250 if this fight weren’t so critical.
If $250 is just too much right now, I hope you’ll agree to make a contribution of at least $150, $100 or $50 instead.
We’ve made some good headway in the last couple of years against DANGEROUS ID, and more and more Americans are aware of the danger.
But Barack Obama, Janet Napolitano and the rest of the Second Amendment’s sworn enemies aren’t happy -- and they’re determined to get their way.
That’s why we MUST fight back now.
So please make a generous contribution of $250. If that’s too much, please help out with a contribution of $200, $100 or $50 TODAY.
For Liberty,
Dudley Brown
Executive Director
P.S. The Obama Administration and the gun grabbers in Congress are doing everything they can to ram a new DANGEROUS ID into law.
If passed, this new version -- called “PASS ID” -- will almost certainly be used to create a national gun registry and could even include mandated RFID-tracking chips so government goons can track your every move.
That’s why it’s vital you sign NAGR's petition urging your Congressman and Senators to STOP "PASS ID” and instead repeal the original DANGEROUS ID Bill altogether!
And please help NAGR in this critical fight by making a generous contribution of at least $200, $100 or $50 TODAY!
What is it again the anti-gun politicians say would be “all ours” if we’d just give up our guns?
“Safety,” right? “Security?”
That’s the gun grabbers’ Big Lie.
And it’s the same Big Lie the anti-gunners are using to try to ram through a new “REAL ID” Bill (more appropriately named, DANGEROUS ID).
That’s why I hope you’ll agree to help me fight back TODAY.
You see, President Obama and the rest of his anti-gun administration are upset.
Thanks to your help -- and help from folks just like you from all over the country -- 23 states have come to their senses and REFUSED to comply with the original DANGEROUS ID Bill!
But Barack Obama and the gun grabbers aren’t giving up.
In fact, they’re going all out to ram “PASS ID” -- the new DANGEROUS ID Bill -- into law.
That’s the LAST thing we need.
In fact, we should do everything we can to repeal DANGEROUS ID altogether!
But that can’t happen unless you act TODAY.
The fact is, the Obama Administration is trying to sell the new “PASS ID” bill introduced by Senator Daniel Akaka (D-HI) as a “softer, more palatable” version of the original DANGEROUS ID Bill.
Not surprisingly, it’s anything but.
Just like the old bill, the new DANGEROUS ID Bill is nothing more than a transparent attempt to establish a National ID System.
And since drivers’ licenses are required to buy firearms, DANGEROUS ID will almost certainly be used to create a national gun registry.
Have a concealed carry permit? Well, concealed carry information is commonly included in state police databases...
...so you can bet your permit would be “registered” in the Federal Government’s new National ID system as well.
And just consider the incredible authority Congress would transfer to Barack Obama’s Surveillance Czar Janet Napolitano should the new DANGEROUS ID Bill pass.
If passed, she could establish virtually any standards she wants!
Retinal scans. Fingerprints. DNA data. RFID tracking chips so anti-gun government goons can watch your every movement. You name it.
Are you feeling “safe” and “secure” yet?
I know I’m not.
In fact, after reading all those Homeland Security “memos” and “directives” calling patriotic Americans like you and me “terrorists,” all this sends shivers down my spine.
If you agree, please act today: Click here to sign the petition urging your Congressman and Senators to stop PASS ID, and instead repeal DANGEROUS ID altogether.
But as bad as all this is, it gets way worse.
You see, the anti-gunners tipped their hand during the debate over the original DANGEROUS ID Bill.
In the original draft of the legislation, the proposed National ID database would have been linked to Mexican and Canadian ID databases.
And the photograph requirements in the current “PASS ID” act follow the United Nations’ biometric formatting standards to a tee.
Under these standards, government software can analyze facial characteristics and generate a unique identification number that includes not only your identity...
...but virtually any other information an international bureaucrat might want to know about you as well...
...like gun ownership, for example.
You and I both know the anti-gunners ultimate goal is to strip EVERY private citizen of the right to own ANY gun.
And if they have to use the UN or another world government body to succeed, so be it.
Need I remind you that right outside United Nations headquarters in New York City stands a sculpture of a handgun with a knotted barrel?
The fact is, you and I MUST do everything we can not only to defeat the new “PASS ID” act, but to repeal DANGEROUS ID altogether.
The good news is the National Association for Gun Rights has a plan to do exactly that.
First, I’ve planned a massive take-no-prisoners grassroots mailing to really turn up the heat on targeted U.S. Senators.
With any luck, this will slow “PASS ID” down, and -- just as importantly -- begin building the support for a total repeal.
But that’s far from all I have planned.
You see, if we’re going to win, you and I are going to have to go toe-to-toe with the gun grabbers with a full-scale media campaign.
You know the deal.
Targeted leafleting. Guest editorials. Blogging. Media interviews. Even newspaper, radio and TV ads if possible.
And just in case the U.S. Senate doesn’t get the message right off the bat, we’re going to be ready to hammer them with mailing after grassroots mailing until they finally “see the light.”
But none of this is cheap.
In fact, a massive program like this will be very expensive.
Trust me, I know how tough things are for many folks right now, and I didn’t make the decision to launch a fight to stop “PASS ID” and repeal DANGEROUS ID altogether lightly.
At the same time, the decision to fight DANGEROUS ID wasn’t hard.
You and I don’t have a choice. We simply must win this fight.
If you agree, please click here to sign NAGR's petitions to your Congressman and Senators.
In addition to your signed petitions, I hope you’ll also rush me a generous contribution of $250.
I know that’s a lot to ask. But I wouldn’t even consider asking for $250 if this fight weren’t so critical.
If $250 is just too much right now, I hope you’ll agree to make a contribution of at least $150, $100 or $50 instead.
We’ve made some good headway in the last couple of years against DANGEROUS ID, and more and more Americans are aware of the danger.
But Barack Obama, Janet Napolitano and the rest of the Second Amendment’s sworn enemies aren’t happy -- and they’re determined to get their way.
That’s why we MUST fight back now.
So please make a generous contribution of $250. If that’s too much, please help out with a contribution of $200, $100 or $50 TODAY.
For Liberty,
Dudley Brown
Executive Director
P.S. The Obama Administration and the gun grabbers in Congress are doing everything they can to ram a new DANGEROUS ID into law.
If passed, this new version -- called “PASS ID” -- will almost certainly be used to create a national gun registry and could even include mandated RFID-tracking chips so government goons can track your every move.
That’s why it’s vital you sign NAGR's petition urging your Congressman and Senators to STOP "PASS ID” and instead repeal the original DANGEROUS ID Bill altogether!
And please help NAGR in this critical fight by making a generous contribution of at least $200, $100 or $50 TODAY!
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